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  • Posted 2013-05-19 14:35:18 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC Surina

    (Ga-Koro, Surina's hut):


    "And I trust you will remember this", Surina said with a grin. Viima is so good at throwing disks that even drugged, he'll be able to hit his mark. Needless to say who the target will -"


    The door opened and Viima entered. "Here's the wine", he said. "I hope you're happy."


    "Of course. Splendid work", Surina said. "Now let me fix you two a drink. It'll take just one moment..."


    Viima looked around nervously, avoiding Celite's look. He swore to himself he would take care of this "stalker" of Surina's quickly and get back to Le-Koro, where he was needed.


    "Here you go", Surina said, handing out a drink for Viima and Celite. Viima's drink had a different look to it, but not noticeable unless you knew what the case was. Surina took a glass of wine for herself as well, naturally without the drug.


    "So Viima, let me tell you about why I wanted you here..."


    Viima took his first sip. Then a second one. And yet more. Everything was rushing to an inevitable conclusion.

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 14:47:28 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC:


    "Huh," Hahli answered after hearing Verak's short, concise story. The Akiri rolled back forward, putting her head in her hands and staring intently at Verak with interest that the Toa of Sand quickly realized was totally faked. After a second, Hahli's eyes widened and she sat up straight again, not even gracing the drunkard with one of her typical smirks.


    "Oh, you're done? Good. I was wondering if I'd have to open up a window to air out the smell of BS in this hut."



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  • Posted 2013-05-19 14:50:28 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • OOC: @Toatapio Why does that make me give a hysterical giggle?IC: Celite

    The lack of a true mouthpiece on her kanohi acts as a great benefit for Celite, as it allowd her to mask her cruel, twisted smile that began to form as Viima took more of the drink into his body. She noticed that the Le-Matoran was intentionally avoiding her gaze, though that would not matter for very long. She took her own, untainted drink to her mouth again, the journey indeed having made her thirsty once more. It was surprising that she would be sharing drinks with the same person not once but twice in the same hut, but she did not mind. Agenda or no, a free drink was just that.

  • Edited on 2013-05-19 14:54:21 by Makuta Almanax
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  • Posted 2013-05-19 14:59:59 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC Viima & Surina

    (Ga-Koro, Surina's hut):


    Viima was not sure where he was.


    He glanced around with darkened eyes. Oh yes, he was here, in the hut of his ex-lover and a Turaga.




    Viima's brain was soaked in an unhealthy mixutre of cheap wine and just the right chemicals to drug him. By instinct, he drank more and more of the liquid. There was no thought behind this, just a very basic function.


    "I need you to show that son of a Rahi some manners", Surina talked to Viima casually, but with a very persuasive tone.


    "What Rahi...", Viima mumbled. He was seriously drugged.


    "The stalker", Surina said, pulling Viima¨'s glass further from him. He was confused enough already, more would just kill him. "The stalker. You have to kill him."


    It didn't require much of a brain to process the words "stalker" and "kill". Viima didn't want to kill anyone, the whole thought was absurd. Still, he had lost control of the higher functions of his brain. A more primitive line of thought took effect, one that savored the word kill.


    "You love me, don't you?" Surina continued. "Please do it for me."


    Love? Viima didn't love Surina anymore. However, the primitive thoughts shaped this thought into nothing more than an instinctive attraction to females. He did feel good around her, didn't he?


    As Viima was lost in what could barely be described as thought, Surina turned to Celite. "We will direct him to Hahli", she said. "Even is she tries to reason with him, it won't do any good. He'll kill Hahli, but not before you enter the stage, understand? Timing is crucial at this stage, and all on your hands. I must stay aside, otherwise the Ga-Matoran may see that this was a planned action."

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 15:12:19 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Celite

    Nodding, Celite looked outside for a moment."Very well. That said, I'm not sure I can afford to be seen right now either. I should best keep my identity covered while leading him there. Do you have a cloak or anything?" Thinking of the other potential danger, she ten rose another point, "and what will we do if someone else is already there? It will cause trouble if this Matoran with a drug-addled brain were to see two enemies."

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 15:19:51 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC Viima & Surina

    (Ga-Koro, Surina's hut):


    Surina thought for a while. "It might pose a problem. Then again, if he kills Hahli first, things won't be complicated. Even if the other person survives, don't you think they will see a Le-Matoran attacking the authority of Ga-Koro? Le-Koro will get all the blame and no one will be able to see our hand in this. As for your cover-up, you should already head out of this hut. I can give you a cloak, but you won't need it if you just appear to be taking a stroll."


    "Whhaaaat", Viima muttered.


    "I'll try and make it clear to him that it is Hahli who needs to be killed, not anyone else", Surina assured. "If something goes wrong... then we're outta here. Go now, and wait for the moment. Oh, and hope for the best."

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 15:27:24 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Celite


    The Turaga of lightning gave a sigh filled with tension now that the plan was coming close to its climax and obliged to step out of the hut. Once a sufficient distance, she stood and waited.I hope this goes well... She thought to herself, the possibility of anything going wrong being particularly threatening to her safety was a serious concern. But even so, there was no point in holding back when they had come so far. It was now, or never. All she has to do is guide the disoriented Le-Matoran to the right place and hastily leave when the task was done. It shouldn't be hard.

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 15:30:36 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC-Ευτύχια:


    "I have to say, you weird little slug, you make swimming annoying," Eutuchia muttered, stepping up onto one of Ga-Wahi's lilypads, shaking water off of himself and the Kraata he held. "Ah, well, your destruction of our flax was even worse, so I can't quite blame you, can I?" After taking a moment to make sure he had all necessary items upon him - mainly, the kraata, his diving knife, and his body - Eutuchia started along the short walk to Hahli's hut, wondering what other odd, slightly-dangerous job she was likely to have in store for him.

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 15:40:09 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC Viima & Surina



    Surina's words slithered like serpents into Viima's ears. Her tone was so persuasive that it reached Viima's brain even through the haze of drugs.


    As planned, Surina told Viima about this sickening stalker with a blue Kaukau. She ,ade a point not to mention Hahli's name, for that may have been risky. Instead, she described Hahli in every detail, giving an occasional flatter to Viima. She was just as seductive as she always had been and she had Viima wrapped around her finger in no time. The promise of a dream come true was near.




    It was simple. Viima exited the hut and started towards Hahli's hut. Deep inside Viima could feel that he wanted to finish this quickly. He didn't think the thoughts of a murderer, just a confused person who wished to end this scenario and get back to the lovely home, where birds sang and all was high... well.


    Surina waited for what felt like a long moment before leaving the hut herself. To anyone watching, it seemed as if she had come out for just a little stroll in the village, looking for the occasional store to buy something from.


    Viima's passage didn't go unnoticed. Many could see the madness in his eyes, but mistook him for just a drunkard or a drug addict.


    Nothing would stop him.


    Viima walked hurriedly at the place Surina had told him - outside Hahli's hut. Once there, he looked around in confusion. Where was the mysterious stalker it took a real man to subdue?


    Through a window she could see Hahli. His brain struggled to tell him that it was Hahli, not some stranger with sick intentions. But his emotions got the best of him as he walked up to the window...


    This was the moment Surina was waiting for. She hoped Celite could act fast enough with Hahli still ending up pieces of protodermis and organs.

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 15:45:30 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • NPC:


    One thing that the plotters hadn't taken into account: cops exist.


    When Toa Leah had arrived just three minutes before with the prisoner in two, she had been greeted by two Ga-Matoran guards, armed and diligent; these guards had not disappeared or changed shifts, and the one to the left of the Akiri's front door caught the assassin sneaking up to the window. His eyes spelled murder; his movements sang of madness. With a motion of her hand, the Guard motioned for her partner to circle around the hut, and they snuck towards the assassin, tridents raised, leaving him nowhere to go but back the way he came. It was the only route of escape he had.


    And it wouldn't last long.



  • Edited on 2013-05-19 15:45:42 by Dallas Winston
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  • Posted 2013-05-19 15:48:28 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC-Εύτυχια:


    Tap, tap, tap.


    When Viima turned he would see a Matoran of Plantlife with a rather inquisitive face. He'd been walking up to the hut when Viima had quickly passed him, moving up to one of the windows, and Eutuchia - and, it seemed, a couple marines - didn't quite think it smart for him to be right there.


    "See, kiddo, I know Hahli looks good, but there's no point to be watching her through a windo--" sniff, sniff. Good lord, he was drunk.

    "Hey, how about I take you somewhere where you can rest? Your breath has enough alchohol on it that I'm getting a buzz and you aren't looking too hot."

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 15:53:39 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC Viima & Surina

    (Ga-Koro, outside Hahli's hut):


    Surina saw what was happening, but was careful not to look to intently. She felt her heart sink at the sight of guards and a Toa of Plantlife surround her killing machine. At this point there was nothing she could do. She hoped Celite would have better ideas on how to cope with the situation.




    Viima had a hard time registering the appearance of guards and a Toa of plantlife.


    "What're ya looking at?" he yelled with the voice of a drunkard.

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 15:53:55 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC:Xenin regarded the water with uneasy eyes. He was surprised that the Matoran had invited him aboard her craft, and he was determined not to let his fear of water make him look weak in front of her. He started to wade into the waves, taking great care not to slip and be lost forever beneath the surface.He was now as deep as he could walk, his head the only part of him that showed above the sea spray. He would have to try and swim the few feet that remained. He readied himself, preparing to leap as far as he could and somehow stay afloat until he he was close enough to get ahold of the boat's hull. He lunged, kicking off the ocean floor with all the strength he could muster. His arms flailed comically as he paddled awkwardly towards the waiting Matoran. However, his attempts to swim were futile, and he could feel the weight of his body being pulled down as he started to lose momentum. He desperately reached his arm out, but gravity took control of the situation, and his head plunged underwater. It was too late to hold his breath, water pouring into his mouth and nose as he slowly sank down, down, into the oceans cold embrace.

  • Edited on 2013-05-19 18:16:36 by Toa Varen
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  • Posted 2013-05-19 15:56:16 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Celite

    Watching from across the way, the 'strolling' Turaga could not help but feel her heart sink as she watched the Le-Matoran be faced with a Bo-Matoran as well as other armed Guards. Quickly, she knew she had to act. But what could she do to stop this? If the Matoran was taken away now, then not only would the plan have been for nothing but when he recovered from the drink he would no doubt spill the beans on who he had last been with. She was running out of ideas, and feared Surina may not be able to do anything either. I could interfere and bring him back...but that doesn't deal with the guards...what will I do!?She walked in the direction of the hut and tried to stay out of site, desperately trying to think of a way out.

  • Edited on 2013-05-19 16:05:24 by Makuta Almanax
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  • Posted 2013-05-19 15:58:51 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • NPC:


    "Sir, we have you on public intoxication already. Please don't add resisting arrest to the list of charges," the Guard who had first noticed Viima intoned, trident still leveled at the Le-Matoran's heartlight as her fellow readied a pair of handcuffs with her free hand. "Please face the wall and come quietly for processing."



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  • Posted 2013-05-19 16:03:32 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC-Ευτύχια:


    The Matoran stepped to the side, to get out of the Guards' way, though also positioning himself in-between Viima and the window as he did so. Whatever was wrong with this Le-Matoran - and yes, there was definitely something easily visible that was wrong with him - Eutuchia didn't want to run the risk that it would cause him to attempt to harm anybody inside the hut; be it Leah, the Akiri, or the Toa of Stone currently in there.


    OOC: Almanax, Toatapio, please pay attention to the bolded word. xP

  • Edited on 2013-05-19 16:04:21 by Ilyusha Blokfase
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  • Posted 2013-05-19 16:05:49 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • OOC: woops, sorry.


    What in the name of Makuta can we was hit with a thought she found quite distasteful; if enough of a distraction could be made, the Matoran might still be able to get in. But what could she do to distract all the guards...An intoxicated Matoran near the Akiri hut is a very highly-risked thing, What could possibly trump that."Mata Nui, where's some form of terrorist when you need one..." She cursed beneath her breath. Quickly looking around, she could see nothing that might help the situation. Either he must be silenced now or I should skip the Wahi soon... The latter thought was far more unappealing than the former given the circumstances.

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 16:10:14 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC Viima & Surina

    (Ga-Koro, outside Hahli's hut):


    Had he been in a state of sanity, Viima would never have taken any own liberties in a situation like this. He would have surrendered with the hopes of explaining everything later. For now, however, he was not thinking straight. He had been given a goal and others were frustrating them. Already handcuffs were ready to be placed on his hands.


    Confinement. Unacceptable.


    Even as Surina wished she could close her eyes, Viima swung his disk with razor-sharp spikes on the edges to slice at the guards.


    "Outta the way, dude!"




    Surina winced. His ex-lover had no chances against all those guards and the Matoran watching. He would be captured... and interrogated.


    It's either leaving this Koro forever, Surina thought, or making sure Viima doesn't live to spill the secrets.


    The plan had already failed. What could be done now was evading the worst case scenario.


    Even as Viima swung at the guards, Surina prepared her bow.

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 16:17:12 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC-Ευτύχια:


    Nope, nope, nope.


    Okay, so, drunky Matoran was attacking the guards, but ignoring Eutuchia. Eutuchia was now in a perfect position. Time for plan B.


    Eutuchia lifted up the Kraata he held so that it was held at either end with both of his hands. As one of the guards raised her trident to block Viima's attack, Eutuchia took his opening. He brought the Kraata over Viima's head and down to his neck, holding him like with a garrote, before pulling back - and, ultimately, tripping on top of - the Matoran. A quick kick forced the disk away, before Eutuchia moved to pin Viima.


    "By the authority vested in the Marines behind me, you are under arrest on charges of public intoxication, resisting arrest, and assault. You have the right to remain silent, to stay there and let yourself get taken, and to stop trying to throw me off."

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 16:22:37 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • NPC:


    "Who are you, again?" one of the Marines asked the third Matoran neutrally; while her partner snickered, the Marine took over for Eutuchia and pinned the would-be assassin down, cuffing his hands behind his back. He was hefted unceremoniously up to his feet as the Marine turned to her partner and ordered her to put the nearby Marine patrol on alert.


    "By the authority vested in me by Akiri Hahli of Ga-Koro, you are under arrest on charges of public intoxication, resisting arrest, and attempted assault with a deadly weapon on a law enforcement official. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided to you by the court of law, do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?"


    Phew. What a mouthful.



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  • Posted 2013-05-19 16:22:59 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • EDIT: Oops, ninja'd. Back to editing the post...


    IC Viima & Surina



    Could anything go worse?


    Surina had loaded an arrow and took careful aim at Viima's head. Exactly at the moment of her shooting the arrow, a Matoran felled Viima and stood on him.


    Makuta-bones! Surina cursed in her mind as the arrow flew and dug itself in Eutuchia's side. This day has been completely ruined.




    Viima had kept mumbling nonsense while the guards pinned him to the ground. He was not responding to the rights he would have after being arrested and he paid no attention to the arrow now sticking out of Eutuchia.

  • Edited on 2013-05-19 16:25:34 by Toatapio Nuva
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  • Posted 2013-05-19 16:28:50 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • OOC: Normally, I would call autohit, but my take-down of Viima could be seen as such as well. So, instead, I will turn this to my purposes.




    "Me? I'm the self-appointed as of three hours ago assistant of the Akiri, back from trying to fi--" Well, that didn't feel right. Eutuchia felt a prick in his side, before a shot of pain. He looked down to his side, his eyes wide and incredulous, before he smiled, resisting the urge to laught. Why, there was an arrow in his side; and a quick survey of the seen showed a Matoran nearby, bow held aloft, cursing.


    Eutuchia pointed to that Matoran, muttering something to the guards about "likely an attempted assassination," before pulling the arrow out. It hadn't gone in deep, thankfully; his armour had protected him from it.


    "Nowhere near as bad as the one I took in the knee a while ago," he growled, slightly annoyed, moreso trying not to laugh. "Got me right in the nerve...that one was a ***** to fix, I tell you..." He knocked on the door to Hahli's hut, holding his side with one hand, arrow and Kraata in the other.

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 16:36:20 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Celite

    Watching everything unfold before her, Celite began to truly panic for the first time in quite a while. Thankfully the arrow that she saw cross the way and strike the unfortunate guard - who seemed unphased by the attack - would at least save her own hide from implication, but now the situation had become far more grave. She made her way to the nearest hiding spot she could find and crouched near it, trying to glimpse the rest of everything from a safe enough distance.

    "I take it all back," she said to herself, "This truly is the worst day I've ever experienced."

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 16:40:25 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC Viima & Surina



    Viima was powerless against the guards. Instead he kept mumbling nonsense.


    Surina, on the other hand, thought about what to do. She could easily explain the arrow as trying to help the guards against Viima but missing. Then again, once Viima came to and explained everything, Surina would be doomed.


    Therefore Surina took off and fast, racing through the gate of the village with nothing but her bow and a pack of arrows. She would never be able to set foot in Ga-Koro again.

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 16:48:40 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • NPC:


    It seemed that as soon as Eutuchia got hit, the Marine patrol the second guard had notified was on site. As Viima was carted away by a group of about half a dozen Marines, all standing guard around him to prevent another attempted shooting of their suspect, the rest of the Marines fanned out, a couple standing guard by the Akiri's hut while the rest moved to look for whoever it was that had shot the bow off in the first place.


    It was now officially a manhunt.



  • Edited on 2013-05-19 16:49:04 by Dallas Winston
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  • Posted 2013-05-19 16:52:45 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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    IC: "Sirs?" A Ga-Matoran hurried over to the group of Skakdi. He nodded at Rhow. "Madam." This was one of their newly-hired staff. Iraanus tried to hide a grin. The respect with which their employees spoke to them never ceased to amuse him.

    "What is it?" Iraanus asked.

    "Someone's here to see you." The Matoran glanced over his shoulder at a being who had just sat down at the bar. He was a Skakdi - Gravity, by the coloration of his armor - and by the look of him he'd been on the wrong end of a few too many fights. Scars covered his body, he was missing a hand, a leg, half a spine...

    "What's he want?"

    "No idea," the Matoran said nervously. "Says it's private business."

    Iraanus glanced at the others, unspoken agreement briefly passing between them. He turned back to the Matoran. "Tell him we'll see him." The Matoran nodded and hurried off.

    Missed this earlier.
    IC: Vhohan
    Vhohan walked over to the group of Skakdi. He looked at them and said, "Well, hello. I heard that you, members of the Horde had wanted to join the Skakdi Liberation League?"

  • Edited on 2013-05-19 18:31:03 by Canis Lupus
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  • Posted 2013-05-19 16:53:39 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC Viima & Surina



    Viima had quit resisting. Instead he blabbered on. He had no idea where he was being taken, but it didn't matter that much anymore. He began humming a song he had heard long ago. It would take a night and some sleep to get his head cleared up.




    Surina didn't even make a backward glance at her home, where she had lived all her life. She had never held love for the place, it had just suited her until now. Her grab for power had failed dramatically and there was no place for her here anymore. Already past the Old Fusa path, Surina was running somewhere she could try and start over again... and where the Ga-Koro guard would not follow.


    OOC: Surina to... somewhere.

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 16:59:04 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Celite

    Even with all that, there are still guards. No chance of throttling her myself then. I should definitely take my leave now while I still have a chance! I may not be culpible for Surina's attack but I'll be implicated by that blasted Le-Matoran anyway...Perhaps I should visit the icy wastelands...yes...With that, the Turaga waited for the appropriate moment to leave her hiding place and make her way to the Ga-Koro gates. Fortunately, the guards had not yet made it this far out. Taking no chances, she made her way to the bay, running towards the mountainous area before her. Ta-Koro was too close for the turaga to hide at, and she had heard it had a fierce millitary. Thus, she put all her hopes in fleeing across the mountains, something which would take time and energy, but ultimately may free her from later persecution.OOC: Celite to Ko-Wahi

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 17:07:30 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC:


    "Come in," Hahli invited from the window, where she had watched the events unfold with a stoic face and the fearlessness she liked to imagine Nokama had displayed whenever someone had come for her with ill intent. Slowly she made her way back to her seat, nodding at Leah to let the Toa of Water know it was okay and giving Verak a look that clearly said they weren't done yet.




    Meanwhile, the Marines fanned out throughout the Koro, searching fruitlessly for some glimpse of who had fired the shot at the attempted murderer. What they did find - slivers from an arrow, which affirmed once and for all that the attempted killshot was not an illusion - didn't give them much evidence to go on, but they were in luck; the guards at the gates of the village had registered two beings fleeing, one with a bow and arrow similar to the one used to attack the suspect and the other a Turaga who had been booked just recently for assault on several Matoran and making threats against the Akiri. The Marines on duty did not send a search party after them. It would have been a waste of time, resources and manpower. Instead, likenesses of the two were put up across the Koro and at every Guard outpost in the Wahi.


    As soon as they stepped back onto Hahli's soil, the Marines would be ready. And they were not a forgetful bunch.



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  • Posted 2013-05-19 17:09:34 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC- Verak - Hahli's Hut

    “Sister, I’m impressed you can smell anything over the stench of bureaucracy and paperwork. If I didn’t have half of Naho Bay jammed up my sinuses, I’d be gagging right now,” I said, lazily looking around at her hut’s décor. I wonder who that Toa was whose picture was serving as Hahli’s dartboard.
    But then there was some sort of commotion outside, and Hahli, Leah and I watched some foolish would-be assassin get chased away from the hut by the nearby guards. I shook my head and moved over to make room for Hahli's visitor. What had this island come to? Didn't we have any good assassins anymore?

  • Edited on 2013-05-19 17:14:16 by Visaru
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  • Posted 2013-05-19 17:12:53 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC-Ευτύχια:


    "Thanks, Hahli," Eutuchia said, stepping through the door. "I was wondering if you were going to make me bleed to death before speaking. First, I've figured out what was causing the lack of production in the flax garden." He tossed the Kraata to Hahli, who rather deftly caught it. "I sent Captain Iraira's assistant to go and get the Matoran back in there, as well as making sure the other greenhouses aren't infested."'


    Next, he held up the arrow in his hand, with the tip covered in his blood. "Second, you already watched, and it relates to the third. I'm taking a break and seeing a doctor. Do you have any you might recommend?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-19 17:32:27 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC:


    "There's a Toa of Air by the docks who specializes in war injuries and severe wounds," Hahli said dismissively. "Talk to her, say Hahli will come through with her favorite espresso blend for payment. You'll be fine. Is that all?"


    "What, no response as to my helping fix the situation in the greenhouse?" Eutuchia asked, rolling his eyes. "I see how it is, send me off on one job and then give me nothing for it."


    "I'm paying for you to not bleed out on the street, aren't I?" Hahli asked with an eye roll that trumped the errand boy's own. "Goodbye, Eutuchia. Good luck."


    The Matoran of Plantlife recognized his dismissal and left with a friendly wave to Hahli and Leah, leaving the Toa Maru, the Akiri, and the criminal alone once again. The Ga-Matoran's attention squared in solely on Verak again. Rifling through one of her desk drawers, she finally found a list of charges inside a manilla folder with his name on it; clipped to the front page was a list of charges Leah had specifically filed against him for this particular visit. Amongst the highlights of largely civil misdemeanors were assault, assault on a cop, very foul language in the public square - that one, at least, was forgivable; she still remembered the Skakdi who had effectively kidnapped her on the eve of Nokama's death - and theft.


    "As for you...Toa Leah, would you do me the favor of putting this 'hero; in a holding cell until such time as he can pay for the property damage he's incurred, somewhere far away from any sort of alcohol or hallucinogenic agents?"



  • Edited on 2013-05-19 17:32:54 by Dallas Winston
  • Tags:
  • Posted 2013-05-19 17:35:47 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
    View post on BZP
  • IC: Cadias


    Cadias shrugged. "Fair enough. There's a lot of different types of food out there, though."


    He looked down at the uneaten slice of Bula Berry pie. "Like pie, for example. You going to try it?"

  • Tags:
  • Posted 2013-05-19 17:59:39 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
    View post on BZP
  • IC: Vrana


    His eyes glanced downwards towards the pie, he was still quite hungry... but could he eat something like that? Something that had taken delicious fruit and contorted it into such a bizarre form?


    A clawed hand hooked into the pie, scraping off a chunk of it to devour.

  • Tags:
  • Posted 2013-05-19 19:03:00 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
    View post on BZP
  • IC: Suran

    The Lesterin walked through Ga-Koro with a hard look in his eyes. Today had been a day of crime. He had left the criminal Vortixx with his comrade, and joined in the search for the ones involved in the assassination plot. But he knew it was no use. They had long-since fled. Sighing, he returned to the prison.

  • Tags:
  • Posted 2013-05-19 19:11:50 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
    View post on BZP
  • IC: Cadias


    Huh. Cadias had half expected that Vrana would refuse to eat the pie.


    He watched as Vrana took a bite. "Well?"

  • Tags:
  • Posted 2013-05-19 19:25:01 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
    View post on BZP
  • IC: Vrana


    "I think I like it better uncooked..." He responded, pushing away the pie. There was a hint of distaste on his face, something about it had just tasted strange. He didn't like the stuff it was stored in, the filling itself was good, but the crust...


    "So... now what?"

  • Tags:
  • Posted 2013-05-19 19:37:50 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
    View post on BZP
  • IC: Cadias


    Guess I can't say I didn't see it coming.


    Cadias took what remained of the pie and finished it off, talking in between bites. "Now, we drop by a shop," he said, pausing for another bite, "and make sure we have everything we need." Another pause. "Then, we leave!" He set the fork down on the empty plate. Leaving a few widgets on the table for payment, he stood up. "Shall we?"

  • Tags:
  • Posted 2013-05-19 19:39:57 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
    View post on BZP
  • [[retconned, deleted]]

  • Edited on 2013-05-19 20:01:56 by Draezeth
  • Tags:
  • Posted 2013-05-19 19:45:42 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
    View post on BZP
  • IC: Vrana


    He rose to his feet from the table, looking at the widgets now laying on the table. The things people would trade for little lumps of metal was almost amusing, if it wasn't such a useful way to get what you needed without stealing it.


    He nodded his agreement with his allied Toa of plasma, turning towards the exist of the restaurant. It would be nice to be outside again, it was a little cramped in buildings, like a trap locking down.

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