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  • Posted 2013-04-08 16:24:03 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • Lenat- Ga-koro


    IC: As the Vortixx had suspected, it seemed that Karzani had decided to stage a mass breakout. A quick look at his partner showed Voutok sitting there was a slightly dazed look on his face. Whether that was from the sudden explosion of noise or another of his flashback that had chosen to start at the worst of time, he could not tell. Acting quickly, he picked up the smaller being and slung him over his should, sprinting for the refuge of a nearby alley.


    He just hopped that the likely violent reaction to being hauled around like a sack of madu fruit would wait until they were somewhere a little safer.

  • Edited on 2013-04-08 16:24:21 by Silvan Haven
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  • Posted 2013-04-08 17:41:04 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Voutok [Ga-Wahi Docks]A combination of the momentary gravity nullification causing his stomach to practically explode inside him, the sight of the captain of the marines being decapitated by Ketan's--or rather "Greed's"--scythe, the spontaneous bloodbath that was Nokama's Dock, the explossion, and now Lenat grabbing him and dragging him on his back, pretty much took away the immediate fear of a vision popping up while chaos ensued. But now he had another, slightly more important issue on-hand:He dropped his bladed discs when Lenat hurled him off his feet and began heading towards an alley.Adrenaline-induced reflexes kicked in shortly after Lenat began his sprint with Voutok being carried on his back like a sack. Voutok bent his knees so that his heels were perpendicular to Lenat's back and with a quick and furious kicking motion of the feet and a pulling motion of the arm Lenat had grabbed him by, the De-Matoran broke free of Lenat's arm and dove into a roll before landing on his feet. He quickly turned to Lenat who was probably startled by the action."Sorry about that. I dropped the discs when you grabbed me; I gotta grab them! Don't stop, keep going! I'll catch up!"Not waiting for the Vortixx to respond, he burst into a sprint, pushing panicked matoran aside to try and backtrack to where they were standing. When he saw the discs on the ground about two yards away, he slid on the ground to grab one before rolling over and sticking it into the ground to break his momentum, at which point he began sprinting in the opposite direction to grab the second disc on the return trip, placing it into one of the sheathes on his back. He drew the remaining disk in his right hand across his chest in a defensive charge posture and began trying to run faster, brushing through the crowd as best he could as he tried to return to Lenat, who was hopefully already in the safe alleyway that he was headed to, and hopefully without running into any of these mad Toa on the way.And hopefully before that vision-inducing feeling of familiarity returned...

  • Edited on 2013-04-08 17:42:19 by Voutok S'Tythe (Ray)
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  • Posted 2013-04-08 18:15:41 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • OOC: Sorry this took a while. Neither is happening with this whole Daedra thingy.

    IC: Riaril

    Coutoure Veras simpered with her proposition of lunch. Riaril's brow furrowed, an inkling of distrust forming as a knot in the toa of water's chest. The words from purple-eyed Veras were sincere enough; it was the smile that reminded Riaril of Her.

    Is Veras an illusion, Riaril wondered with an encroaching sense of paranoia. No, that girl wore a kakama, She rationalized with her doctor's mind. Madness had other plans, Its omnipresence presenting another reason: She changed kanohi.

    “I don’t have the widget, unfortunately,” Riaril excused herself tactfully. The lie born from rephrased truth flowed like water through her lips.

    “Oh, I’ll pay,” Veras fired back without pause for reconsideration.

    So much for an easy exit, Riaril thought dispassionately, You win some; you lose some. Her hand unconsciously moved across her face, pausing to rub the silver steward of her left eye socket. Veras waited expectantly for her answer, a single click of her heel indicating her intention. There was a soft rumble as Riaril's belly made the choice.

    “I can’t refuse such a generous offer, Veras. Thank you" Riaril said with a laugh to wipe away possible embarrassment from the primitive sound.

    "That's wonderful, toa..." Veras replied, reminding Riaril of the second half of her question.

    "Gabel," Riaril said quickly. "Toa Doctor Gabel."

    IC: Ishi

    Labelle had remained motionless, save for the scroll unfurling away from her feet where it had landed. Ishi was still staring at the characters pressed into the soft clay, oblivious to the swelling hatred he had brewed. His eyes and mind were focused intently, calculating the possibilities spread out before him in matoran scrawl.

    The tsunami would have to be from there, right? Something that large would need a justifiable cause. He paused, adjusting the hypothesis to match the evidence. Proper science never was his strong suit. His train of thought shattered as the sound of wrenching nails signalled Labelle’s dutiful response.

    “If I’m right, then the tsu -- “

    Labelle was livid. The large wooden frame hung above her head in both hands. Then it was sailing through the air.

    “Careful with that!” Ishi yelled as the map flew towards his head, dodging the sudden outburst of anger like one might a mattress, or some other heavy flying object. It bounced twice before breaking against the wall, effacing the bottom half into a single smear. Ishi gripped the map and began to take in the coastline of the island’s southern shore.

    “The damage was worst here,” Ishi explained, his finger tracing the southeastern edge where blue ink met green. The papyrus was smooth, yet rough from the dried paint. “So, if we follow the depth lines outwards like ripples from a fallen stone, we get” -- Ishi’s finger paused on a small collection of gray -- “Here. The Kumu Islets.”

    He glanced upwards, a fierce smile spreading across his kanohi. “Looks like we won’t be going to that temple you talked about anytime soon.”

    There was a sound outside in the courtyard. Ishi dropped to the floor and slithered toward the windows. A secretive glance outside was all he needed to fall into plan D.

    “Time to go Labelle.”

  • Edited on 2013-04-09 05:01:38 by Kughii
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  • Posted 2013-04-08 18:24:42 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Embok

    And so it ends.

    In the center of the burning maelstrom stood a stoic bastion of calm, plated in obsidian armor impervious to the chaos surrounding him. Golden orbs situated behind an armored Kanohi was the only indication that the monolith was anything other than an intricately carved sculpture of unyielding granite. Waves of rage, confusion, and anger broke around him, dissipating into an eery calm.

    But behind the impassive shell was anything but an icy calm. A fiery tempest raged within, continuously threatening to consume his body and mind. He could contain it, hold it in past it's breaking point, smother it down with a sharpened mind, cut it off from the outside world. He had always held it at bay, fought against it on a daily basis.

    It was why his... transformation had been such an eye-opening experience. Why bury it down, when he could use it? There was a shift in gravity, though with his lack of movement, the elementalist stayed plated to the ground. He waited only a second longer before acting.

    With a single motion, Embok brought his arms above his head, as if calling upon some astral force above. Almost instantly, the air between the rapidly growing mob, the marines, and the Deadra themselves ionized. Walls of glowing gas materialized on the lily pad, cutting beings off from one another, stopping Wrath from advancing any further, and incinerating spears thrown towards Anthyn and Anyanka.

    With that, Embok lowered his arms, and was still again.

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  • Posted 2013-04-08 18:32:53 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • Lenat- Ga-wahi


    IC: And there it was


    It could have been worse. it seemed that the Matoran's move had been a deliberate action rather then the muscle memory that Lenat had feared.


    Seeing that he could do more to help outside the crowd, the Vortixx kept moving. He reached the shelter offered by the space between the buildings and turned, his rhotuka pistol in his hand, ready to give Voutok cover if he needed it.

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  • Posted 2013-04-08 19:12:57 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC-Nokth:


    "Decaia, you shouldn't have to do this," a tall, reptillian being growled to the Toa of Water, his pudao jammed into the dock so he wouldn't fall. "Revenge isn't what you need, and it won't give you any solace. Yes, Ta's gone and ruined this, ruined your facade, but you've seen how the Matoran have treated you these last months, and you know what you did to help them. Don't give in now and ruin that, when you can help them again."

  • Edited on 2013-04-08 23:01:55 by Ilyusha Blokfase
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  • Posted 2013-04-08 19:38:42 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: KynaeraMiddayGa-KoroGreeds's sword came down on the Ga-Koro marine captain's neck with a movement so smooth, it was almost part of the breeze that cooled Ga-Koro. Red spurted. The captain's head rolled to the collective feet of the crowd. Greed's eyes shone with blood-lust.Kynaera, thankfully, was not one to say I told you so.She turned on her former leader with a surprising lack of emotion, drawing her staff and activating its blades.But she was a servant of Makuta! Greed had intended only to do his will--No. Greed probably never intended to do anything for anyone's gain save his own. Perhaps Makuta had not even needed to supply an incentive. Perhaps Greed had envisioned the Daedra on his own. Either way, Kynaera could not let the slaughter of innocent Matoran go unpunished."If you lay a hand on one more Matoran," cried Kynaera, now equal bits Pride and hero, "I will kill you. Go!"She started forward, but the air between the Daedra suddenly sizzled with electricity. Zzzzzap! went the spears flung toward Lust and her sister-in-spirit. Kynaera felt her skin tingle.The new Gluttony's features were warped with unmistakable anger.He looked around and lowered his hands, sated to all appearances.Kynaera stood straight and fixed her eyes upon Greed. Her expression said in clearest language, Don't try anything.

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  • Posted 2013-04-08 20:40:54 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: In response, Iraanus slid a zamor from his belt and loaded his launcher in a single deft motion. Unfortunately, the intense chaos into which the funeral had dissolved prevented a clear shot from where he was. "Plan?" he asked.

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  • Posted 2013-04-08 22:59:04 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Voutok"And now another freak appears out of nowhere and puts up plasma walls around the roots of this whole ordeal. Seriously, does this stuff happen all the time in this Koro?"On the bright side, the resulting light show qualified as something shiny enough to distract and capture the attention of a large number of the crowd, which is just what Voutok needed to get a clearer path to Lenat. Voutok picked up the pace to avoid any potential returning fires as a result of the plasma. Very soon he managed to slip into the alley, where he found Lenat. By peaking his head outside the alley, he had a clear view of the chaos. He happened to notice the headless body of the Marine's captain. Voutok scoffed in a passively frustrated tone before speaking."So much for joining the Marines any time soon. Regardless, this much chaos isn't going to fix itself. What are we going to do? Well, rather, what CAN we do?"

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  • Posted 2013-04-09 03:31:26 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC - Decaia - Nokama Pier: In mere moments the pier had transformed into a whirlwind of chaos and violence, fueled further by the various threats that were now very much directed at the public. Pride's momentary nullification of gravity had, of course, thrown a loop for all present; Greed's sudden descent into fury had proved a surprising twist, given how well he had seemed to be handling the situation; and, of course, the continued screams of the crowd--in fear at their impending doom, in pain as their lives came to a swift end at whatever fate befell them--proved to be a troublesome series of background noises. Through all this, Sloth had defiantly maintained his hold on the ocean, pouring all of his hate and anger into its depths, willing it, commanding it to do his bidding, driving it to consume the village he so despised.


    For the first time in a long time, the Toa of Water felt as if he had been given a clear purpose. Where once he had been content to let Ga-Koro slowly wither away, a new-found sense of twisted justice drove him to speed the process, urging him to cleanse the village of its sins. It was as if Mata Nui himself had whispered to Sloth, in one, single moment revealing to the Toa the truth of Ga-Koro, bringing upon him the realization of how horrid--how daedric--the nature of its people truly was. If nothing else, the "Arete" had served to expose the very darkness that had allowed them to take control of the village to begin with. They had not brought evil--only manipulated what was already there.


    In doing so, they had cured Sloth of his apathy and despair--and released something far, far more dangerous in the process.


    With a sudden crackling sound, walls of plasma erupted all across the dock, momentarily blinding Sloth and disrupting his hold over the ocean as he turned sharply to protect his face. Gritting his teeth, the Toa of Water blinked rapidly, shielding his eyes as he scanned the area, spying Kynaera and Greed, separated from each other by a wall of plasma not unlike the one nearby. Others blocked different individuals off from one another; Sloth could not see Wrath anywhere.


    "Come on!" he yelled to his brethren. "Certainly you've faced worse than this?" Redirecting some of his elemental energy, Sloth willed geysers of water to erupt from beneath the deck, punching large holes through the wooden boards, spraying against the walls of plasma, dousing the pier all around the combatants. All the while, the ocean rocked, momentarily lessening its assault on Ga-Koro.


    "Decaia, you shouldn't have to do this."


    Through the din of the surrounding noise, Sloth heard a voice. It was subtle--he didn't even register it at first--but it was there. For a moment, he thought it was his imagination playing tricks on him, and so ignored it, maintaining his gaze on the village before him.


    "Revenge isn't what you need, and it won't give you any solace. Yes, Ta's gone and ruined this, ruined your facade, but you've seen how the Matoran have treated you these last months, and you know what you did to help them."


    What was this nonsense? Certainly not a voice of... reason? There was none of that to be had from Decaia himself--he would not let it surface. Which meant... He turned his head. Yes; there. Servant was behind him, faithful as always, blade jammed into the deck so as to steady himself on the shifting pier. Though the Akrainid spoke reason, the Toa wondered--would he join Sloth if his attempts to talk him down failed, or attempt to stop him with force?


    Curious question. He broke the lock between their eyes, turning his attention back to the others.


    "Don't give in now and ruin that, when you can help them again."


    "I have helped them enough," he answered. "I helped them once, and they turned on me. I helped them as Toa Caidae, and they worshiped me as a false idol, oblivious to the truth. They have no love, no respect for Toa Decaia, or any who choose to help them. Only blind, false loyalty, begetting hatred."


    Do they?

  • Edited on 2013-04-09 03:32:10 by Parugi
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  • Posted 2013-04-09 04:40:32 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Riaril


    IC: (Vera Polzin)


    Vera retained her composure despite the obvious furrowing of the Toa's brow and her attempts to remove herself from Vera irritated the Fe-Matoran like no tomorrow. She's not hiding the fact she doesn't trust me. I may have to call her out on it. So as she casts doubt on me, I doubt she'll be as truthful as I would have hoped. Looks like I might have to pursue other means in an attempt at knowing more about her.


    "I will lead the way then, Toa Gabel." Vera replied, there was no curve of a smile anymore, but the Toa would have only been able to catch this slightest of glances on Vera. For at this point in time Nokama's funeral procession was just getting started, and the new docks named after the Turaga herself would be swarmed soon. It was better to move quickly and avoid the rush that would soon flood these docks. She led Toa across the forest green lilypads until she had happened upon a larger hut than most, a weathered sign hanging just outside, The Sleeping Tarakava. A delicious aroma wafted from the kitchen, freshly baked pastries served with fruit were currently being prepared. Freshly caught Takea were chopped into smaller bite-sized pieces with rice and freshly harvested kelp. Even the smell of Kane-Ra, all the way from Po-Wahi could be heard sizzling on a hot grill.


    "Ah Miss Polzin! A pleasure seeing you again, as always." A Vo-matoran smiled, greeting the Magnate and her Toa guest.


    "The pleasure is all mine Scylla, how is this life treating you?"


    "Well enough, though I do wish to travel outside the village, to explore this island, and to collect stories as Takua once did. I feel a calling to it, but I worry my life will be spent here completely."


    "You may have that wish Scylla. Casting doubt on it will not help you any. Always strive for it." Vera smiled, as she took her seat, motioning for the Toa to sit down. The Vo-Matoran smiled, and nodded acknowledging Vera's words. Above their table single lightstone hung down from the ceiling above, cast a yellow haze around the booth, this seemed pattern was repeated across all seats against the walls. As the Toa got seated the Fe-Matoran sipped on her glass of water, one also set out for "Gabel".


    "Feel free to order anything you like." The Matoran said, looking over her own menu. She settled on a platter of sushi, freshly made of course, and some Bula Berry Juice, wasn't a good to start drinking so early in the day. It would also dull the Fe-Matoran's sense and that was the last thing she wanted now.

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  • Posted 2013-04-09 05:01:47 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Kaithas/ErithI watched carefully, seeing Embok's plasma dowsed by the male Ga-Toa. Well, this situation got more and more complicated.I teleport-jumped again, landing in the square, sword already drawn. I didn't engage Greed, but I stood between him and the retreating Matoran, for better or for worse.The lily pads were rocking. Hmm. There might be something to do about that.

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  • Posted 2013-04-09 05:19:59 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC:



    Rhow looked to Iraanus, quickly thinking of the best way to help the situation without making things worse, but the eruption of columns of water from below made it tough. She quickly turned to the others. "Reposition yourselves, find more angles to move in from. me bring that water down."


    Together, the Skakdi moved in a little closer for a better view, then concentrated on the rising waters of the bay. Together, the Skakdi could interfere well enough to disrupt the pillars, which came splashing down again, leaving only the damaged floor of the floating pad.

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  • Posted 2013-04-09 14:44:50 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC-Nokth:


    "Decaia, you've been working, almost tirelessly, for months...All to help these Matoran. They've considered you a hero, even if, for you, it was an act. For them? It was real." He sighed, before stepping forwards, his clawed feet digging in as well.


    "You ask if they have any love, and I direct you to all the loyalty they have shown you and the others, to how they relied on you in their times of need. Sure, they didn't know that it was you specifically, but now they're in need again, and if they still hold anything against you at all, if you be their hero now, they would consider it a repentance, and they would accept you again." He held out his hand to the Toa of Water.


    "You've been wanting to bring justice for a long time, and now you have the chance to get some. And back to before, what you said about Seyza...What would she do? What would she want you to do, in this case? If she was as terrible as Ketan, Anthyn, or the others, then continue with your quest for destruction, but if she was the honorable, noble soul you've led me to think she was, then stop this and aid the Matoran!"

  • Edited on 2013-04-09 14:45:21 by Ilyusha Blokfase
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  • Posted 2013-04-09 16:03:06 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • Lenat- Ga-koro


    IC: The Vortixx ducked as a disk sent flying fro a Matoran's hand came a little too close for comfort. Pulling back behind the wall of the hut, he shouted over the din.


    "We could go out there and help the Marines deal with this mess, you are almost a member yourself after all. Or we can hang back here and watch. The Marines are going to up their recruitment after that by a fair margin."

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  • Posted 2013-04-09 16:39:31 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Voutok [Nokama's Pier]"Well, as I'm sure you've figured out by now, I hate staying in one place when all of Karz is breaking loose. That said, my answer is pretty obvious: we aid the Marines, if for no other reason than to ensure they don't die in this little fray."Voutok peaked out of the alleyway again and noticed the group of Marines who had been engaging the odd winged "Toa" and a companion of hers."...And apparently that means even if we have to dodge the hellfire from that thing." Voutok turned back to his much taller Vortixx companion "...Lead the way. You know, so you can clear a path through the crowd...and then there's the fact that if I charged aimlessly with weapons drawn I'm almost guaranteed to get swatted away or decapitated or razed by some cheap-shot."

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  • Posted 2013-04-09 17:13:33 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Embok


    Jets of water erupted across the deck, the foamy spray mixing with the walls of ionized gas that separated the being around. The walls of plasma were soon replaced by a single cloud of vaporized water, the fog obscuring the area, reducing visibility to mere bios. To say that it made the current situation even more chaotic would be an understatement.


    Still unmoving, the obsidian-armored Toa stood watching. Perhaps, if he had been the man he was before, he would have said something in protest, thrown his support with the village of Ga-Koro, done his best to apprehend the other "Arete". But not now. He was only a specter now, a shell and an empty husk. A slave to his lust to fill the void that stretched inside of him, a glutton for pain to satisify his need for fulfillment.


    A sphere of super-heated air extended, burning away the fog from around his body. His armor glowed a ghostly yellow from the power.

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  • Posted 2013-04-09 18:09:05 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Riaril

    The atmosphere of The Sleeping Tarakava grabbed the batton from Ga-Koro and ran off the track. Jasmine vines grew along the walls and roof, forming an organic lattice frame for the entire seating area. Tables made of lacquered driftwood sprouted small plants along the edge, forming a soft rim of green leaves and pastels flowers. Light filtered through a bounty of paper-covered windows, giving the entire restaurant a soft orange glow even in the midmorning. Scylla smiled as she seated Vera and Riaril at one of the larger tables, allowing the toa to relax on a plush cushion while a stool was brought up for her matoran benefactor.

    “The food smells appealing,” Riaril remarked about the spices and meats wafting through the air. She took a glance about the room and sipped on the cup of oolong from Northern Le-Wahi. The thin wooden tablet etched in matoran letters put smells into meals as Riaril read. It wasn’t long before Scylla had flowed through the tables of customers back to Vera.

    “And what can I get you today?” Scylla’s question made Riaril pause momentarily. But there’s so many good things, Riaril thought while noting the prices for each choice. The menu’s resisitantialism was insurmountable. Riaril motioned for Vera to go first. Unfortunately Vera ordered too quick for Riaril to come to a definite conclusion. Sighing, Riaril placed the menu back on the table and closed her eye.

    “Just bring me something good with meat and vegetables,” Riaril said in defeat. Beaten by a menu, how pathetic.

    “Of course,” Scylla chimed happily, “Shall I bring you something stronger to drink?” Scylla picked up the tea pot and pured another cup for her customers as she talked, a fluid motion made perfect from decades serving hungry mariners. The question sent Riaril flying backward through an open door to her past.

    She leaned heavily into his chest, feeling the sweat beeding from her face bleed into his. Her titan lolled in the chair, a mass of muscle and heart forming the perfect recliner for Riaril. She let herself mold to his form, a single finger tracing the edges of his abdomen. Empty bottles cluttered like greedy peasants around their throne. Her neck craned forwards. She could smell the alcohol on his breath, feel the hot stench waft across her face as their lips grew closer...

    Riaril opened her eye and uncrossed her arm. “I’m good,” She growled, a fist slowly curling under the table. I made a vow, Riaril thought as the grim expression faded from her face.


    Vera’s sushi platter looked delicious. A rainbow of marine rahi lay thinly sliced on a small board hawking their flavor to the eye. Riaril almost regretted letting the chef decide. Yeah right, She thought as the steaming bowl of noodles and shellfish covered her kanohi in a thin film of steam. The two began in silence, only the sounds of their food being consumed echoing from their corner of the restaurant.

    As the two ate, Riaril immersed herself in the warmth filling her, felt the water within her food becoming a part of her body -- it was exhalting. Her mind slowly began to turn from the food’s flavor. What did Vera want? Was Vera really Her? The thought caused Riaril to pause halfway through her bite, the shrimp fell back into the bowl with a soggy plop. Vera glanced up at the disturbance.

    “So,” Riaril motioned to Vera’s sushi; “How’s the meal?”

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  • Posted 2013-04-10 20:55:19 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: The columns of water had dissipated, but where they had touched the plasma which had moments before filled the docks they had left behind vast amounts of steam and fog. The gaseous water floated through the air, swirling throughout the writhing mass of bodies that had mere minutes ago been a peaceful funeral procession. Droplets of water began to form on Iraanus' skin, weapons, and armor; the ground was slick beneath his feet. Fighting in these conditions would be nigh on impossible. The Skakdi concentrated, beginning to absorb the moisture that surrounded him. Moments later, he and the area around him were dry. Glancing over, he saw the same was true of Rhow. Iraanus turned to take stock of the scene, waiting for his companion to decide where first to take action.

  • Edited on 2013-04-12 11:13:17 by Baltarc
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  • Posted 2013-04-12 03:59:38 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC (GREED)


  • Edited on 2013-04-12 03:59:56 by Half a Cup of EW
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  • Posted 2013-04-12 20:38:55 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • ooc: Sorry for the short post. Pretty busy lately.




    Labelle cocked an eyebrow at the Matoran. He was definitely determined, but Labelle couldn't really be sure what about. She'd thought it'd be easier to keep him on a leash, but now it was turning out she could be wrong.


    "I'm sorry, but where exactly do you want us to go?" she asked, watching as Ishi peered out the windows with great fervor. He was obviously much more worried about getting caught than she was.


    Then something caught her eye. On the wall near the Dog hung a paper, still crisp. It was burn't around the edges, which meant it probably came from Ta-Koro or had almost been destroyed. But the most interesting thing about it was the name written on it near the top, in large block letters. Dorian. One of the Mark Bearers.

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  • Posted 2013-04-12 21:03:12 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • OOC: Thanks Fanixe!


    IC: Hapaka


    Marines were pouring from the mess hall into the night air, strolling through the hanging gardens that filled the open area inside the compound. On duty or off, the armed women did little to raise Ishi's spirits.


    "Maybe we could use your kanohi somehow to slip out," Ishi plotted aloud, ignorant at first to Labelle's discovery as she tracked across the room with the sheet of paper. He gripped his shoulder with mounting frustration. Today is just not my best game, Ishi thought disgruntled. He looked up at Labelle and for the first time asked a direct question; "Do you have enough skill to create an illusion for the two of us, or a projection at a distance? What's that?"


    His second question was followed with a pointed nod towards the crisp sheet in Labelle's hands.


    "It's got Dorian's name on it," Labelle said, eyes scanning the information carefully.


    "Pass it here," Ishi said, attempting to snatch the paper from her hands, but failing as she raised it out of his reach. A smile was spreading across her face as she said;


    "Ask nicely."


    Ishi pouted, stomping his foot hard on the floor in frustration. "Look, we don't have much time, so why don't you --"


    "I didn't hear anything," Labelle said and turned her back towards the information deprived maven. Five seconds went by as Ishi drilled his eyes into her spine, attempting to inflict the worst punishments imaginable with his thoughts.


    "Okay, Please let me see that," a defeated voice called from behind her.

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  • Posted 2013-04-12 21:59:29 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • OOC: Eyru, I'm tempted to make my Kynaera post all lowercase to match your Greed post. :PIC: KynaeraMiddayGa-KoroA whooshhhh of rushing water, a hissssss, and then a swirling eruption of steam from all sides like a translucent curtain drawn across a stage after the penultimate act.Sloth had brought down the plasma barriers.The mist curled about Ga-Koro and the pier like a living, voracious organism. Through its innards, Kynaera could see, fixating on her, the paired points of diffused, blood-red light that were Greed's eyes. Those same eyes had wished Turaga Nokama farewell as she sank beneath the water, had gazed into Kynaera's own as she had been entangled in a web called Daedra. Now they were different. Ravenous.The wind picked up, howling as though heralding ill fortune.The beams of light narrowed to slits. There was a movement of green, as if behind a white veil blowing in the wind, and then the eyes and body of Toa Daedra Greed vanished.Kynaera knew what was going to happen a second before it did. Her heart trembled. the moisture in the air formed an umbra about her glowing Kanohi.Greed appeared from thin air, his sword tracing a precise arc through the mist where Kynaera's body had been a split-second before.Had been.Kynaera dropped to the ground several feet behind him, landing deftly in a crouch and increasing his mass twofold. This was an act of war: Pride the Daedra had been replaced with Kynaera the killer.If the lily pad was not, as Kynaera suspected, too thin to support Greed's increased weight... she would deal with that when she had to.

  • Edited on 2013-04-12 22:00:35 by Legolover-361
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  • Posted 2013-04-13 01:09:59 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • OOC: Ryzen and Syvra(Vox's character) from Ta-WahiIC: RyzenSo, here was Ga-Wahi. Not terribly far, but not terribly great either. The smell of salt was on his lips, and he saw nothing but water. Syvra had been right. North from Ta-Koro, keep going. Ga-Wahi was a lot nicer, like cooler, than Ta-Wahi. Where Ta-Wahi was a smouldering, boiling, guaranteed-to-make-anyone-but-Ta-Matoran/Toa volcanic region, Ga-Wahi's tempature was slightly lower due to the fact that it was mostly water. Very nice place, maybe I can stop by Ga-Koro for news, supplies, anything. Though not so sure about Syvra. I'll ask him."Where do you want to go now? I was thinking Ga-Koro, but you might have another place in mind. Though there's not much here."

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  • Posted 2013-04-13 03:04:28 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • OOC: Syvra entering Ga-Wahi from Ta-wahi


    IC: Syvra


    Syvra simply looked at the water. He seemed to be in a trance. His eyes suddenly snapped open upon hearing Ryzen's words. He hastily turned to look at the toa

    "Well yes we should stop in Ga-koro for a bit. Maybe find some place to spend some time in."


    And maybe you will learn some patience. Not everything happens right away.

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  • Posted 2013-04-13 03:24:23 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: RyzenRyzen wondered how one can get to Ga-Koro. Nothing but water. By boat? We have no boat. Maybe Syvra could make one using leaves, but that might not work out. Maybe I could freeze the water to make a small path leading there. Not sure... He thought for a bit. Walk along the shore? No, that would take too long. Then again, I walked longer from Le-Koro to Ta-Koro and now here. The last plan seems the easiest now. Recently, lots of things happened. The residents might be suspicious of two non-Ga-Wahi Toa approaching from the side of the village."Not saying we should leave this moment, but to get to Ga-Koro, we have three options. One, I freeze part of the water to make a path. Two, we make a boat out of plants you grow. Three, we walk along the shore, which is the best option in my opinion that I weighed out. Your thoughts?"

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  • Posted 2013-04-13 03:29:30 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC:Syvra


    Syvra sighed a bit as he considered the options.

    "Well i think the last part is the wisest. Plus if you look you can at least see the out lines of the village."

    Syrva idly wrapped a vine around his fingers as he walked along the shore.

    "Now remember the sand is unstable in some parts from the water. so walk Carefully."

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  • Posted 2013-04-13 07:48:34 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC:


    Rhow looked back at Iraanus and nodded approvingly, they had had the same thought at exactly the same moment to get rid of the water. Now it was their turn to do something. She looked at her fellow Skakdi, then considered the opposition. By now the majority of the Matoran present had retreated to a minimum safe distance. The only ones that were still in the open were the dead. More Marines would show up soon, she assumed. But right now, the small ones were no in the line of fire. All the better.


    "Alright then. Let's spread out." she announced. ""Kahlynn, Destian, you can take the right. Maybe you can do something about that Toa of Plasma."


    "Viloz, stay in range of Iraanus and me, adding your power to our water will be darned useful here. Sookus, Mortis, it'd be best if you look for targets of opportunity.


    With that, the Skakdi moved out. Rhow looked back at Iraanus, then Viloz. "So, who do you want to beat up first?"

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  • Posted 2013-04-13 14:57:59 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • OOC: Continued from this post. Sorry again for taking this long, Construct.IC [Glacio]:"Some do, others don't. You can't really tell who's gonna go off ranting about some land across the sea and who doesn't remember a thing about themselves."The Toa stared off at the distant horizon, clearly remembering some event or another. For what seemed like an eternity, an awkward silence fell over our section of beach, broken only by the gently crashing waves and squawks of seabirds overhead."Err..." I began, trying to get the conversation moving again. "So, ah, where exactly are we?"

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  • Posted 2013-04-13 16:07:55 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC JetzulThis guy clearly didn't know anything. Jetzul despised fools, ignorance included, but still, he kept his patience. "You are on the island of Mata Nui; specifically in the coastal region of Ga-Wahi, on the outskirts of the water village of Ga-Koro." "No more stupid questions, please," Jetzul thought to himself, cringing inwardly.

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  • Posted 2013-04-13 22:45:30 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: RyzenRyzen followed Syvra down the shore, which lead him thinking some things. Like how the Ga-Matoran, whoever lived there, whatever, were like. And how Ga-Koro was like. Cramped? Crowded? Large? Well, he would find out.

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  • Posted 2013-04-13 23:14:56 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Syvra


    Syvra paused a bit as he looked at Ryzen

    "You go on ahead. I need to take care of something before i can head into the village."


    OOC: Hey ryzen i will actually be busy for a while and won't be able to post so that is why i am saying go on ahead

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  • Posted 2013-04-14 01:18:26 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • OOC: Dragonstar and Vox, you miiiight want to be advised that Ga-Koro is kinda in the middle of a mass-firefight right now, sparked from the revelation that the Toa who the Koro have been calling heroes are actually sin-embodying conspirators who have been trying to take over the place. Nothing major, though, just the Captain of the Marines getting her head chopped off instantaneously, plasma walls appearing out of nowhere before being doused by water which resulted in a fog developing, and a couple of Skakdi roaming in the shadows plotting further action. So yeah, just keep that in mind.IC: Voutok; Nokama's DockBefore Voutok or Lenat could even move from the back alley, the fog had enveloped across the entire area. Voutok could barely see anything in front of him; he couldn't even see his feet when he looked down."Karz it all...I can't see anything! Lenat? Are you still there? Can you hear me?"Hm...Hear..."If worse came to worse, Voutok had a plan. However he awaited Lenat's reply before he jumped that far ahead of things.

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  • Posted 2013-04-14 02:01:47 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC:



    "Hmmm. Well, only because you asked so nicely" Labelle said, turning around with a devilish smile.


    She handed over the document to the injured detective, although she didn't see what use it would be. She had activated her Mahiki and made the words on the letter appear like complete nonsense, except for the name 'Dorian' near the top.


    "This isn't the time to be playing games!" Ishi growled.


    "I don't know what you're talking about. But maybe if you said please..." Using her mask again, Labelle created the sound of a large number of footsteps just outside the door.


    "Please, Labelle, please! Please please please!" the Dog whispered as quickly as possible.


    "You don't have to be so impatient about. Sheesh."


    With the slightest concentration, Labelle finally allowed Ishi to read the Notice of Capture of Mark Bearer Dorian in Ta-Koro.

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  • Posted 2013-04-14 02:42:49 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • Lenat- Ga-koro


    IC: "Yes I can hear you Voutok. In regards to me clearing a way, I don't think that is a very good idea, I'm more of a mid-ranged fighter. Close quarters seems like it would be more your area of expertise."


    He listened for a second before continuing.


    "It think most of the Matoran have escaped. The only sounds are coming from people in direct combat."

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  • Posted 2013-04-14 02:48:06 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC-Nokth:


    "Decaia, you've been working, almost tirelessly, for months...All to help these Matoran. They've considered you a hero, even if, for you, it was an act. For them? It was real." He sighed, before stepping forwards, his clawed feet digging in as well.


    "You ask if they have any love, and I direct you to all the loyalty they have shown you and the others, to how they relied on you in their times of need. Sure, they didn't know that it was you specifically, but now they're in need again, and if they still hold anything against you at all, if you be their hero now, they would consider it a repentance, and they would accept you again." He held out his hand to the Toa of Water.


    "You've been wanting to bring justice for a long time, and now you have the chance to get some. And back to before, what you said about Seyza...What would she do? What would she want you to do, in this case? If she was as terrible as Ketan, Anthyn, or the others, then continue with your quest for destruction, but if she was the honorable, noble soul you've led me to think she was, then stop this and aid the Matoran!"


    IC - Decaia - Nokama Pier: He was right. In that moment, Decaia hated the Akrainid for it more than anything else, hated him with the rage of the sun that burned above, with all the fury of the sea below, but--###### IT! Why do you have to be right!?


    Nokth was right. There was no way around it. For all they had pinned on her, Seyza had never lost her love for the Matoran, never lost sight of what she had held most dear in her heart. She had tried to defend herself, as Decaia had, but in the end, she had accepted the fate that they had chosen for her, and in her last moments, she had never held them in contempt. She did not ask for vengeance, only for him to continue living, to maintain hope, to hold on to that single ideal that threatened to be extinguished with each passing night.


    She had forgiven them.


    She would not have wanted this. This realization turned Decaia's hate inward, transformed it into shame, regret, as the full impact of everything that he had done in the last few years struck him. He had let the darkness consume him, quenched himself the very light he had promised to protect. He had broken, collapsed under the sheer weight of despair, and it had twisted him, corrupted him, until he had become a specimen of the very scoundrel that he and Seyza had worked so hard to stop. What had he become? Not a stronger warrior, certainly. He had become nothing. Empty. A hollow shell, tied up in loathing and self-pity, blind to the world both physical and mental.


    She had forgiven them. Why couldn't he?


    Why can't I?


    You can.


    I can. I must. it all--I have to. I can't... live like this anymore.


    Decaia's hands shook, and for a moment, it seemed as if he would increase his assault on Ga-Koro. He did not. With a furious cry, the Toa spun on the spot, throwing his hand forward and lashing out at the open sea with a broad wave of water, which slammed into an oncoming wave and caused a spray of droplets to explode in every direction. Breathing deeply, he lowered his hands to his head, where they began to shake uncontrollably before dropping to his sides. His connection with the ocean broke with this movement, leaving the waves to their own natural movements, no longer an active threat against the village. And with this, Decaia collapsed to his knees, body wracked with ragged breaths as he stared into his open palms. With a deep, steadying breath, Decaia closed his eyes, bowing his head as if in prayer.


    "Seyza..." he said quietly. "I'm sorry... I am so... so sorry... Please... forgive me..."

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  • Posted 2013-04-14 03:00:51 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: Syvra


    Syvra threw his hand out infront of Ryzen.

    "Do you see that Ryzen."

    His left hand extended to point at the mass of fog that had enveloped the village. He could only see the gate of the villlage but he could see nothing farther than that.

    "Seems like a heavy fog has developed over the entire village."


    OOC: Thanks for the heads up Voutok.

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  • Posted 2013-04-14 03:39:41 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: (Vera, The Sleeping Tarakava) Vera had the nearly entire spectrum of color on her wooden platter, a wide variety of marine wildlife to choose from. The Fe-Matoran deftly picked up the chopsticks, playfully whirling them between thumb and fingers like a bored drummer would with his mallets. Her lilac eyes zeroed in on a piece of Takea, padded by a pillow of rice and wrapped with a blanket of kelp. Taking a small speck of wasabi she then picked up the roll, dipping it into the tare sauce. She plopped the piece of fish into her open mouth, chewing on the scrumptious meal, the heat of the wasabi with the tangy sauce. It was no wonder that Ga-Koro had often been considered a place where fine meals could be had, as it always seem to attract all the right people.


    Vera had continued on with her meal, only the chatter of the other patrons filled the blank spaces inbetween Riaril and Vera. Occasionally Vera took a few sips of the sweet and energizing Bula Berry Juice. Their meal would have continued in complete silence until Vera's eyes drifted upwards upon hearing a wet plop from Riaril's side of the table, Riaril filled the awkward silence with a queston and Vera answered a genuine smile on her face.


    "Simply best I have ever had. I would have to say Kochen, the head chef and owner of this establishment is one of the best chefs on Mata Nui." Vera motioned to the Vortixx man who had recently exited the kitchen and was talking with one of his matoran employees. He was tall and slender, like nearly all Vortixx, he wore an apron, seemed to be discussing an order at length with. "Now how's your meal? It's looks very appetizing from over here, smells delicious as well." The Fe-Matoran smirked, she paused for a second, no sense in beating around the bush anymore, that only raised suspicion, she wasn't going to risk anymore chances of losing the Toa's apparently fragile trust of her, she needed to make it stronger, which was sure to difficult.


    "Would you be willing to take on a student, Toa Gabel?"


    OOC: Kughii I want to apologize for my late response, I was trying to find the time to pump out a solid post. I hope to make that up by responding more frequently from now on.

  • Edited on 2013-04-14 03:46:51 by Master of Masks
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  • Posted 2013-04-14 13:11:41 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC-Nokth:


    Nokth waited for what seemed like a decorous moment, before reaching out a hand and pulling Decaia back up to his feet.


    "Come," he muttered. "We haven't much time to get the Matoran to safety." And it was true, if what little he had seen from the other Daedra's actions had been indicative of what they were continuing to do. Ketan, Kynaera, their fighting; Anthyn being...Anthyn, he hadn't seen much from her; Venedico running to fight Ta, and Embok sitting in the midst of it all, having done nothing much more than making a whole lot of annoying fog.


    Add running and screaming Matoran, a few extra Toa hereabouts trying to calm them down, maybe a few more Matoran, and you have a somewhat chaotic situation.


    "We haven't much time at all."

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  • Posted 2013-04-14 22:43:05 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ga-Wahi
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  • IC: RyzenRyzen studied the fog. It looked unnatural, and somehow unlike fog."Fog? Doesn't really look like fog. Maybe smoke. Well, whatever it is, I say we ought to check it out. At least I will, if you don't. It's been a while since I had any action."Wih that Ryzen headed slowly, but cautiously toward Ga-Koro.

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