A vista of Kini-Nui from the Mata Nui Online Game
  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:22:13 UTC
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    IC: Zel'Sai

    "I'm Zel'Sai... Nice to meet you." She replied, briefly wondering just how 'different' he meant. If it was getting serious this time around, something was probably up. And she had been dragged into the middle of it. "So... this has happened before. I understand the system they described... but why are these people doing this, and who are they?" She questioned. She had to get the information while she could. After all, she was not about to approach one of the huge beings that seemed to "rule" this place.



    IC: Daedalus Drachoren


    "I like that name. And it's nice to meet you, too." He lifted his head up and scratched underneath his chin. "As for your questions... I'm afraid I don't know the answer to either. Last time I was here, they were even less personable. I didn't know any of them had names or titles or whatever you want to call them. They may have said, but I guess I didn't pay attention."


    He shrugged. "Maybe they do it for kicks. Maybe they're pawns in a bigger scheme. I don't know. I certainly want to find out, though."

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:23:20 UTC
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  • IC: Kuro and Prose/Staircase

    I withdrew my hand once more and turned to Xara.

    "The same goes for you too. Keep an open mind here. Many people have different opinions about others and come from different background. Do not be as so quick to judge."

  • Edited on 2015-02-05 02:41:22 by ArcticFreeze17
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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:25:40 UTC
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    IC: Daedalus Drachoren


    "I like that name. And it's nice to meet you, too." He lifted his head up and scratched underneath his chin. "As for your questions... I'm afraid I don't know the answer to either. Last time I was here, they were even less personable. I didn't know any of them had names or titles or whatever you want to call them. They may have said, but I guess I didn't pay attention."


    He shrugged. "Maybe they do it for kicks. Maybe they're pawns in a bigger scheme. I don't know. I certainly want to find out, though."


    IC: Zel'Sai

    "Yes... and if they are the pawns... what does that make us?" The Water Toa questioned. "But all I want... is to get to my world again." It was unspoken that that was all any of the unwilling participants wanted.

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:27:37 UTC
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  • IC: Virnar

    "We'll figure it out as we go." Virnar replied unconcernedly. "Unless the facility is like, the size three deserts, we should be fine." the hunter Glatorian said, starting to walk over to the stairs.

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:28:10 UTC
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  • IC Kat:


    I folded my arms.


    "Glad I don't live where you're from, then."


    I looked over at the Giant who was still giving me the stink eye.


    "You got a problem buddy?"

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:29:31 UTC
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  • IC: Daedalus Drachoren


    "That makes us tools. And I hear you. I may not be entirely fond of my position where I'm from, but... well, it's home. A close approximation anyway. It's familiar. This..."


    He let the last word trail off, because for some reason, he was briefly afraid that this place would become familiar.

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:31:24 UTC
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  • IC: Xara - Staircase. 


    "Kat.... calm down..." I grabbed her arm and tried to pull her away, "...let's not start anything we can't finish." 



    IC: Dayeth - Upper Level.


    The Dark Ta-Toa waited at the top of the stairs for the rest of the group to catch up, and the tour to continue. 

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:34:00 UTC
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  • IC: Daedalus Drachoren


    "That makes us tools. And I hear you. I may not be entirely fond of my position where I'm from, but... well, it's home. A close approximation anyway. It's familiar. This..."


    He let the last word trail off, because for some reason, he was briefly afraid that this place would become familiar.


    IC: Zel'Sai

    She didn't say anything. There really wasn't much to say. The fighting seemed to have died down, and now the fighters were seemingly having "friendly" conversations. So she stood in awkward silence next to the De-Toa.

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:41:27 UTC
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  • IC: Daedalus Drachoren


    Daedalus couldn't tell if she was unaccustomed to extended conversation or simply quiet (or both), but he let the silence extend for a few moments. He watched the large group as the Host led them up some stairs.


    Turning his attention back to Zel'Sai, he asked, "Did you have any plans for an alliance? They weren't really necessary in the tournament I was in, but I imagine an alliance would prove beneficial this time around. What do you think?"

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:42:50 UTC
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  • IC Kat:


    I let Xara pull me away.


    <"I'm gettin' real tired of everyone treating us like trash. That's why I started the Karzing rebellion. Now it's just like those first few months again....">

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:44:33 UTC
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  • IC: Donrioda

    Donrioda shrugged, and looked at the Rahkshi in front of her. "Go ahead, lead the way. It'd be rude to go in front of you."

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:44:46 UTC
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  • OOC

    Is the foodcourt free for fighters?


    I was toying with the concept of a minor staff character called the Cook but never did anything with that. :lol:





    Proceeding up the staircase, the Host glanced back at his followers, then up the stairs at those who had gone ahead.

    Reaching the top, he turned back to face the way he'd come. Corridors, much like the ones they'd just left, stretched far to the left and right.

    "To my left is the Knowledge Sector. It contains the Library, which is pretty self-descriptive." Through the large, open doorways, rows upon rows of bookshelves could be seen, packed tight with tomes.


    "To my right is the Comfort Sector. It's a relaxation area, containing rooms to sleep and places to be idle." Through the other doorways, a multitude of couches and a fair bit of open space could be seen, along with areas walled off to serve as sleeping quarters.


    "When you're not in the Arena or exploring, the majority of the interesting action will likely occur around here. Feel free to explore as you choose, or continue to follow me."

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:44:47 UTC
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    As the trio walked through the cave, the light from Artorre's sword revealed a carving on the wall - Elittra held up her hand to stop the Toa as she stepped forward to inspect it.


    "Looks like some sort of pedestal," she murmured. "Something is hovering above it... I'm not quite sure what it is. Might be one of those treasures that the Host was referring to, perhaps. Let's keep going; maybe we'll find something up ahead."

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:46:10 UTC
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  • IC:

    Arxtann grasped the grip of his sword tightly. So far as he could tell, he was surrounded by strangers. Albeit most were Toa, but some were Rahkshi. He'd had bad experiences with Rahkshi.

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:48:34 UTC
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  • IC: Kuro and Prose/Staircase

    We went down the stairs and continued to follow the group.

  • Edited on 2015-02-05 02:48:46 by ArcticFreeze17
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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:49:01 UTC
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  • IC: Xara - Staircase. 


    Once upon a time, I wouldn't have cared. Especially since it was Kat, of all people. But I'd fought in her rebellion, nearly died, barely escaped with my life. I knew how she felt. That had been a cause worth fighting for. I'd finally had a reason to fight as a Shield, and not a Sword. 


    Yet here we were, being bullied by some new tyrant who once more considered us to be his playthings - subjects in his experiments. This Host was stronger, more powerful than Tridax had been. But I knew from experience that everyone had a weakness. We just needed to find it. Then we could all go home. 



    IC: Dayeth - Upper Level.


    She continued following the Host, admiring the interior. At least they'd be living in comfort while they were here. 

  • Edited on 2015-02-05 02:49:33 by Roman Torchwick
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  • Posted 2015-02-05 02:51:50 UTC
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  • OOC: Hey look, I'm allowed in here now, yay,



    IC: Kopeyku;


    I wander the place in hopes of gaining an understanding of the layout of the building, I hope not to speak with anyone, considering the idiots that all supposedly sentient species have turned out to be,

  • Edited on 2015-02-05 02:52:19 by Petewa
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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:03:24 UTC
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  • IC: Kopen - Staircase


    She followed toward the back of the group. She did not need to be up close to hear the booming voice of the Host. The clicks from her joints rebounded off the towering figures around her. There were a lot of Toa and... Rahkshi. They were screeching at each other, almost as if they could speak. It grated on her ears just to be near them. It would be a pleasure to defeat one, though it would be difficult without their elemental abilities.


    She observed the rooms the Host had pointed out as they passed. The Library was full of large boxes that she assumed were shelves. No matter, she would not be spending much time in there, not if she could help it. She didn't have much of a use for "reading." The Comfort Sector sounded equally unappealing. She didn't need rest. One does not learn anything while sleeping, and here, knowledge was more than power, it was survival.


    She followed the tail of the group closely, trying to stay out of the way of the others, especially the Rahkshi.

  • Edited on 2015-02-05 03:27:08 by Click
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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:05:46 UTC
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  • IC: Kopeyku;


    I see a training centre, and I entre,

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:09:46 UTC
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  • IC Ezezko - Foodcourt

    Pure bliss.


    The foodcourt attendants seemed a little hasty and anxious to be rid of you, as had the person eating next to the table that you now occupied. They were seated in a corner opposite of you, giving you a look as if you were a particularly nasty rain cloud, a slug of some kind or maybe an eldritch personification of misfortune.


    This had been happening around you for quite some time, as long as you could remember even. It was rather off putting, given your cheerful outlook and humorous demeanor. When you had been born (things worked a little more Bio-mechanically in your world, emphasis on bio) your mother had died, out of pain or disgust or sadness you did not know.


    Since then, you'd been none too popular. Not that you wanted popularity, rather, you abhorred the idea of such central and nuclear concepts. What gave someone the right to be a main character? If this world had some twisted minds narrating it and authors writing it, they had no right to live out their fantasies through their characters!






    You happily finished the bowl of soup and chunk of bread, eagerly asking the attendants for more. 「More, please.」

    Again, they gave it to you, no questions. You appreciated their meaningless and low key attitude if nothing else, they weren't trying to be central characters. They didn't even have names! Warming yourself with food and recollection, you cheerfully anticipate the battles. Your skill set should prove arresting enough to break some of these inflated egos down to their base constituent pieces.


    That would be fun.

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:10:12 UTC
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  • OOC: This was a blast to write, but don't worry. I promise I won't do this very often. Loquacity, even if it is in character, should have its limits. Also, copying and pasting things from Word tends to create weird font issues that I can't seem to fix, so I apologize for that.


    IC: Von Worten Undtränen


    I think that, at this present time, it would be beneficial for those present to hear a story. No, not a story. A tale. There is, after all, a difference, what with a tale being to a story what a romance is to a novel. At least, that is how I’ve always heard it recorded (synesthesia!), particularly in my book here.


    Anyway, this tale shall, for brevity’s sake, be reduced to its most basic form insomuch as I am able to keep my ruminations laconic, which, I confess, is difficult. But I digress.


    I am a Toa of Psionics. My powers are not what they should be, in large part due to my mind. As the seat of my powers, it must remain strong. Due to circumstances I have difficulty recalling, it has not. Thus, a strange interplay has occurred between and within my mind and my abilities. I am as strong as my imagination will let me be, but my powers prevent my imagination from being as strong as it could be.


    Why is this? Again, I am unable to recall. However, I am utterly convinced that this strange, interdimensional, interuniversal teleportation, whether done through means natural or unnatural (though being teleportation, it is by its very nature unnatural, and thus the need to distinguish natural teleportation from unnatural teleportation is both unnecessary and nonsensical), has exacerbated my condition, such as it is. While I personally find no reason to fear this amplification, I realize that, for your sake, that is, the reader’s sake, it should be made known what processes my mind engages in. This, hopefully, will provide some baseline for understanding on the reader’s part.


    Which, of course, brings me to the present (that is, the present in which you are reading, for, this recollection being in the past tense, it is obvious these events have already occurred for me, or, at the very least, I believe them to have occurred, which, again, is a point of possible contention).


    I was withdrawn from my physical habitation via the aforementioned teleportation (again, brevity prevents my retreading that ground, even if I yearn to do so) and placed in a facility in which I was expected to, for reason unknown, engage in a violent tournament. I came only with those things on my person, one of those being, thankfully, Of Tales Long and Short, for Reading and Cogitation: A Book of Stories, a volume I would be unable, perhaps literally, to live without.


    I suffered through the unpleasant encounter with the self-titled Queen (for in my observation, nothing would particularly indicate that she held such a title, or even deserved it, being, as it seemed, for her own sense of self-importance), and then remained seated a few minutes after she expressed the necessity of our departure from the arena lest we lose a life. I confess that my delay was due in large part to disorientation. I am typically capable of separating the world in my mind (which, as you read my story, you will hopefully glimpse) from the world around me, but my sudden removal from my own home and universe left me temporarily unable to differentiate the two.


    When they finally merged, as it were, I was able to rise and exit the arena. My suddenly being surrounded by many beings I did not know raised in me a peculiar and unfamiliar shyness, which drove me to a spot against a wall with no other beings in the immediate vicinity. I sank to a seat, holding my book tightly against my chest, and let my gaze drift past some of the trees that had (inexplicably, perhaps, to you) appeared in the area. I was not adverse to interaction, but I preferred that someone would come to me. I did not fancy entering large groups at the moment.


    OOC: Von Worten is open for interaction.

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:13:29 UTC
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  • IC - Artorre (Cave):


    Artorre relished the scathing banter that was already developing between himself and Elittra.


    "Shocking revelation," he commented with a grin. He didn't quite know why, but he had almost expected her to be as snarky as she was. It was almost as if he had encountered a button he'd never seen before, and yet known that pressing it would give him a cookie.


    For the second time today, he considered the possibility that they had known each other in a past life.


    IC: Lekona - Caves


    "Okay, good. Its been quite some time since I've had any interaction with others, and I never was the best with names," Lekona chuckled, before looking back at the Ta-Toa, "And you're Artorre, right?"


    "I am!" He responded to Lekona's question. "You've heard of me, then? I do happen to be quite famous around Ta-Metru as 'That Deranged Fighter That Assaulted Half a Dozen Heavyweights.' I won, as I'm sure you know."

    "Or...! Wait, I introduced myself earlier, didn't I? Hahaha, my mistake. Anyway, now that I've inadvertently brought up the topic of home, where do you two hail from? If you don't mind my asking, that is.


    Edit: OOC: Why can't I, stop typing Artorre's location as "Arena"?

  • Edited on 2015-02-05 03:17:32 by Colonel Roy Mustang
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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:15:13 UTC
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  • IC: Daedalus Drachoren


    Daedalus couldn't tell if she was unaccustomed to extended conversation or simply quiet (or both), but he let the silence extend for a few moments. He watched the large group as the Host led them up some stairs.


    Turning his attention back to Zel'Sai, he asked, "Did you have any plans for an alliance? They weren't really necessary in the tournament I was in, but I imagine an alliance would prove beneficial this time around. What do you think?"


    IC: Zel'Sai

    "Well... the only one I ever really allied with was... Um, I suppose it would be a good idea. To me, survival is more important than winning... as long as we survive, we can try to get home, or at least find the truth of this place. So, I suppose I can make another ally." She was a little hesitant, but this person seemed nice enough, and she knew no one else here. Recent acquaintance though he was, Zel'Sai had to admit that making allies was a good idea in this situation. And it was one more person she knew wouldn't try to kill her immediately. That, and she had the feeling that this person was no weakling. Perhaps they could support one another. She only hoped she wasn't misplacing her trust and making a huge mistake... She was probably just paranoid.


    OOC: Oh boy here we go I sort of have to go to bed now... accursed curfews. I'll be back sometime tomorrow. Tomorrow, though... I'll be on later. And with slightly better internet.

  • Edited on 2015-02-05 03:15:40 by Urchin
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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:17:57 UTC
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  • IC: Kopeyku;


    I detach the gear keeping my gun in my 'hand' and try basic attacks on the dummies provided, granted, I do tend to slash through them fairly quickly, which doesn't really surprise me, due to the fact that my left hand is little more than a claw,



    OOC: Kopeyku is open for interaction,

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:18:13 UTC
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  • IC Kotak:


    No one was here, it seemed. He came back out to find a tour of sorts, and joined the group, keeping his distance from the Rahkshi.


    OOC: Kotak open for interaction.

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:21:07 UTC
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  • OOC: This was a blast to write, but don't worry. I promise I won't do this very often. Loquacity, even if it is in character, should have its limits. Also, copying and pasting things from Word tends to create weird font issues that I can't seem to fix, so I apologize for that.


    IC: Von Worten Undtränen


    I think that, at this present time, it would be beneficial for those present to hear a story. No, not a story. A tale. There is, after all, a difference, what with a tale being to a story what a romance is to a novel. At least, that is how I’ve always heard it recorded (synesthesia!), particularly in my book here.


    Anyway, this tale shall, for brevity’s sake, be reduced to its most basic form insomuch as I am able to keep my ruminations laconic, which, I confess, is difficult. But I digress.


    I am a Toa of Psionics. My powers are not what they should be, in large part due to my mind. As the seat of my powers, it must remain strong. Due to circumstances I have difficulty recalling, it has not. Thus, a strange interplay has occurred between and within my mind and my abilities. I am as strong as my imagination will let me be, but my powers prevent my imagination from being as strong as it could be.


    Why is this? Again, I am unable to recall. However, I am utterly convinced that this strange, interdimensional, interuniversal teleportation, whether done through means natural or unnatural (though being teleportation, it is by its very nature unnatural, and thus the need to distinguish natural teleportation from unnatural teleportation is both unnecessary and nonsensical), has exacerbated my condition, such as it is. While I personally find no reason to fear this amplification, I realize that, for your sake, that is, the reader’s sake, it should be made known what processes my mind engages in. This, hopefully, will provide some baseline for understanding on the reader’s part.


    Which, of course, brings me to the present (that is, the present in which you are reading, for, this recollection being in the past tense, it is obvious these events have already occurred for me, or, at the very least, I believe them to have occurred, which, again, is a point of possible contention).


    I was withdrawn from my physical habitation via the aforementioned teleportation (again, brevity prevents my retreading that ground, even if I yearn to do so) and placed in a facility in which I was expected to, for reason unknown, engage in a violent tournament. I came only with those things on my person, one of those being, thankfully, Of Tales Long and Short, for Reading and Cogitation: A Book of Stories, a volume I would be unable, perhaps literally, to live without.


    I suffered through the unpleasant encounter with the self-titled Queen (for in my observation, nothing would particularly indicate that she held such a title, or even deserved it, being, as it seemed, for her own sense of self-importance), and then remained seated a few minutes after she expressed the necessity of our departure from the arena lest we lose a life. I confess that my delay was due in large part to disorientation. I am typically capable of separating the world in my mind (which, as you read my story, you will hopefully glimpse) from the world around me, but my sudden removal from my own home and universe left me temporarily unable to differentiate the two.


    When they finally merged, as it were, I was able to rise and exit the arena. My suddenly being surrounded by many beings I did not know raised in me a peculiar and unfamiliar shyness, which drove me to a spot against a wall with no other beings in the immediate vicinity. I sank to a seat, holding my book tightly against my chest, and let my gaze drift past some of the trees that had (inexplicably, perhaps, to you) appeared in the area. I was not adverse to interaction, but I preferred that someone would come to me. I did not fancy entering large groups at the moment.


    OOC: Von Worten is open for interaction.

    OOC: Aw, sad, I've gotta do something,


    IC: Kopeyku;



    I realize someone shying towards a wall, likely due to culture shock, I walk up to them, and reach my claw down, if for no other reason but to be held,

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:29:25 UTC
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  • IC: Onuvo (Hallways outside Arena)


    "You.. Rebuilt yourself?" Onuvo tried to comprehend the enormity of that task, but couldn't. "That is... really impressive! So it comes off by design? Huh."


    Maybe Xaeraz didn't need as much help as he had first thought. 


    Onuvo glanced around, seeing that everyone seemed to have left and gone upstairs. "Let's go ahead and follow them." Onuvo suggested. "We might as well keep up with the rest of them."

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:32:05 UTC
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  • IC: Ismekne got up and stretched. Picking up her warhammer, she opened the door to see a string of beings walking away, led by a strange hooded figure. She shuddered, recalling the old Turaga from long ago. But he's dead. I saw him die. 


    Still, if he was behind this, Ismekne would make him pay. She fell in line behind the others, hoping not to be noticed for the time being. 


    OOC: Open for interaction. 

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:32:29 UTC
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  • IC: "Y-yeah, by design, and on accident s-sometimes..." Xaeraz shrugged, as if it could happen to anyone. "And it, ah, it wasn't all at once, either. Rebuilding a b-body is a gradual process, th-that takes care and t-time..." He trailed off, as a thought crossed his mind.


    "...Upstairs sounds like a good idea. Th-there might be a w-workshop there, at, at least."

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:45:32 UTC
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  • IC Kotak:


    No one was here, it seemed. He came back out to find a tour of sorts, and joined the group, keeping his distance from the Rahkshi.


    OOC: Kotak open for interaction.


    OOC: Might just take you up on that. :evilgrin: :evilmad: :evilbiggrin:


    IC: Dayeth - Upper Hallway.


    "You again." Dayeth said in greeting, as the Ko-Toa joined the tour. 

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:54:35 UTC
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  • IC: Lekona - Caves


    "I come from Spherus Magna. There, I was the lone protector of a village of Matoran from various tribes who lived in a great forest, a distance from most civilization. I made a mistake, and they were all killed as a result. That was years ago though. Not like I've really done anything but survive since then." Lekona said, responding to Artorre.

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 03:56:06 UTC
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  • IC Halmos



    Very busy. Very busy indeed. Now... To think of a plan.


    Yes! that would work very well! But he would need to find the willing.



    OOC: Halmos open to interaction.

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 04:00:45 UTC
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  • IC: Onuvo (Heading Upstairs)


    "I guess that makes more sense." Onuvo said. "After all, how are you supposed to build anything if you aren't there anymore?"


    "With a workshop, you'd be able to work your magic though, wouldn't you? If you can do all of that, even over time..."


    "Well, there is no telling what all you could accomplish here!"


    Onuvo made it to the top of the stairs, and looked back behind him at Xaeraz. "No workshop yet, but I do smell food!" He said, as his stomach began to rumble.

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 04:04:51 UTC
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  • IC Kat:


    I let Xara pull me away.


    <"I'm gettin' real tired of everyone treating us like trash. That's why I started the Karzing rebellion. Now it's just like those first few months again....">


    IC: Zelnos


    <Some beings are stubborn, or just won't listen. You just have to try harder to convince them.>

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 04:07:50 UTC
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  • Probably going to be my last IC post for the night.

    Awesome day one, though - thanks everybody.




    The Host turned to his left and began walking, starting to bring the tour group down the length of the Comfort Sector and on towards the Commercial Sector.

  • Edited on 2015-02-05 04:08:28 by Anung Un Rama
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  • Posted 2015-02-05 04:14:51 UTC
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  • IC: "If you need to eat, feel free. I, er, don't eat much anymore. Not a lot of food where I'm from." Well, it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth, either. Xaeraz just truly did not want to alienate anyone yet, not ever if he could help it.


    "So, ah, if you need to eat, feel free. I'll go w-walk around fo r ab-bit, see if I can find a-anything interesting..."

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 04:15:30 UTC
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  • IC Kotak:


    He turned to see the Dark Toa from before.


    "Me again."


    He was concise like that.


    IC Kat: I looked over to the Quick Healing Rahkshi.


    And snorted.


    <"Tridax taught us all a long time ago that words won't reach some people.And I'm seein' a lot of Tridax in this place.">

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 04:19:27 UTC
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  • OOC: I've gotta go, I shoulda been in bed hours ago,

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  • Posted 2015-02-05 04:21:59 UTC
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  • IC: Kuro and Prose/Staircase

    "Maybe words may not reach others, but my power will," I muttered. I was still behind Kat and her company.

  • Edited on 2015-02-05 04:22:18 by ArcticFreeze17
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  • Posted 2015-02-05 04:29:54 UTC
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  • IC: Green

    Green got lost.


    Or rather, she had to take a rest to get her mental bearings and ended up being left behind.


    She didn't normally feel like this.


    OOC: it's my fault, really. I haven't been doing her justice with my writing. Narcissistic Green will start coming once I figure things out.


    But anyways.



    ... Wait.


    Just throwing this out there, but...


    Was this really about being kidnapped and dropped into another world where she had become an (immortal?) gladiator, stuck here indefinitely?


    Or was she just a little on-edge because she was hungry?




    Anyways, after some wandering, Green found herself in the cafeteria.


    The first thing that hit her was the smell. It smelled... Like food. Not the grey slop or the tasteless cellulose-rich vegetation that she was used to. This... Actually smelled like something somebody in their right mind would eat.


    But you never judge a book by its cover, right?


    Anyways, she ended up ordering a mushroom swiss burger. Why a mushroom swiss burger, you ask? ... Green didn't know.


    OOC: my guess is that she just did the thing where you close your eyes, point your arm out, and spin in a circle. When you stop, you open your eyes and see what you're looking at.


    But I digress. Again.



    Taking a seat at the same table as a toa (Ezeko) that she didn't even see, Green took a bite of this strange food item.


    And at that moment, tears of joy were shed.

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