Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay

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A vista of Kini-Nui from the Mata Nui Online Game
  • Posted 2020-12-28 23:16:11 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Vulimai (Metru-Koro, The Western Garrison)

    "Well, to make a looooong story short, a Toa named Falh killed a Toa called Datrox, and gave his heart to this thing in exchange for one of those Kraata slugs. It happened in my hut, and I could only watch through the window because Falh kicked me out."

    Even with Whisper having her conversation with Taja, the Aspect could not help but catch Vulimai's impossibly deep mental sigh as she spoke to Whisper. "Whisper...You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you?"

    As Vulimai thought to Whisper, she replied to Navu in the same instance. "Assuming this murder occurred yesterday, than I am sorry to hear that your report was lost during the drills. As Captain of the Guard, I take full responsibility and will have eyes out for this Toa of ice, but if they have gone beyond the borders of Metru-Koro, than I apologize that there is nothing else that can be done."

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Nato the Traveler

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  • Posted 2020-12-28 23:23:19 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Whisper - Metru Koro, Western Garrison 

    It wasn't my doing, she replied. I wasn't even aware there was another Aspect still in the village. Ask her what this Aspect looks like, I might recognise them.


  • Edited on 2020-12-28 23:48:42 by Nato the Traveler
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  • Posted 2020-12-28 23:33:54 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Vulimai (Metru-Koro, The Western Garrison)

    "I wasn't even aware there was another Aspect still in the village. Ask him what this Aspect looks like, I might recognize them."

    Vulimai let out an internal sigh of relief, even though she genuinely didn't think it was Whisper, otherwise Navu would've had a much more visceral reaction back at the Taku cargo bay. "So, tell me, what did this thing look like as well as this Toa Falh. Any information you can give will be valuable if either are ever seen near or within the village."

    OOC: @Nato the Traveler @Toru Nui

  • Edited on 2020-12-28 23:54:56 by Sparticus147
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  • Posted 2020-12-29 00:14:38 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Knichou, Metru-Koro, Western Garrison

    Knichou followed Nale through the city, and eventually the trio arrived at the ruins of the western garrison, where Vulimai was speaking to Navu. Everything seemed fine, especially given how Vulimai's safety was no longer the most important matter to worry about. Who was watching him? Knichou eyed the surrounding area warily as they group approached the Captain.

  • Edited on 2020-12-29 00:15:06 by BULiK
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  • Posted 2020-12-29 00:20:53 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Cravious - Skakdi of Lightning - Zakazian

    Location - Irnakk’s Tooth (7, 10)

    With - Whira, Tuaxxon


    Red lit the chamber, filling Cravious with apprehension. Did Irnakk disapprove of their meddling? Was the laughter of the pit witches louder? Were they coming for him?

    Whira reached out her hand, as if possessed by the glowing inscriptions. Cravious slowly grabbed his Zamor Launcher, mind racing with horrible potentialities. He hoped that his Lightning might be enough to daze her and get her out of Irnakk’s reach, should she really be losing it.

    But something else caught his attention. Another mind entered the range of his Kraata power. He felt it- No, it was two minds. Or… well, they were on top of each other. One, yet two. Or, well, there might even be three. He was confused. His power kept alternating what it was telling him. He wished for a moment that it was stronger, but it would have to do for now.

    Whira was frozen, why he knew not, but the new being, no, a titan of a being, arrived at the chamber. It didn’t look like Irnakk, nor one of his minions. Even as the light of the carvings faded, Cravious turned his Zamor Launcher to the new arrival, casually grabbing his Seismic Pickaxe as well. He held his Zamor Launcher with nonchalance, only his forearm lifted at the elbow, but it was still pointed Axxon’s way.

    He glanced at Whira, then spoke to the new arrival from across the cavern, “Maybe we have. Maybe we haven’t. Name’s Cravious. What brings you here?


    OOC: @~Xemnas~ @Eyru


    IC: Hahvok - Za and Ja Krana of Ice - Independent

    Location - Underground

    With - Marrow, Providence, Zak-Yak, Takadox


    Hahvok, with his short legs (both pairs of them), had been in the rear of the group. He had felt the minds of many small Rahi as they walked, including the false wall one. It swallowed up Tall Blue, which didn’t really concern him much. The mind called Marrow was the only one he was actually concerned about. That mind could lead him to others that might be able to tell him his purpose.

    But now the wall Rahi was blocking his path. The small him, Zal, scampered back down the tunnel, moving to safety. As a general rule, all Rahi avoided Krana, but Hahvok didn’t know that. So he raised his shields. A thin layer of frost grew upon them, slowly building up in small hexagonal chunks, then twin beams of white, mixed with different layers of cold blues, shot forth, aiming to freeze the creature over, cleanse it fully, then allow Hahvok to continue forward, following the mind called Marrow.

    OOC: @Nato the Traveler @Sparticus147 @Burnmad @Unreliable Narrator


    Sorry these took me so long. Thanks for waiting.

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 00:37:25 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC [Zataka - Aboard the Tactical Panda]:

    Boop. Maybe it had been seeing their home destroyed - or whatever the destroyed settlement drifting away below them counted as - but her hosts seemed much more ponderous and less tightly wound than before. It was a welcome reprieve, though Zataka didn’t count on it lasting, even for a second. Yumiwak was still setting up for her next move in the powerplay for dominance over the island. Her goal was to be on her way back home and alive by the time things came to a head. With that in mind, she answered the princess’ question: “I can make them.”

    She let the words hang for a second, then added: “With the right resources.”

    The way Yumiwak had said ‘made’ had a certain tone to it. Of course, if they didn’t have this exact type of weapon on this Zakaz, then Yumiwak’s only exposure to its capability would be the aftermath of her clash with the desert raiders. Zataka thought back to that night - it felt equally close, yet long ago already. The shock of getting ported to this place had really messed up her sense of time those first couple of days, making it all blur together. 

    Regardless, Yumiwak did not need to know that some of the worst fates the raiders had suffered had been inflicted after the Cordak had run out of rounds. That was something shouldn’t be told, but rather find out for herself when the time was right. In a good way or not was up to her. Until then, the titan would try to make this tenuous quid pro quo work, ideally for them both. 

    “No need to look glum however.”

    She took a sauntering step forward, and if the Skakdi princess followed her gaze, she’d see the titan’s eyes locked on the hazy silhouette of the giant head on the horizon.

    “I know just the place to restock.”

    There was more to it than just some more of the explosive micro missiles though. The idea had come upon her as she’d once again glimpsed what was left of her world. Ulterior motives? Certainly. But again, furthering both their agendas. With the ship they could get to the city easily enough, get Yumiwak her desired toys and maybe find what she needed for her own quest.

    OOC: @EmperorWhenua

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 00:45:17 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC, Whira: Nightmare Pits

    Whira stared at the titanic for a moment. She did understand now... she understood what the carvings meant... and the occult method to creating a powerful Kanoka disk. 

    Whira finally nodded. “Indeed,” she said. “Who are you?” she asked the titan. 

    OOC: @Eyru @Kal the Guardian

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 00:51:31 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Nale Vella and Triage - Metru-Koro

    Nale was the first to speak up, interrupting the sudden murder investigation happening. "Vulimai? Navu?"

    @BULiK@Sparticus147@Toru Nui

  • Edited on 2020-12-29 00:51:44 by Tarn
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  • Posted 2020-12-29 01:42:57 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Barius - Fort Nektann, Garage

    Barius stood stock-still, only breathing as he took in the events of the past several moments. His mind had been working through the haze of intoxication to come up with different permutations of commerce and violence that might defuse the hostage situation he'd found himself in (though the hostage, in his mind, was his garage rather than Grime). This thought process was complicated by a flurry of distractions; Parnassus and Corrivalis yapping like dogs, the old man muttering in his ear. Do you think I need your assistance? Barius thought to himself. Somewhere nearby, someone was calling his name. He didn't have the mental energy to figure out who.

    Just as all the noise was reaching a fever pitch-- it stopped. Like the flip of a switch. Miserix took Grime and Korruhn, and walked them both out of the garage like wind-up toys.

    When his clouded mind caught up with the situation, he breathed a heavy sigh. At least his garage hadn't burned down.

    Parnassus! He snapped through their mental connection, as the Aspect had disappeared almost as soon as the encounter was over. Tell two of the Skaks to clean the garage, and be tight-lipped about it.

    OOC: @Conway @Sparticus147 @EmperorWhenua

    IC: Ollem - Ash Barrens

    The Onu-Matoran gazed woefully on the desolate rock that held the Suva. As far as he could tell, the best way to get to their destination was by crossing a charred, burning tree trunk that spanned the length of the nearer river. "Remind me," he sighed, "why did we agree to go to the lava place, in stead of the Toa of Fire?"

    With no answer forthcoming from his companion, he sighed again, and hopped up onto the tree trunk. Pulling his cloak near, in the hopes that it might ward off even a bit of the sweltering heat, he began his crossing.

    The heat was intense, and by the halfway point his head was light. The parts of his body which were not shielded by the cloak burnt with the fury of a thousand suns; the parts which were shielded by the cloak burnt with the fury of nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine. Nonetheless, he made it across, and hurled himself weakly upon the stone of the island. Previously scalding, the ground's great warmth now seemed cool in comparison to the heat he had felt crossing the lava flow. He lay there for a time, holding up a shaky thumbs-up to Mahrika, as he waited for her to repeat his feat of endurance.

    When his strength had returned, he pushed himself to his feet on rubbery, sweat-slick arms, and went to examine the Suva.

    OOC: @Harvali @Unreliable Narrator

  • Edited on 2020-12-29 02:11:40 by Burnmad
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  • Posted 2020-12-29 02:19:06 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Rahi in the tunnel | Underground

    Providence's shadows cut through the silver and yellow armor of the predatory rahi hunting alongside their tunnel. He shouted and worked his fury out on the beast, but it seemed to have little effect in actually dealing significant damage. Havok's ice punched small holes into the creature's armor as well. With all the attacks of those in the tunnel, and the sounds of their raised voices, the rahi began to retreat. While hungry, it did not want a fight, and its tongue was already wounded. 

    OOC: rahi beginning to go away. Last chance if you want it. @Kal the Guardian, @Burnmad, @Sparticus147, @Nato the Traveler

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 02:25:27 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC Kathrine of the Flame - Ruins Exterior:

    "I guess that settles it, then! Reckless, we're counting on you and your comrades!" She beamed at the vahki, and offered a thumbs up.

    "Oh, and Ulkarr! Thanks for sparring with me! Maybe we can do it again sometime after we get back!"

    @Onaku@Toru Nui


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  • Posted 2020-12-29 02:56:02 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Marrow - Underground

    Even as the beast recoiled in retreat, the rest of Marrow's companions seemed intent on engaging it. If they tried to follow the rahi into its own tunnels, there was no telling what might become of them. Marrow didn't particularly care either way what became of the newcomers. He didn't know them, didn't even know what some of them were... but he was loathe to throw away potential allies without at least trying to keep them alive.

    "You, Av-Skakdi," he pointed in the direction the other Mesi had scuttled off in. He could still feel their presence, but only with his sixth sense, and even then only indistinctly. It was strange, but he was certain they were still close. "Combine powers with me! Hurry!" 

    Zak-Yak paused, not sure what Marrow had meant by combine powers, but that momentarily confusion caused the Mesi to fade back into the material realm long enough for Marrow to take a hold of them.

    And then Marrow struck out with the full force of their combined powers. Tangles of tough thorny vines, aglow with unnatural luminescence, erupted from the walls and floors of the tunnel, reaching out to entangle the colossal creature and prevent its escape. As the vines grew, so too did root structures to anchor them in the earth and rock.

    OOC: Zak-Yak bunnied with permission. @Kal the Guardian @Burnmad @Sparticus147 @Unreliable Narrator

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 03:52:40 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Arkius - Todbuk-Koro

    Arkius nodded. "Right. Lets go, sister." With that, he began heading in the direction Jutori and Kilo had gone, expecting Kat to follow.

    @The UltimoScorp@Toru Nui@pokemonlover360@Tarn

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 04:00:54 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Irna | Metru-Koro

    "I'm not sure if there are any authorities left to inform, Tekmo," Irna said. "Sans is missing. So is Captain Knichou. We're on our own."

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Keeper of Kraata

    IC: Parnassus | Desert

    Parnassus opened their eyes and it was done. Already the shadows were at work, cracking open his chest and wrenching the heartlight out. Parnassus barely had to think about it -- in fact, they could hardly think about it all. Their mind was as dim and lifeless as a lantern, freshly extinguished. The shades worked of their own accord, mere echoes of a wish that the Aspect had held in their heart what seemed like a lifetime ago.

    When the light was placed in their hand -- still warm, still steaming in the cold desert air -- Parnassus turned, but did not see the body. Could not see, perhaps. 

    Would not allow themself to see.

    "When one of my kin dies," they said, soft a cool breeze at high noon, "their spirit is returned to the wellspring of our forebears, to give life to a new generation. And their body...."

    The shadows curled around the body and it rose, lifted up by the night, vanishing into the darkness between stars.

    Corrivalis, the Mimic. Corrivalis, the lost boy.

    Corrivalis, the warskak.

    Corrivalis, the betrayed, cooed a voice in Parnassus' mind, a voice that they ignored, a voice that they drowned out with Barius' ordering them back to the fortress. And lo, they did make their way back, trudging away from the horizon, hiding the heartlight in a veil of shadows, not feeling the sand or the cold wind whipping at them. Not feeling the warmth of the dwindling campfires or the slickness of petrol on the ground. "The hangar needs to cleaning," they intoned to a pair of half-dozing warskaks, but they did not watch them jump to attention. They did not look at Barius, or Drukarus, or any of the machines that hung like bodies in the hangar.

    They saw only their kin, Caedast -- and they approached him.

    "Wanderer," Parnassus said quietly, their voice the creak of rusted metal. "I believe we must speak."

    OOC: @Nato the Traveler @Burnmad @Sparticus147 @EmperorWhenua


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  • Posted 2020-12-29 05:12:15 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Reliable Narrator | The Coliseum

    Zaliyah cut the cables to the elevator. It fell for a long time. When it finally crashed to the bottom of the shaft, the noise echoed all the way back up. The elevator was utterly destroyed, along with the three Vahki it had been carrying inside.

    Ostrox pulled the fire alarm down. Instantly, an alarm began to peal throughout the Coliseum, rising and falling like the cry of a vast bird. Under Dume, any Vahki in the building would have abandoned their tasks and begun escorting Matoran out or searching for the source of the alarm. But under the leadership of the Barraki, the mechanical enforcers were programmed to obey their leader's commands above all else. Instead of activating subroutines to prevent the loss of property or life, the Vahki collectively isolated the source of the emergency signal and began moving towards it. The elevators were no longer operating (a safety mechanism designed to prevent loss of life during emergencies), so they had to use the stairs. Pistons firing and gears whirring, they leapt up the stairs two at a time, never tiring or growing short of breath.

    Emergency pull station #354 in room 3512 activated, the hive mind determined. The 35th floor is abandoned. Likely cause: the renegades.

    The Vahki crawling up the outside of the building confirmed it. The six Vahki had exited the waiting room through the broken window and begun carefully ascending the side of the Coliseum. By now, they had observed that a window above them was broken, and were making their way towards it. The first Vahki hooked its staves over the edge of the window and pulled itself up into the room. As it did so, it realized its three targets were standing by the window. It abruptly stopped its entry, and instead fired a disk at Zaliyah, not realizing it was another illusion.

    The seventh Vahki in the room below had chosen not to ascend the outside of the building. Instead, it used the stairs. It was joined by another Vahki descending from the floor above. With a kick, the Vahki smashed the stairwell door open and stepped into the room where the three renegades were hiding, ready to fire at the first target they saw.


    OOC: @Toru Nui @Nato the Traveler @Onaku Whew, that was a lot! Here's what's happening:

    By pulling the fire alarm, the Vahki have traced you to the 35th floor. Three Vahki were destroyed when Zaliyah cut the elevator cables. The other two elevators are out of commission, so the Vahki must use the stairs. They are ascending and descending from throughout the Coliseum, so they will arrive in staggered waves. In this post, you are being assaulted by Vahki coming from floors 34 and 36. In my next post, you will be assaulted by Vahki from floors 30-33 and 37-40. The following post will bring Vahki from floors 25-29 and 41-45, and so on and so forth. The Vahki will continue to come until you escape, die, or Aurax calls them off.

    Six Vahki are crawling up the side of the building from the floor below you. The first has peeked its head through the broken window. Seeing the illusions created by Iradra, it has fired a disk at the illusory Zaliyah. Two Vahki are entering the room from the stairs, one from the floor below and one from the floor above. Altogether, there are three Vahki immediately attacking.

  • Edited on 2020-12-29 05:12:55 by Eyru
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  • Posted 2020-12-29 05:24:34 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC Stannis | Ft Nektann

    The Wanderer was proudly looking at his nice large bowl holding petrol when Parnassus came back. 

    His tone suggested urgency.

    So did Stannis'.

    "Barius," he said first to the Skakdi lord, "I promised you knowledge. I would give you some, now."

    Barius sighed with relief to see that the departed Aspect's companion was not similarly wreaking havoc in his fortress, nor seemingly cognizant of the former's... episode. "Excellent! What is it?" He was evidently eager to see his investment of hospitality begin to pay off.

    "There is a storm coming and it bears more than one name. The great Sand Worm called Shagrak is due south of here, fighting against another of its kind, and the dunes have been turned to rivers of quicksand from the churned tears." He tilted his head slightly, an educated glint in his eyes on his otherwise blank face. "Tell me: How well  do you control the legacy of your predecessor?"

    "He will obey my command," Barius replied, scowling. It was as much a statement of fact as it was a command to the universe to conform to his wishes. Nektann was fighting with Shagrak, then? His frown only grew deeper as he considered the damage the two together might due to his fortress or the surrounding area, should his earlier declaration prove false. Or the damage that Shagrak might do to his Tahtorak.

    "Then saving your fortress and saving your thrall are one and the same. I suggest you apply this knowledge wisely, my lord Barius," Stannis said. Hidden behind his mask was a slight judgement; his opinion on the newly-crowned warlord hinged on how he employed the information. Knowledge alone was never enough, it would take wisdom to know what to do with such a tool, and when a currency such as that was squandered it was a sure sign of a person's incapability to control their own destiny. Was Barius good enough? he wondered. It would not be the first time the wizard judged a king—nor, he wagered, would it be the last.

    Setting his jaw, Barius replied, "I will. Any other useful information you might have will be appreciated."

    "I will be along shortly to offer what aid I can." And then, Stannis looked back to Parnassus.

    "Let us speak, then. Lead on," he said.



    Also, thanks, @Burnmad for your help! 

  • Edited on 2020-12-29 07:24:39 by EmperorWhenua
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  • Posted 2020-12-29 05:35:49 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Zaliyah - The Coliseum 

    The hordika didn't hear the clattering footsteps of the approaching Vahki over the screeching of the alarm, but the stairwell door exploding open definitely didn't escape her notice. The first fragments of splintered wood had barely hit the ground before two kanoki came whizzing her way.

    The first was sent spinning off course by a hasty telekinetic blow, but the other clipped Zaliyah's torso as she tried to sidestep, its Weakness power causing her chest armour to deteriorate. She retaliated with a beam from her herding blade, managing to strike the first Vahki full in the face. The second dropped into a crouch to evade the beam and returned fire with its staffs, forcing Zaliyah further into the room, where she snatched up one of the Matoran-sized tables to use as a makeshift shield. 

    "They have our position! Defend yourselves!" 

    @Toru Nui @Onaku

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 08:13:45 UTC
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  • IC: Reliable Narrator | Metru-Nui

    "Here you go," the barkeep said, setting the drink down on the counter. Creamy foam frothed over the lip of the mug and ran down the side. The liquid within was translucent and golden brown. Dag lifted the mug to his lips and took a long, cold drink. Everything tasted better after a day of hard work—even this oily swill. It was no bula berry cordial, that was for sure, but he'd drunk worse. Setting the empty glass back down on the counter, the burly skakdi nodded to the barkeep and looked around while he waited for a refill.

    The bar was busy. League soldiers sat around tables on mismatched chairs, telling stories and playing dice. Incandescent bulbs hung from the ceiling on long copper cables, casting a warm golden light over everything. The leather booths were worn, and the tables were scratched and scuffed, but the drinks were cheap and the entertainment was free. Give a soldier enough drink, and he'd either start telling stories, or start getting into fights to tell stories about later.

    Personally, Dag had had enough of fights. The war to take Metru Nui had been long and bloody, and when they finally got their hands on the karz'd thing, the whole universe had come to an earthshattering end. Forget the rest of the world—the League had sacrificed everything to gain only Metru Nui. That was fine and dandy for Pridak, but Dag didn't care about the city. He'd joined up to put an end to centuries of matoran supremacy. Dume's empire had strangled the growth of every other culture, especially Zakaz. The matoran feared skakdi, so they had blockaded trade routes and imposed tariffs on goods moving on and off the island. Consequently, the skakdi had always had to fight each other over scraps just to survive. The matoran pointed and laughed at the savages, conveniently forgetting that they were the ones responsible for centuries of skakdi civil war. Who knew what Zakaz might've been if they hadn't had Dume's boot on their neck?

    The barkeep held a hose over Dag's glass. With a gurgle, it expelled a flood of amber liquid into the mug, filling it up until it overflowed again. The skakdi nodded his thanks and took another drink, wincing as the icy liquid hit the back of his throat. Thinking about the matoran always made him get a little hot under the collar. 

    All he had wanted to do was topple that smug turaga from his throne and get back to his island. To build a home. Meet a girl. Raise a family. Finally live in a society that was allowed to prosper and thrive. Once Zakaz was allowed to trade and communicate with the outside world, the civil war would surely have come to an end. The battlefields would be replaced by fields of crops. The swords replaced by hoes and shovels. Sure, skakdi loved to fight. Dag didn't deny that, and he knew that life wouldn't be all sunshine and roses after the war. There would still be trouble. But  skakdi weren't monsters. They were a proud, honorable people. Dag was proud to be a skakdi, and he was proud to fight for the League. He knew their cause was just.

    But now, Zakaz was just a memory. It was floating in space somewhere, and he was stuck in Metru Nui. Crash-landed on a planet that the scouts said was inhospitable at best. Spending each day rebuilding a city he didn't have a stake in. He hadn't signed up for construction work; he'd signed up to liberate a world from tyranny, and then sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labor. He didn't give a brakas's behind about the city of legend, and he didn't really care who sat on the throne, as long as it wasn't a matoran. But none of that mattered. Here he was, stuck in a city he hated, doing menial work, serving under a Barraki who had won the war and now didn't seem to care about the troops that had helped him win it. It was enough to drive a man to drink.

    Setting down his glass, Dag's thoughts were interrupted by a voice on the radio. The noise in the bar died down as everyone else listened too. The voice, although crackly and enveloped in static, was one he recognized. 

    “Hear me and listen, my friends!” the voice said. “I am Lieutenant Zaliyah, of the League of Six Kingdoms. Many of you know me. We’ve served side-by-side through countless battles, endured through defeats and victories. So believe me when I tell you that today we stood at the verge of our final victory, only to have it snatched away from us!”

    The bar remained silent as the voice went on to describe an attack on the refugee camp, but the explanation of Pridak's betrayal and assassination was met by a chorus of muttered curses and exclamations of disbelief. Soldiers looked at each other with wide eyes. How could Pridak be dead? He was a legend. He was the only man whose escapades no one embellished, because his deeds were already unbelievable. He fought with the ferocity of a cornered muaka. He led with the boldness of a kikanalo. He was everything the League stood for and more... and he'd been stabbed in the back by a toa?

    Dag realized he was gripping his mug so tightly his knuckles were white. He was surprised the glass didn't shatter. He had fought alongside Zaliyah in several battles, and he knew she was the real deal. She may have been a toa once, but she knew how it felt to be rejected by the matoran. She was honest, brave, and she believed in equality. If there was one lousy member of the matoran species that he trusted, it would be her. And if he believed her, then it naturally followed that he needed to get off his rear and help her. She was right: they had fought too hard and sacrificed too much to lose the throne to yet another karzing matoran!

    The radio crackled to life again, this time with a different voice.

    “Citizens of the Kingdom… as you have heard, a traitor named Zaliyah has raised allegations against me, and wants to usurp me. But I tell you this. Pridak's dying words to me... His dying words to me… you want to know what they were? Take care of our people.' He charged me with protecting you..."

    He guessed this was Aurax. Dag ground his teeth in annoyance as the voice went on. He wasn't going to believe a word that came out of this filthy toa's mouth. He looked around, hoping to see that others were on his side. What he saw instead sent a chill down his spine. As Aurax offered riches and spoils for anyone who brought him Zaliyah's head, Dag saw several soldiers snicker and begin checking their weapons. Others looked uncertain or confused. Some just shrugged and went back to their drinks and their games. They had already fought one war and didn't feel like fighting another. Who cared who was on the throne? Would it change anything? Not for the rank and file. No one seemed as resolute as he felt. If he stood up and declared his support for Zaliyah, he might do it alone. He'd be gunned down by his former comrades, and they'd take his head in to be rewarded.

    A flicker of movement at the window caught his eye. Outside, he could see the lifeless eyes of a Vahki peering through. Looking for troublemakers. Dag swallowed, suddenly uncertain. He wanted to stand up for what he believed in. He wanted to stand strong for the League's ideals. But he had already given so much... was it really worth giving his life too? Didn't it make more sense to just hunker down and wait for these would-be kings to fight it out among themselves? It didn't really matter who was on the throne, right? Not anymore. None of them could bring his home back. As long as they were League, he supposed that was the best he could ask for. 

    With a sigh, Dag looked down at the half-full mug in front of him, the creamy foam floating gently atop the oily brew. "To Pridak," he said softly, then drained the rest of his drink. He shook the empty glass at the barkeep, then placed it on the counter and folded his arms. He didn't move for a long time.

  • Edited on 2020-12-29 08:18:04 by Eyru
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  • Posted 2020-12-29 08:17:23 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Iradra - The Coliseum

    As the second Vahki facing the real Zaliyah passed her by, Iradra used the element of surprise to her advantage, stepping out from the illusory cover she'd conjured along with their decoys before swiftly lopping off its head with her sword. Its headless body went limp, crashing to the floor while the cranial unit clattered and skidded to the wall, dimming finally. She then turned her attention to the doors, conjuring two walls of hardlight up against each one, barring them for the moment before she looked over her shoulder to the window, where a Vahki fired its kanoka disk at the illusory Zaliyah only for the projectile to pass through her with little effect other than the momentary rippling of her form.

    "I'll try to bar these doors, but I don't know for how long I can hold them!" She said, grimacing underneath her expressionless bronze mask as she braced herself for reinforcing her walls as soon as more reinforcements arrived and tried to break through. "We can't stay here!"

    @Eyru@Nato the Traveler@Toru Nui

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 11:41:07 UTC
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  • IC: Axxon, Tuakana | Nightmare Pits

    Axxon ignored Cravious. It was obvious that he had not learned the rites that even now had faded from the wall. He was a servant of this Aspect, nothing more, and Axxon knew Aspects. They used their servants like pawns, moving them square by square until they could trade them in for a more valuable piece. it was one reason they could not be trusted, among a multitude of other reasons. If the skakdi didn't realize it now, he would eventually, and Axxon pitied him for it.

    The amalgam twisted in his side, and Axxon winced. He saw blood on the stones, and heard a skakdi cry out as his heartlight was ripped from his chest. The past revealed itself to him in shades and illusions, and the voices of the dead echoed out of the void so he alone could hear.

    "Irnakk! Witness this rite. I offer a beating heartlight."

    "You know the truth," he repeated, looking directly at Whira. "You know what we did. What we had to do."

    “How dare you...”

    "Now, tell him," he said, lifting a hand to point at Cravious. "Speak the rites you have learned, so he can hear."


    The Aspect remained silent. Axxon grunted in pain, his fingers clenching into fists. The phantoms of the past spoke to him. He ignored their cries.

    “I’ll kill you all, starting with you first!”

    "I am Axxon," he said. "Guardian of the Forge of the Heartsflame, and servant of Forgemaster Dume."

    “So that’s how long, huh...”

    "I am the owner of truth," he continued. "I have passed through time, and I bear witness to the dead. And, by the power of my mask, I bid you..."


    "...speak the truth now, before gods and men."


    OOC: @~Xemnas~ @Kal the Guardian

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 16:45:38 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Ulkarr, NU-8020S, Reckless, Obedient and Impressionable (Tobduk-Koro, Ruins of Stone Exterior)

    Ulkarr mimicked the thumbs-up, as if it were something new to him. He descended from the ziggurat another way. The Vahki followed him down.

    @The UltimoScorp@Onaku


    IC: Ostrox (The Coliseum, Presentation Room)

    "Well then. I take full responsibility for whatever happens to us." Clearly, he’d underestimated the extent of Ehlek’s reprogramming. Everyone did always seem to underestimate him in particular. He wasn’t sure why.

    He charged up his Rhotuka, stepping out from behind the illusory wall, and fired at the Vahki peeking through the window...

    @Eyru@Onaku@Nato the Traveler


    IC: Achro (The Coliseum)

    Achro was awoken by the sound of a… bird? No, no, it was an alarm, of sorts. And when an alarm sounded, it meant someone was inside who shouldn’t be. Either that someone was an intruder, or everyone in the building. Either way, Achro had already resolved not to get involved in this 'politicking'. And so, he calmly made his way down the stairs, to the exit...


    IC: Tekmo (Metru-Koro, Irna’s Hut)

    "On the contrary, Knichou is not missing, he came back here with me. As did Captain Vulimai of the Guard… though I suppose we could just leave a written note of departure. They’re likely rather swamped in administrative bureaucracy right now."

    @Conway@Keeper of Kraata


    IC: Waveahk, Navu and Gnabol (Metru-Koro, Western Garrison)

    "Falh was tall, white, red eyes, and looked very ill. Or on drugs. Maybe both. The thing was taller, black, and covered in moss and greenery, with very long arms. I know you can’t do much about it, but… I was wondering if you could, perhaps, explain in greater detail how this hearts-into-slugs thing works?"

    As Knichou looked around, he would see the unmistakable form of Waveahk, coming into view. And also maybe Gnabol as well.

    @Sparticus147@Nato the Traveler@BULiK@Tarn


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  • Posted 2020-12-29 18:41:38 UTC
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  • IC: Irna | Metru-Koro

    "I doubt that they'll miss us," Irna said, "but we may as well leave them a note."

    In case we don't return.

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Keeper of Kraata

    IC: Parnassus | Fort Nektann

    Parnassus did not visibly acknowledge Caedast's words. They merely drifted past him, deeper into the fortress. It did not take long for them to lead Caedast to the roof of Fort Nektann -- to a stone watchpoint that had fallen into disuse and disrepair, and where the two cousins would not be disturbed for what came next. The cold desert wind whipped up the smell of Fury's cooking, the smoke of wood-fires, and the acrid scent of spilt petrol. And spilt blood.

    Shadow melted away from Parnassus' hand, and they held up Corrivalis' heartlight for Caedast to take.

    "It's done," they said.

    OOC: @EmperorWhenua


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  • Posted 2020-12-29 18:42:26 UTC
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  • IC, Whira: Nightmare Pits

    Whira narrowed her eyes as she felt compelled to speak by the power of Axonn's mask.

    "I have discovered a Taboo method of creating Great Disks," she said. "The same method used by this Forgemaster Dume long ago. A willing sacrifice must be chosen to freely give up their heartlight, knowing full well the purpose of the ritual and what will happen to them. The process begins with the ancient words:



    Torn yolk's last rite

    Wish we may survive the night

    Body broken, eyes bright


    "The two must speak the words at the same time. When the target begins to speak, they must begin to carve out their own heartlight, and when the ritual reaches the word Hello, the other must receive the sacrifice's heartlight. The sacrifice then dies."

    Whira paused for a moment to let the words sink in.

    "The heartlight can be placed in a mixture of molten and energized protodermis. The resulting substance can then be forged into a level 9 Kanoka disk, or another object of that power level."

    She turned to Axonn. "This is the truth that I have learned. The lengths your Dume went to create six powerful Kanoka."

    OOC: @Eyru @Kal the Guardian

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 19:35:42 UTC
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  • IC: Vulimai (Metru-Koro, The Western Garrison)

    "...I was wondering if you could, perhaps, explain in greater detail how this hearts-into-slugs thing works?"

    Vulimai had listened closely to Navu's words, cataloguing her description of Falh and the unnamed Aspect within her mind, but as Navu asked Vulimai what she knew about the rituals that these Aspects commit, she found herself speechless. With a minor bout of mental struggle on what to do, Vulimai relented as she thought to Whisper. "Whisper, sorry to drag you away from whatever conversation you're having, but I think this is more of a question for you to answer."

    Vulimai didn't like the idea of giving Whisper control in such a crowded place amongst her peers, but it was easier and better if Vulimai helped to ease any worries that Navu had.

    OOC: @Nato the Traveler @Toru Nui

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 20:15:31 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC: Cravious - Skakdi of Lightning - Zakazian

    Location - Irnakk’s Tooth (7, 10)

    With - Whira, Tuaxxon


    What… was happening right now? Why was Whira answering this guy? Had she lost it? Had Irnakk torn open her mind?

    And this other weirdo with the weird titles, what was his deal? Cravious didn’t have a clue what was going on, and he hated that. It grated at him like knowing Yumiwak had the technology to fly and he hadn’t been able to steal the knowledge yet.

    But then Whira began to speak knowledge that lined up with the carvings on the walls. Had the red light of the murals not driven her mad, but given her knowledge? Potentially.

    He didn’t like the talk of a willing sacrifice. In his world, no one was ever willing. Doubly so when it came to dying.

    Cravious spent a few moments considering shooting Whira with his Zamor Launcher to clear her mind, but decided against it. This Axxon fellow seemed ready to spill out juicy details. Perhaps the titan might even show them where this “Forge of the Heartsflame” was.

    OOC: @~Xemnas~ @Eyru

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 21:22:04 UTC
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  • IC: Whisper/Vulimai - Western Garrison

    Though somewhat distracted by the conversation with Taja, Whisper had still been listening to Navu's words. That... that sounds like Tuakana. Quite possibly the oldest living Aspect on the island... and not one to be trifled with. The description was quite distinctive. She couldn't think of any others of her kind who looked like that.

    At Vulimai's request, Whisper took back control over the Matoran's body. 

    "Hi there. I'm Whisper, one of the... things... you encountered. Vulimai and I are sharing a body for the day," she said quickly, stumbling over her words in her haste to get the explanations out of the way. "The ritual you witnessed is called desecration. We transform a heartlight into a kraata, which gives new powers to the person receiving it."

    @Toru Nui @Sparticus147

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 22:04:20 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • IC Kilo-M9 - Tobduk Koro:

    The machine gave a nod of acknowledgement to Jutori’s words before entering the village forge. Strewn about along the interior walls were various piles of scrap metal. In the center of the forge was a countertop, behind which were more finished pieces ranging from discs to tools and a few basic weapons. In the far corner the one of the forgemasters was hard at work hammering out some material into what looked like the beginning of a sword. The rhythmic clang of metal on metal continued for a few moments until the blacksmith finally took notice of his newest visitors. Setting his work aside and pushing the work goggles up onto the forehead of his hau, the blacksmith made his way to the counter.

    Not often I see something like you in this part of the village,” he said to the machine with a gruff tone. “What can I do for you? Spare parts, perhaps?

    This unit requires two discs of identical power and strength,” the mechanical enforcer began. “As well as this,” it added, holding up a squared piece of metal.

    The blacksmith looked taken aback. “Now look, we’ve barely have the forge up and running as is. Disc production isn’t anywhere near what it could be and supplies are limited. I can’t go handing out of limited resources to anyone who a-

    This unit is working with toa Jutori and Arkius,” the machine interjected, gesturing to its gravity wielding companion. “Your cooperation will assist them in their mission.”

    Oh, well in that case, feel free to take what you need. Anything for the heroes of the village.


    Discs and plate in hand, the machine led its toa ally to the edge of the village, where the natural cliff formations resulted in multiple isolated alcoves. It was in one of these alcoves, away from prying eyes, that the machine began to prepare its experiment. Setting down the gathered materials, it took the time to remove the Great Discs from their metal container and analyze the imprinted codes.

    Enlarge... regenerate... teleportation... reconstitute at random,” it said, shuffling through the discs in sequence. It placed the Onu-metru great disc in a side compartment on its body before returning the other discs to the metal box Atamai had crafted for them and using the metal plate it had taken as a lid.

    Drawing forth the Spear from its back, the machine began to explain to its companion, “This is the Spear of Fusion, an artifact stored in the archives. During the invasion this unit and Allies Arkius and Nale secured it from capture. According to recorded legends the Spear is able to fuse and defuse beings. This unit wishes to test whether the Spear has the capability to work on objects as well.”

    Commencing test 1: usability of Spear by this unit.

    Spotting an orange lizard investigating the discs laid out on the ground, the machine took aim with the Spear.

    Activation of tool likely requires mental command. Analyzing possible work arounds...

    Firing defusion blast.

    A burst of energy blasted forth from the tip of the Spear enveloping the unsuspecting reptile. As the glow of the energy dissipated, the two allies were able to see that where there had just been a single lizard, there was instead two, one red and one yellow. The red lizard yawned and looked at the other, while the yellow licked its own eyes.

    Test 1 successful. Beginning test 2: fusion on organic creatures.

    Firing fusion blast.

    Once again the energy enveloped the newly created lizards. This time, the energy cleared to reveal the original orange lizard, seemingly unharmed. It scurried away so as not to be used in further testing.

    Test 2 successful. Beginning test 3: fusion of non-organic objects.

    The machine took aim at the two level one weakness discs it had taken from the forge. The Spear’s energy blasted forth once more, impacting upon the surface of the circular pieces of metal. This time though, the energy vanished to reveal the two discs, unchanged in nature. A blast of defusion energy burst forth striking one of the discs, to no avail. Finally, the machine let loose at a nearby rock, which was similarly unaffected.

    Test 3 unsuccessful.

    Testing has concluded,” the machine announced to its companion. “Spear appears to only work of living beings. Regardless, this unit is able to use it successfully. This is useful information, though it does close off a potential method of creating future Great Discs.”

    Approximate Earth Ruins location has been calculated.

    This unit has completed likely Earth Ruins location,” it added while retrieving the test discs. Opening the box with the great discs, the machine added one of the test discs to the bottom of the stack before closing it again. “If Ally Jutori has no preparations to complete, heading to the transport is advised.”

    OOC: @Tarn Kilo is done with everything it needs to do. If Jutori doesn't have anything to deal with we can proceed with meeting Arkius and Kat.

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  • Posted 2020-12-29 23:30:38 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
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  • 2 hours ago, Conway said:

    IC: Parnassus | Fort Nektann

    Shadow melted away from Parnassus' hand, and they held up Corrivalis' heartlight for Caedast to take. "It's done," they said.


    IC Stannis | Ft Nektann

    The Wanderer knotted his brows and stared at the softly beating heartlight for a moment without moving to take it yet. He recognized the color of its pulse and markings on the face if it as belonging to one of the few beings he had been personally introduced to in the fortress. Parnassus had delivered on the bargain and obtained a sacrifice. 

    The heartlight was all that was left of a man, this Corrivalis, someone who was once born and created, lived and thrived, fought and bled in the name of his fellows and his own survival. He had dreams, just as everyone did, and aspirations of becoming who he wanted to be. Life always found a way, though some ways were cut short. Life without foreknowledge could be as easily snipped in twain as a shrub could with shears; how devastatingly melancholy it was to think of everyone as little more powerful than a weed in a garden. Every plant strove to rise up, reach high, and gain the grace of the sun and rain in order to grow ever stronger because that was all it was able to do. Its fate was the work of happenstance, paths of least resistance, and basic necessity. 

    Would it not choose a different plot of land to pursue its existence in if it knew eventually there would come along a blade to kill it? And would Corrivalis have chosen to stand at Barius' side had he known the djinn patron would steal his fortitude in time? Stannis was want to think so. Everyone deserved the opportunity to decide how to exist. Corrivalis lived, as all livings things did, and then he died, too, no more aware of his ultimate fate in his last moments than when he had first come to be on Xa. 

    "Life and death are diametric opposite sides of the same coin," he waxed, "and to know one is to know the value of the other. Death has no meaning unless it is opposite an equally lived life, and only when it is taken away does a being's worth become set in stone."

    He had not told Parnassus who to kill as it was not Stannis' place to dictate what another person does; he offered an objective and left the devices to Parnassus to decide how to attain it, and just as there was no ill will given so too was there no quarter. Finally, he picked the pulsating heart up and weighed carefully, as though he carefully measured the value of Parnassus' deeds in that moment.

    Satisfied, he went on, "This is only one of two, and I will expect to be duly joined with you in time. I do not make promises I have no intention to keep, Parnassus. And so, I give this one back to you.You desire to be immortalized in the hearts of others. To that end, I give you the ability to learn what is in their minds, and in mine."

    He gave the Rite, then, now memorized in full. He spoke in in the Old Tongue, a harsh but melodic intonation of the incantation Parnassus knew so well, spoken in the same haunting style as the words were written on the temples strewn about on Xa. His great grey cloak whipped and churned about his old body in tendrils of darkness, blocking and absorbing all light around him and blurring as an amalgamation of darkness itself. Only Stannis' grey eyes, brightened even further in stark contrast to the nebulous writhing mass of shadow it was enveloped by, could be perceived as bright as the full moon above.



    Step forth into the darkness and prepare the gift.

    A star’s heart still beating, still lit.

    Two midnight horrors cry and shift,

    Make them squirm inside the pit.

    Bind worm and willing host,

    Tear the yolk and spread its gold,

    Devour knowledge... and their ghost,

    And pray for prey forever sold,



    He slipped the writhing kraata towards Parnassus and let it burrow itself under his armor. Antidermis bound with tortured life, and the younger Aspect of Makuta could feel the full range of power his cousin possessed stirring inside him as the two beings became joined at last. Caedast the Wanderer, the Lost, had returned to Xa as someone far more powerful than Parnassus had been able to fathom before then.

    "I give you Corrivalis, and just as his was a life without knowledge, yours should be one with an abundance of it."


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  • Posted 2020-12-29 23:54:53 UTC
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  • IC: Jutori - Tobduk-Koro

    The blacksmith's previous comment had caught the Toa of Gravity slightly off-guard. Heroes of the village, huh? Not used to being thought about that way. Good thing I don't have that much of an ego.

    Jutori had been seated on a nearby rock with his sledgehammer beside him watching in fascination as Kilo tested the Spear of Fusion, and what it could and could not affect. Once the Kralhi had finished its work, the Ba-Toa nodded and leapt from his seat. "I'm ready, I think. Let's go link back up with Arkius."

    He then retrieved his hammer and slung it over both shoulders, casually carrying the weapon like a Kohlii stick, and headed back towards the village proper.


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  • Posted 2020-12-30 00:23:00 UTC
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  • IC: Reliable Narrator | The Coliseum

    Zaliyah's beam struck the first vahki directly in the face, turning its head full of delicate circuitry and clockwork mechanisms into a skull full of shattered electronics. The robot collapsed, although it had at least managed to clip the hordika with its kanoka before it was put out of commission. The second vahki advanced on the retreating Zaliyah, charging up another disk in its jaws, when Iradra stepped out and beheaded it in one graceful strike. The decapitated robot collapsed only a few feet beyond its colleague.

    At the window, the vahki watched its disk sail straight through Iradra's projections. It realized that they were illusions, just like the two Ostroxes they had run into one floor down. It wirelessly communicated this information to the rest of its squad—no one else would fall for the illusions by the window. It began to pull itself up into the room again when a rhotuka came flying out from behind a wall, blasting the robot clean off the side of the Coliseum. It flailed in the air as it fell to the ground far below.

    The other Vahki took note and decided to be more careful. Two more scuttled up to take the fallen vahki's place, but instead of trying to enter the room, they each summoned a disk, peeked, and fired before pulling their heads back to charge more disks. They didn't wait to see if their projectiles hit their marks—they were choosing quantity over accuracy.

    At the door, Iradra's hardlight barriers started to shudder as four new vahki arrived in the stairwell and began throwing themselves against it. The toa of light grimaced at the effort of keeping the constructs up, but although they cracked and warped with each blow, her barriers held firm. The vahki seemed to realize the futility of destroying their bodies just to get in the door, so they stopped trying. There was a moment of silence on the other side of the barriers, and then they were destroyed by the simultaneous impacts of a disk of shrinking and a disk of weakening.

    Four vahki filed into the room, their staffs raised and ready to fight. Two of them had yet to summon new disks, so they chose to run straight at their targets with weapons swinging. The other two fired their disks at the first targets they saw.


    OOC: @Toru Nui @Nato the Traveler @Onaku

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  • Posted 2020-12-30 02:53:44 UTC
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  • IC Kathrine of the Flame - Ruins Exterior:

    Following Arkius is exactly what she did, catching up and keeping pace easily.

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  • Posted 2020-12-30 02:55:01 UTC
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  • IC: Axxon, Tuakana | Nightmare Pits

    "You speak rightly, Aspect," Axxon said. "For the sake of our people, the Forgemaster dared to blaspheme this sacred hall with Taboo Rites."

    He looked, taking in the sight of the cavern. It was barely lit by a dim red light. The ground ended nearby in a cliff whose bottom could not be seen. The gorge was full of mists and toxic fumes, and shadows danced through them. The rattling of bones like the breathing of diseased lungs sounded from somewhere unseen. The darkness hung heavy with the presence of the demon they had sought to escape. The old one, the dreamer of horrors, the fear-eater. The rocks underfoot were soiled by centuries of spilt blood. it was a cursed place. But it had not always been so.

    "You stand in the Forge of the Heartsflame," he said, as if answering Cravious's unspoken question. "Or what remains of it. It was here the Builders forged their greatest works. The ships of  the Dune Sea. The crystal blades of the Archipelago. The seven masks of the Sentinels. But it was not enough. None of it was enough..."

    The titan's eyes half-closed as he remembered. He recalled how this place had looked ten thousand years ago. The ground was smooth and unblemished by foul skakdi rituals. Tubes of molten protodermis wound themselves around the room. Lava and molten rock poured endlessly from one wall, filling the space with the sound of crushing, sliding, and burning. The air constantly moved with the whooshing of unseen bellows. He remembered the anvil upon the altar, where Creation itself took place. It was a temple of suffocating heat and blazing light. Now it was a tomb, haunted by horrors and phantoms and rotting things.

    "Only blood is strong enough to save us," Axxon continued in a low voice. "Blood given willingly. We cast away the old rites out of fear. But fear has its place. It drives us to do what must be done. And so, when we had nothing left to lose, we dared to call upon the deep magic..."

    A foul wind came out of the pit, carrying the stench of death and the sound of distant, cackling laughter.

    "...and it answered."


    OOC: @~Xemnas~ @Kal the Guardian

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  • Posted 2020-12-30 03:59:58 UTC
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  • IC, Whira: Nightmare Pits

    ”Then... what... or whom... answered your call?” Whira asked. She was curious to learn more about how the ancient Builders had grown so desperate, to the point where some sacrifices themselves for some sort of salvation in the form of Great Disks. 

    OOC: @Eyru @Kal the Guardian

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  • Posted 2020-12-30 04:00:40 UTC
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  • IC: Zaliyah - The Coliseum

    Zaliyah's makeshift table shield cracked and splintered as it was frozen, weakened, and reconstituted by incoming Kanoka. A swiping staff caught her leg, skittering through a gap in her armour and slicing the skin beneath. She retaliated with everything she had, striking down one Vahki with her claws, skewering another upon her herding blade, and obliterating another with a well-armed rhotuka. 

    But it wasn't enough. There were too many, and more coming. "Fall back, towards the window!" She ordered Ostrox and Iradra, flicking her radio back on as she retreated. "Poroka, do you read me? Please tell me you're close and your ship is still in one piece, because we're about to need a lift!" 

    @Toru Nui @Onaku @Eyru

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  • Posted 2020-12-30 05:10:30 UTC
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  • IC: Taku crew, Metru-Koro

    Exuze watched the three Toa leave the abandoned hut. While Suhaku continued to rest, he slowly stood up, taking care with his balance. The Toa began to move away from the plaza. This was his chance.

    He silently walked over to the Taku and opened the hatch on the underside of the bow. A ladder descended, and the one-armed Lesterin slowly began to climb it to enter the parked airship. Exuze could hear move equipment around and patch the hull on the storage room. Perfect. He began to climb the next ladder as silently as possible. After reaching the upper deck, Exuze used his Kanohi to mimic the powers of a Roporak, his body color shifting in a camouflage that made him nearly indistinguishable from the surrounding environment. He clung close to the walls as he made his way to the bridge to better keep up the illusion.

    Berys was idly sitting in the pilot's seat, waiting in case of any radio transmissions from Aurax. It was boring, but a better job than exhausting himself further on repairs. He heard a metallic squeak behind him, but when he turned around, nobody was there. Another old creaking of the hull. This ship really needed some polish after what it had been through in the past week and a half.

    Exuze allowed himself to carefully breathe as Berys turned back around to the monitor the ship's diagnostic panels. Cursed noisy door. He continued to slowly open the door to the captain's quarters, then squeezed inside and began to look around. Knichou's quarters were, simply put, a mess. Various toolboxes everywhere, some with tools the welder recognized and others that looked alien to him. This might take a while.

  • Edited on 2020-12-30 05:10:44 by BULiK
  • Tags:
  • Posted 2020-12-30 05:51:56 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
    View post on BZP
  • IC, Aurax: Coliseum

    Aurax had finished his tinkering. Him and Saybo were sitting in silence, wondering what was going on elsewhere in the building. Aurax soon got curious and pulled out his tablet again. Within a few minutes, he had patched into the Coliseum's security cameras and intercom. He saw Zaliyah and her  two companions, fighting against the swarming Vahki. They seemed like they weren't having a good time. 

    He pressed down on his tablet to access the intercom. "Getting scared, Zaliyah? If you surrender now, then maybe I'll consider throwing you all in prison instead of executing you."

    OOC: @Nato the Traveler @Toru Nui @Onaku

  • Tags:
  • Posted 2020-12-30 07:36:20 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
    View post on BZP
  • IC: Apex (Grand Temple Ruins)

    Momentarily hesitating, Apex watched as Viltia propelled herself upwards through the use of her silver tendrils, each one instinctually taking hold without Viltia’s full input other than the desire to go up. Apex watched and shuddered, something not so much loomed around Viltia, as much as it was constantly being exuded by her. It reminded Apex of her own nature, but only vaguely, in a way that she herself could not comprehend. But that did not matter, for Viltia at least seemed to favor the preservation and restoration of the Fau Swamp, and that made Viltia of the Green a valuable ally.

    Looking over, Apex informed Morangad to wait close by, near the temple, and that she and Viltia would soon return. However, before they could depart, Morangad interjected: “If you don’t mind, I would feel more comfortable accompanying the two of you. Nui-Rama are a dangerous species, and I would hate to lose my newfound companions so quickly after meeting them.” 

    Nodding in acquiescence, Apex spread her own insect-like pair of wings, and took to the air behind Viltia, clutching Morangad in her claws. Flying upwards, Apex’ presence as she approached instantly was noticed, as a pair of Nui-Rama that were carrying the remains of a rather large Takea that the pair somehow managed to catch, withheld their flight path into the hive, as if an unseen buffer was surrounding Apex. They seemed confused for a moment, hesitating, their wings stuttering and becoming visible for small moments as Apex passed.
    Landing on top of the hive near where Viltia hid, Apex strode in close to the Bo-Toa’s side as a renewed wave of Nui-Rama made their rounds in and out of the hive’s entrance. Morangad had already safely released from her claws.

    “Stay close to me, Viltia and Morangad, as long as you two stay close, the hive will not act aggressively towards us, lest we either get too close or threaten them. If a member of the hive does get aggressive, we must pacify it through non-lethal means. The second a member of the hive is injured, the rest will swarm upon us and surely tear you two limb from limb and feed your remains to the developing young.” Apex said with an acute matter-of-fact tone, one that Viltia would find surprisingly similar to Sorilax and one of his lectures, just less wordy and more to the point.

    Viltia looked over from the fold in the hive she was trying to hide in, tilting her head in recognition of how closely Apex sounded like Sorilax there. It only endeared her to the Aspect even more. She haltingly moved to the large beast that was Apex and nodded, “Uh, thank you for the advice.” Apex was huge, and standing next to the Rahi-Nui, Viltia certainly felt intimidated.
    In the back of her mind, Viltia thought about the aura Apex seemed to exude like spores from one of the Fau Swamp’s more defensive fungi. Perhaps that aura, or maybe scent, had been what had, and continued, to keep most predators away from Le-Metru Nuva? The way the Nui-Rama avoided the Aspect seemed almost magical, so Viltia talked low, as if any small thing might break this tenuous non-aggressive behavior from the giant insects.

    “Please, lead on. I have a mask of Rahi Control should anything go wrong. Hopefully that can buy us enough breathing room to escape.” Viltia inclined her head in the general direction where the Nui-Rama entered and exited their hive.

    “Hopefully indeed.” Apex lumbered forward, with Viltia scrambling to keep up with the Rahi-Nui’s large and loping strides. As the three of them made their way into the hive, Viltia was surprised at just how mild the temperature was. The air within the hive was nothing like the air outside in the Fau Swamp, as it was without the constant mucky, almost suffocating, moistness that perspired the warm air outside. A cool breeze seemed to be lightly flowing through the numerous alcoves. But as the trio delved deeper, a growing noise began as the sounds of the hive grew impossibly loud, almost a screaming fury of buzzing. The noise hit like a kick to the chest so loud it was. But at a certain point it grew no louder, despite the physical presence it seemed to hold.

    They soon came to a sizable hole that led down, where there was nothing but darkness and movement. And noise, even more noise. But it wasn’t the main entrance, it didn’t seem, and it wasn’t as steep as some others they had passed.

    Viltia felt weird in that moment not holding her axe/crossbow. It was on her back, but her hands itched to hold it, just in case. But Apex knew her stuff, especially when it came to nature, and any lethal action would surely be reacted to with like manner. So Viltia gripped her hands into fists, trying to stay as close to Apex as possible.

    With a feeling like standing on the edge of a very tall building before jumping off, the three carefully began their descent.

    For his part, Morangad followed after the pair with meditative calm. He had much experience with the creatures of the swamp, and knew well that the worst thing to do was to panic. After centuries of dealing with the beasts, he no longer reacted with the same fear and trepidation that he once had. Still, he had never stood within a hive like this, and he could not help the quickening of his pulse whenever the insectoid rahi drew close.

    The Nui-Rama gave them a fairly decent berth, even though there were so many that came and went. Viltia placed a hand on Apex instinctually, trying to cling to her new friend’s aura of fierceness. Every time before this, Nui-Rama had only attacked her, her friends, or other Rahi, so seeing them this up close, even not attacking, was extremely worrying. 

    Still, they were fascinating, with their giant insect wings, hooking claws, and bright colors. She wished she could befriend one, maybe have it meet the village Kahu. Speaking of a Kahu, three Nui-Rama carried what had once been a Kahu down into the hive. It was easily twice the size of a normal Kahu and it had bright blue liquid draining from its mangled corpse.

    Apex didn’t mind the Toa’s touch, as they held on close for their life. Apex didn’t even notice. Though the protection that Apex’ presence offered seemed to be an effortless affair; but with Apex being this deep within the hive, having to protect all three of them from such a large mass of Rahi, it took Apex nearly her entire focus to completely hide them from the hive’s notice. Unbeknownst to Viltia and Morangad, all of them were a wing’s breadth from being torn asunder.

    But while Apex was on edge for the near immediate possibility of death, Apex’ Kraata worm simply just wiggled its way into Apex’ mouth and made itself comfortable, the sight of which most certainly did not comfort Viltia nor Morangad at the moment. Apex surveying the tunnel passages and soon spotted a less well-traveled side-passage. She led Viltia and Morangad there, where they soon found a slope that would allow them to half walk half climb down into the massive hive. Apex paused, the deep, near-infinite darkness of the hive tunnel momentarily stopping her in her tracks. She eyed Viltia and Morangad, before giving herself a self-assured nod before leading the way forward. Her massive claws easily gave her purchase on the thick papery substance of the hive, and Viltia’s tethers groped and found small crevices of their own to latch onto.

    Thankfully, Viltia’s silvery tendrils glowed, turning the pitch black into more of a dark grey. Nui-Rama rarely rushed past as they moved to more occupied passages, further down, or back up and out. The path down twisted and turned, and so far the few straggler Nui-Rama clinging to the walls moved out of the trio’s way. As they walked, Morangad considered his ally’s unique abilities with a great deal of respect. Had he entered alone, he’d have been able to do nothing as the creatures ripped him to shreds.

    When the fading light of day was lost behind too many twists and turns, a blue glow was slowly found. Giant Electric Bugs lazily moved about in the mostly abandoned tunnel, apparently living in harmony with the Nui-Rama and providing them light when their hives grew too large and too thick for the sun to shine through. Viltia hadn’t expected the development, but it explained why the slow moving electric bugs seemed to flourish in a swamp full of predators. They probably had homes in the hives dotted around the landscape.

    The twisting tunnel took a sharp turn left and down in a diagonal kind of way. The hive here was rough with few side passages, as if the giant insects had scarcely graced the interior of this tunnel buried deep in the bowels of their own hive. Oddly, the overbearing hum of the hive had calmed, or perhaps the group had gotten used to it.

    Apex though, was starting to bristle at the seams. The darkness, that which pervaded the tunnel, already filled Apex with immense hesitation, but whatever means to avoid the hive for as long as possible had to be taken. But here, there was something off, truly so, as even an abandoned tunnel would have some form of foot traffic to at least maintain the passage. But here, the tunnel was noticeably sagging in large portions, the walls had grown crusty and were flaking off in patches, and the air was stale and cold. The tunnel seemed to be truly abandoned. That did not bode well.

    Continuing forwards into the dimly-lit passage, Apex continuing to lead the way, much to her own chagrin and trepidation, Apex halted as she raised up her head, her ears perked for the sound she just faintly heard. Several seconds passed, as Viltia and Morangad mimicked Apex in trying to determine what the Aspect had sensed, till Apex made her move, swifter than before, following down deeper into the tunnel.

    Following quickly behind, Morangad and Viltia nearly lost sight of their third companion as she rounded a bend. But as they soon followed, they found Apex standing before a large section of wall within a secluded off side chamber, the portion of wall seemingly and very recently having been sewn shut.

    “There’s something behind this wall. Help me tear it down.” Apex barked out in command to Viltia and Morangad, an edge lining her words as she began to claw and dig.
    Morangad stood there for a moment, contemplating how best to achieve the goal. Ultimately, he supposed that if Apex wanted through it, there must have been something on the other side of it, and so he drew his spear from his back. Activating his Kanohi to aid his efforts, the processed wood pulp of the wall began to shrivel and wither, as all the moisture evaporated from it, while the organic matter began to rot and decompose before their eyes. Plunging his spearhead into the barrier, it at first stuck in the wall, only boring a small hole. However, as his Jutlin worked its magic, the material began to dry out and weaken, until he was knocking away large chunks with each thrust.

    With Viltia’s help as she attacked the wall with her axe, the wall was quickly torn down, and the sight that befell the gathered party shocked them. A wave of heat wafted out, followed by the heavy scent of fresh death, as within the chamber was a pile of dead Nui-Rama, some torn apart, others having been stung repeatedly, and others having simply collapsed from heat stroke. The number was over a dozen, but the remains weren’t the most shocking part of the find, as the more nature inclined Morangad and Apex recognized the breed, they were princesses.

    The Tiokaha stated what they were both thinking. “Something’s not right, here.” Stooping down, he examined the corpses. “And I suspect that the problem lies with this hive’s queen. There’s no other reason I can conceive of, that they would have killed all of the princesses.”

    Apex didn’t understand. Why were such vital members of the hive left here, seemingly killed by their fellow kin and left here to rot, not even left to be used to feed the developing young. Apex spoke up, a noticeable shudder in her words, “But...Why? The purpose of the princess is to spread the hive’s reach, to replace the queen in the case of ailment or old age. With them dead, then the hive won’t be able to survive for more than a generation.”

    Viltia kneeled before one of the dead princesses, hand caressing the protodermis body that had peeled away from the muscles beneath. Her heartlight churned within her. She should have come here sooner. She should have embraced them long ago.

    Viltia slowly stood, fully realizing the implication before her as Morangad and Apex explained the situation, “It has to be the Vuata Maca Crystal. It has to. The queen must’ve been affected by the crystal’s latent power because of some mutation she already had. It must have caused her to do, well… this.” Viltia said, as she gestured to the carnage before her. But as she gestured, a stirring occurred amongst the bodies. All three moved back, focus suddenly across the room. The dead bodies shifted and fell aside as shakily rising up, was a still breathing princess.

    Rising from the grave of her fallen sisters, the Nui-Rama princess was thirsty, hungry, and delirious, but she was still no less fierce. Alerted by the presence of the three strange beings before her and their breaking into her tomb’s seal, she attempted to lift herself with her wings, but couldn’t even manage a flutter. Cowering away, the princess was ready to strike, to defend herself against any dangers these unnatural entities posed to her.

    Apex was both amazed and glad to see that one of the princesses was alive, though they were obviously suffering from the heat that a dozen freshly rotting corpses produced. She needed fresh air and water, which no one within the party could immediately provide.

    So they entered a momentary standoff, with Viltia continually glancing at her two companions. She had no idea what was going on nor what the giant insect princess needed. All she knew was that the situation was tense, like when you step too close to a snake and are trying to anticipate its strike or whether you are safe to step away.

    Morangad was unsure what his companions were thinking, but took a guess from their behavior. “If we want to save this one, we must act swiftly. Viltia, do you have a canteen?”

    Viltia glanced at Morangad, optics quickly looking back at the princess, “Uh, no. I generally don’t leave the village long enough to need one. But, I could always make some fruit and squeeze it. Why? Am I missing something here?”

    Apex interjected, “The heat! She’s been trapped in there for who knows how long. Nui-Rama can only survive such heat for so long before growing delirious and dying from heat stroke, it is why so many line the walls, constantly buzzing their wings. They keep the hive cool.”

    Wow, Viltia was so glad Apex and Morangad had shown up. She was way in over her head here. Who knew a Nui-Rama hive could be so complex? Viltia nodded, not necessarily to anyone. She released her elemental energy, morphing it as it left her body and manifested as she willed it to. A very large watermelon formed, half the size of the princess.

    Now the hard part, the one she hadn’t really practiced. Viltia imagined the watermelon sliced in half, perfectly coming apart. She tried to apply this to her creation. The watermelon ripped in half, but not evenly. Not at all. She would have to work on that. Viltia exerted a little more elemental energy and lifted the two halves to the Nui-Rama, though not too close to elicit a negative reaction. For a moment she thought about mushing up the insides, but it was a watermelon, they were mostly water already. She just hoped the princess would know to eat it.
    The Nui-Rama was hesitant at first, but soon the temptatious sweetness and smell of the melon overtook the princess’s senses as she dug her sharpened proboscis into the melon, sucking up the red chunks and thirst-quenching juices.

    Apex for her part, proceeded to mimic the actions of the Nui-Rama that were located near the entrance and main chamber of the hive. Beating her insectoid wings, Apex began to form a steady and cooling breeze, quickly dispersing the foul stagnant air and lowering the overall temperature within the isolated side chamber.

    The princess paused in her eating, extremely alert and cautious of Apex’s movement. But as Apex continued providing somewhat fresh air and Viltia and Morangad didn’t attack, the princess went back to eating with abandon. She soon finished one half of the watermelon and didn’t even hesitate before moving on to the second half.

    As Apex looked down towards the Nui-Rama princess, as they fed so hungrily and desperately upon the sustenance offered by Viltia, her mind lingered upon their numerous murdered sisters and settled upon one thought, her wings stuttering as the thought struck her. “We need to kill the queen.”

    Viltia nodded, face grim, “Coming from you, I don’t doubt it. But we can’t leave this hive without a queen. Can we?”

    “That problem will solve itself,” Morangad interjected. “As long as this princess is kept safe, the hive will fall in step behind her once the existing queen has perished.”

    “Exactly. The queen has been corrupted, like the rest of this swamp. She must be removed and replaced, in order to restore balance. But...We have one more issue to address.”

    Viltia dropped her tense stance, turning her head to Apex, “There’s something else?” She just wanted to keep the crystal from causing any harm. This was quickly becoming something far more dangerous than she had first thought.

    Apex turned her gaze towards Viltia before settling upon the princess, “If we leave this chamber with the princess, then the hive will quickly turn against her. Even my presence won’t be able to stop them, as they will actively see her as a threat, by their queen’s orders. That leaves us only two choices, either to kill the queen ourselves or to find someone to disrupt their…Their…Sniff Sniff.” 

    Apex’ attention was taken by an odd scent. Odd in its presence, not in its scent itself, as the scent was very much familiar to the Aspect, as it dragged out loathsome memories from her mind and her past. Turning back from the princess, Apex approached the far wall, following the scent of her nose, till reaching a sealed bulge in the wall. With one claw, Apex sliced a tall slit along the length of the bulge, as falling out was the paralyzed form of a Ta-Skakdi, one that most likely was taken by the hive and was meant to feed the princesses, but was forgotten as the hive queen called for regicide upon her own heirs.

    Even in the dim light of her tethers, Viltia saw the Skakdi for who he was. Her Heartlight filled with hatred, her mind with anger. Here was a Skakdi worth killing. The one that had gotten away from imprisonment and a death sentence. He had murdered not only her friends, but many unmet friends in Le-Metru Nuva, who she would now never get to meet. Viltia worked her jaw back and forth, the metal of her jaw groaning slightly under the pressure. She held herself back from killing the Skakdi just so she wouldn’t frighten the princess. Otherwise she would have shot him where he lay paralized.

    Viltia’s voice was filled with spite, “I know that Skakdi. He killed many of the villagers of Le-Metru Nuva. He escaped before we could bring him to justice. Please, kill him. He doesn’t deserve life after what he’s done.”

    Apex was mid-way from bringing down her deathly stinger into the Ta-Skak’s form when Viltia spoke, with Apex halting in her strike to respond to the Toa in a deeply sinister tone, “I was intending to-...He. He. Ahaha! Apex couldn’t control herself, as a harsh laugh left the maw of her muzzle, a laugh that unsettled Viltia and even Morangad who had spent so long with the Aspect, not because of how unnatural it was, but rather because of how normal, yet sinister it sounded.

    “No, I have a far more appropriate punishment for this one. This Skakdi, was meant to feed the princess, and so they will.” Hooking a claw into their shoulder, a shuddering breath left the Skakdi’s mouth, though they remained dead still. Dragging the body closer to the gathered group and the princess, Apex flipped the body over and dragged it over towards the weary princess, the Ta-Skakdi’s heartlight still faintly beating. 

    The princess buzzed a warning as Apex approached ever so carefully with Skakdi in tow. The Nui-Rama pulled the yet to be finished second half of the watermelon closer to herself. Even Viltia could tell the princess was already looking better, with faster movements and eyes that glimmered with purpose in the glow of her tethers. Viltia wasn’t sure what was about to happen, but she activated her mask, trying to will as much compliance in the princess to Apex as she could. Her mask of Rahi Control didn’t work as well on insects as she hoped, but hopefully she prayed that some good would come from.

    Apex spoke softly, her voice sounding reminiscent to the nascent whine of a Nui-Rama’s wings, as she directed her words to the princess, presenting the Skakdi’s corpse for the princess to feed upon, “Princess, your mother has fallen. She has betrayed both her children and her duty as queen. It is your duty, to replace her, to supplant and to rise above her. Princess, allow me to offer you a gift, one to usurp your traitorous mother.” 

    Apex spoke to the princess, but that was but the surface of what Apex sought to do, as words alone would’ve fallen upon deaf ears. Rather, Apex’ presence, her mind, channeled through her innate connection to the Rahi of the world, reached out to the princess’ own mind. Apex sought to pacify the princess, praying that the actions they all have done so far would have sufficiently built the trust that Apex sought to gain, but the mind of the Nui-Rama was starkly different to the mind of something like a Mahi. But that alone did not halt Apex’ control, no, as a deep intelligence lied within the princess’ mind, an intelligence that Apex knew, was instilled with a desire, a desire, for vengeance.

    Between the peaceful and serene thoughts that Viltia sought to instill into the princess’ mind as well as the physical and mental offer that Apex offered to her, with a weary caution, the princess with her claw, and took the Skakdi’s corpse as she began to feed.

    “And like that, one’s wish is granted once more.” Apex said, just beneath her breath, as the heartlight of the Skakdi fluttered and fizzled as its host was torn into, a lurking shadow caressing upon the edges. 



    Step forth into the darkness and prepare the gift

    As Apex continued to mutter the words of her ancient rites, the one shadow soon grew to be dozens, as the chamber all around the gathered party was swiftly consumed, where not even the faint glow of Viltia’s tethers could illuminate past the darkness. 

    A star’s heart still bearing, still lit

    Two midnight horrors cry and shift

    Make them squirm inside the pit

    And from the dark, a murmur, a whisper came that swiftly rose into a roaring drone, like that of the hive but evermore deafening. The sound was so great and deafening, that Morangad and Viltia were both forced down upon their knees as they desperately clutched their audio receptors to halt the deafening nose, but carried within the drone were the words, lost, hidden, yet in plain view for those who could dare to listen.

    Bind worm and willing host

    Tear the yolk and spread its gold

    Devour knowledge and their ghost

    From the body of the Skakdi, whose last breath had already left them, a slither of life remained, enough for the new life that was to be born. From the heartlight of the corpse came a sliver of shadow, and as the princess sought to understand the magic that occurred all around it, that sliver struck, as it bound itself upon the princess, forevermore binding the two.

    Pray for prey forever sold



    As Viltia lifted up her head, the shadows receded back from the crevices from which they came from as the terrible drone died within a heartbeat. Viltia was fascinated by the ritual. She had only ever heard Sorilax describe it. And using the red Skakdi’s Heartlight was basically the morally right thing to do. As the Kraata worm formed, Viltia realized it looked just like the one that was crawling around on Apex earlier. Didn’t they have to be attached to someone to live?

    The princess shivered, unsure as to what had just occurred. Its gaze met Apex’, who simply said, “Go now, claim your throne.” 

    With purpose, ignoring the remains of the watermelon and the Skakdi, the Princess tested her wings, hovering in mid air. As the Princess’ wings began to beat, a soft whine beginning to form, Viltia squinted her optics. Something wasn’t right. She had been kind of nervous before, but this was different, and at a constant level. It had started as soon as Apex had placed that slug on the princess’ back. Viltia was eager to get out of here and finish things.

    The sound of the princess’ wings grew in intensity as she moved, till in a flash she flew out through the hole they had created in her prison.

    Apex once more regained her footing, and though shivers ran through her form, the elation of what was to come steadied Apex’ shaken nerves. She still didn’t like how using her Taboos called upon the shadows, but she didn’t have time to compose herself fully. She bounded after the princess, calling back to Morangad and Viltia, “The princess goes to strike down the queen. Follow me, now!

    Viltia sprung into action, nervousness fading even as the princess left. Her tethers extended far, as fast as her own limbs, pulling her after the princess and Apex.

    The journey was winding, back up the way they had come, yet quickly deviating through several side passages and down, down deep into the heart of the hive. The Nui-Rama they passed stopped what they were doing, seeming to grow confused and turning in circles as they passed.

    Viltia wasn’t sure why that was happening to them, but whatever it was that was causing it, it was working.

    Apex knew full well why the Nui-Rama reacted the way they did. She had given her princess a Kraata of the Power Scream variety. The princess was currently emitting a constant high-frequency screech that couldn’t be heard by non-insects, but was disrupting the normal communication method of the other Nui-Rama, leaving them dazed and confused as the Princess passed. Morangad and Viltia had been able to hear its newborn screams as it came into being.

    The twisting, papery walls of the hive tunnel opened up to reveal the heart of the hive. Electric Bugs clung to the ceiling, looking like blue tinted stars in the night sky. The walls here were tough and thick; they seemed to have a type of coating to them. Apex knew the walls were as hard as rock, forming a supporting pillar for the rest of the hive to rest upon.

    The queen sat lounging in the center of the room, two thickly armored guards on either side of her, attending to her. The queen’s optics shone a sickly yellow, too bright to be natural. Her body was massive, with her wings stretching over half the length of the large room. Her chitinous armor and mechanical body were almost entirely swallowed by her organic muscles. They burst forth from every crack and crevice of her natural armor, ballooning to insane proportions. But the muscles were tightly bound and ready to be used.

    Small green glowing lines ran through the muscle, all drawing lines to the queen’s back. And on her back was the Vuata Maca Crystal. It was held in place with even more unnatural muscle wrapped tightly around it, as her body fed on its power. The ground around her was crushed, as if she wasn’t used to her own strength as she moved about.

    The guard on the left had something bright pink dripping from its jaws. And the guard on the right was black and blood red, colors no Nui-Rama had ever been. It was sleeker than its fellow guard, but its hooks were longer, jagged and glinting in the light of the above Electric Bugs.

    The princess paused and landed. Then she shook with fury and screeched, challenging the old, mutated queen. The trio following her barely had time to enter the room before she flew forward, claws out to fight.

    Morangad hurriedly tried to explain things to Viltia as Apex rushed forward, “The princess must deliver the final blow or she might abandon the hive. We need to remove the guards and incapacitate the queen while keeping the princess safe.”

    Viltia grabbed her axe/crossbow, “Yeah, okay. Uh, okay.” Morangad had already rushed forward to join Apex in battle. Viltia took a deep breath. She wished Sidra was here. Sidra held the experience with combat that she sorely lacked. But the moment was now, the choice to help her own. She made up her mind and put aside her nerves. Then she too rushed forward to join the battle.

    The queen screeched, a horrible, grating noise that felt like it slid around the mind. Her bulging body grossly rippled as she moved and tore up the ground before her in a rage. No one would claim her throne. Not ever. She would live long and grow so large so as to be able to kill the tyrant Evolis Kerhs. She would rule this swamp, not some freak with legs.

    The princess flitted about, faster than the queen, but far less deadly. Her claws raked against the queen’s muscles, but every hunk that was tossed away was quickly replaced with new, glowing muscle that slowly darkened as it finished growing back.

    The guard on the left shuddered, as if sick with a ghastly cold, then it spewed forth pink liquid in great quantities. Where it landed, the ground slightly gave way, as if a great weight were upon it.

    The guard on the right shook with such a vigor that it was a marvel that it remained in one place. The noise of an engine roaring louder and louder sprung from it, then it was gone, just a crimson and black blur as it moved at speeds faster than optics could properly follow. Three seconds later, it became motionless again, steam rising off of it. As the steam tapered off, the noise of the engine rose again.

    Viltia pulled her tethers as close to her as she could, fearful of their dismemberment. Apex moved for the queen while Morangad moved for the left guard, so she looked to the right guard as it once more built up speed.

    She couldn’t use her crossbow. She couldn’t allow herself to accidentally damage the hive or unmutated Nui-Rama with any stray shots. That left her her Rahkshi staff and her axe. Her axe was too close quarters of a weapon and the giant insect was too fast. And her Rahkshi staff, she had no idea what it did.

    Viltia considered using her element, but once again concerns about both the integrity of the hive and her own ability filled her mind. No, she would have to make do with her mask and use her close quarters tools.

    Morangad eyed the left guard, scooping up some of the pink slime on the edge of his spear. He could barely raise it from the ground, so great was the weight of the stuff. But there was no sizzling that came with acid. So that was ruled out. It could still be poisonous, but it didn’t quite look like any other poisonous substance in the swamp, and he had seen most of them over his years.

    The many minds of the Nui-Rama brushed against his own, but their cognitions were base and bestial. Even if he could perceive their contents, he would be unable to understand them. The thoughts of these three, though, they had gained a higher level of intelligence. Perhaps through mutations, perhaps through age. However the intelligence was gained, it allowed him to sense the thoughts of the guard, which in turn allowed him to respond to any hostile action with an increased reaction time.

    Morangad tested his Jutlin on the pink slime. It decomposed under his power, turning into a dark pinkish puddle. Good. He turned to his foe.

    Apex rushed forward, heavy body bounding with any energy born of not needing to ever rest. She didn’t even attempt to use her power of Rahi Control, as trying to bend the queen to heel was pointless. But Apex didn’t need such unnatural power to exert her will. She unfolded her stinger and loosened her jaw even as her claws dug up the crushed floor of the hive around the queen.

    The princess swooped in to attack once more, this time a little too slowly, and was sideswiped by the queen, getting thrown with considerable force against the far wall. She slid to the ground, dazed.

    Apex’s stinger struck with a flash, releasing its deadly venom as it embedded itself into the queen’s bulging muscles. The queen retaliated quickly with a claw which Apex caught with her own. But the force behind the queen’s claw was unnatural, brutal, and sent Apex tumbling away.

    Apex caught herself and watched in frustration as the dying muscle sloughed off from the body, quickly being replaced.

    Viltia focused as hard as she could as she stumbled around, trying to dodge the right guard. Her mask power gave her just enough wiggle room to avoid it, but a couple of her tethers had already been cut off as she tried to flee. They ached as if she had lost a limb. The pain would have been unbearable had she not felt its equivalent before and had her focus been any less absolute.

    She couldn’t lose any more tendrils, that was for sure. The right guard came to a standstill, steaming, and she rushed forward, tether holding the Rahkshi staff rapidly extending. She stopped focusing on her mask and instead focused on the staff, calling upon its power as it touched the slim, blood red and black Nui-Rama.

    While nothing physically seemed to happen, Viltia could tell the power was working, whatever it might be. The right guard finished building up speed and she retracted her tether, focusing once more on her mask. The Nui-Rama still was too fast. It hooked her arm and spun her to the ground, but the blow hadn’t been as fast or as hard as before. Her arm was still intact, after all, just sparking a little bit. Viltia glanced at it. Ooo. Maybe more than a little bit.

    The crimson and black guard came to a stop once more. Viltia extended the Rahkshi staff again, hoping it was working. Wait… was it just her, or were its wings moving slower? Viltia took a step forward and suddenly she couldn’t move her foot. Something heavy had it trapped. She looked down. It was something pink and gooey. She looked around. It was all over the place.

    Morangad brandished his spear, waiting for the left guard to become frustrated and move in close. It seemed to like to spit its slime from afar, incapacitate its victim, then move in for the killing blow. But he was able to decay and shatter the pink substance almost as fast as the Nui-Rama guard produced it.

    He was counting on it coming down to a close quarters battle, where he would have the advantage by being able to read its simple attack plans.

    The princess shook away her pain, buzzing in anger. She got herself airborne and rejoined the fight.

    Apex, rising from where she was thrown, charged in once more, using her great speed to avoid the slower, yet seemingly unkillable queen. With every swipe of her claws or lashing of her jaws, flesh tore and organic protodermis bent, but as each wound was inflicted, the last was already healed. Even if the entirety of the hive turned on their queen, no way would the queen fall. But as Apex circled her foe, the princess dashing over the queen’s head drawing her attention, Apex’ eyes narrowed upon the warped, crackling glow of the Vuata Maca Crystal plunged within the queen’s form. But as soon as Apex lunged forth, taking hold within the bulbous mass of meat, the queen’s yellow glowing gaze turned as searing beams of heat radiated forth.

    Viltia couldn’t move, the pink goo had her trapped and everyone else was busy with their own battles. She looked at her foe. It was moving sluggishly, as if its energy had been drained from it. Viltia withdrew her Rahkshi staff and gripped her axe as it finished charging up. The right guard dashed forward, this time only slightly faster than a normal Nui-Rama. Viltia’s remaining tethers reached out and pulled her to the side, straining to beat the weight on her foot. She swung her axe with all her force.

    Morangad batted away the left guard’s claws, slashing its chitinous armor with his spear as it finally came in close. He reached out a dexterous hand, intending to slip his fingers into the wound he’d created and tear the Nui-Rama’s chitin open with brute strength, but his optics opened wide in shock as, not but a moment later, the Nui-Rama vibrated and spewed its pink slime up close on the Tiokaha, the instinctual response too quick for him to anticipate. He fell backwards, overwhelmed by the torrent of bright pink ooze that weighed far more than it should.

    With feline grace, Apex leapt, nearly suffering from the queen’s wrath as her focus singled out the Aspect. One massive claw after another, the queen swiped and swung down upon Apex like she herself was attempting to wipe away an insignificant insect. She could barely hold on, her claws sinking deep, as even the near miss of each claw threatened Apex to lose her grip and to come tumbling down once more. But as the fury of her highness was about to at last release her from the annoyance of the Aspect, the princess struck, digging her deathly stinger within the soft exposed flesh, the agonizing pain of it granting Apex enough time to reach the crystal itself.

    Viltia’s axe cleaved the right guard’s head in twain as it ran into the blade with such speed as to almost cut its entire body in two. It was all Viltia could do to hang on. She tried her best, but after a moment, the axe/crossbow was wrenched away by the weight and momentum on the dead guard. It struck the ground with force but didn’t slide, instead sticking fast in its brother’s weighty pink goop.

    The left guard landed on Morangad, ready to deliver the final blow. But at Morangad’s willing, the pink slime on himself rapidly decayed and he clamped both his hands on either side of the Nui-Rama’s neck, blistering and disintegrating the chitin armor there. The Nui-Rama tried to push back and get free, but Morangad was able to see its movement through its thoughts, holding onto the creature for dear life as it lifted him from the ground. Gripping his spear near the head and wielding it like a knife, he punctured its neck.

    Pink ooze popped and sputtered, dripping from the wound, while the volatile oxidation of the substance caused air to rush into the Nui-Rama’s compromised interior with a sucking woosh. The ooze quickly increased in weight as oxygen bound to it, causing the Nui-Rama’s neck to sag near the wound, mechanical parts straining. Morangad took advantage of the incapacitation to sever the insectoid Rahi’s head.

    Reaching the shard, its energy coursing directly into the queen’s form, Apex attempted to dislodge the foreign object using all of her strength and wrath, as teeth gnawed, claws dug, and venom corroded. Till, at last, the crystal came free, the queen letting out an agonizing cry, as the immense strain of her body and the pain it caused her struck all at once.

    The princess, catching the opportunity, charged forth the chest of her former mother, tearing away at the queen with abandon, ripping away cords of muscle to reveal the chitinous hide beneath. Then she tore that away, reaching inside and ripping the very life out of the old queen. The old queen’s sickly glowing, yellow eyes slowly dimmined, her body curling up upon itself. The princess, now the new queen, raised her head from the pile of mutated refuse, screeching her dominance and new title. Cogs and gears fell from her mouth as strands of glinting protodermis muscle hung from her jaws.

    Victory at last claimed, the new queen allowed the heartlight she tore out to drop to the chamber floor as the unnerving drone of her Kraata power silenced. The scrambling gone, worker Nui-Rama slowly appeared, bringing the food and supplies they were originally bringing to offer to their former queen, but they paused upon seeing the once princess, now queen. Several silent, tense moments passed, before their obeisance to their new and rightful queen was confirmed.

    Even in pain, Viltia beamed, graciously taking the Vuata Maca Crystal in hand from Apex after retrieving her axe. They had stopped the crystal from corrupting the hive and causing even more death and destruction. Her injuries seemed like they hurt just a lot less.

    Apex turned her focus onto the new queen, stinger raised as she bellowed out a deep and challenging growl. Though the deal had been struck, complete subservience was never guaranteed, even with those desecrated. The true alpha must be asserted. The queen bristled at the challenge, as if finally noticing the strangers in her newly acquired hive. The spark of intelligence that some Fau Swamp creatures held in her optics.

    She gazed upon the slain queen and the old guards, then back upon the one who had granted her power. She chittered in anger. She was the alpha now. There was no one above her!

    Apex took a step forward and the queen instinctually moved back. She was afraid, afraid for her life. Her protestations ceased as she realized this. Within the mind of the newly anointed queen, Apex asked.

    “My queen, do I have your loyalty?” “...Yes.”

    “My queen, do I have your armies?” “...Yes.”

    And with those words, the queen lowered her head as the workers in the room soon followed suit, obeying their queen as they acknowledged the true, all encompassing alpha that oversaw the alpha of their species.

    “All hail, Kuini-Rama, queen of the hive.”

    Apex stamped the ground with a triumphant step and roared in triumph as she felt the new queen and the rest of the hive respond to her dominance, their drones adding to the cacophony of Apex’ roar. And suddenly, she felt her powers surge and grow. She had her following, and a new goal to achieve.

    The Kraata in her maw shifted and morphed, growing even stronger as well, advancing to its third stage. Morangad would find the powers of his Infected mask enhanced.

    Then their work was finished. Worker Nui-Rama were already disposing of the mutated corpses, so there was nothing left for Viltia to do here, and Apex had other things on her mind now.

    They all turned to leave, with Viltia quickly petting the new queen when Apex and Morangad weren’t looking.

    The journey out was easy and free from worry. In no time at all, the trio was standing atop the hive, wind warm, but far more refreshing than being down below. Viltia inspected the crystal, lit with its own inner light. It vibrated almost imperceptibly in her hand, full of power and the promise of restoration, not at all what the former queen had been using it for.

    Apex shook her head and chuffed a few times, glad to be free of the dark of the hive. Even with night so near, at least there were stars to guide her out here. She turned to Viltia, “Tell me, Viltia of the Green, where is this tree you seek to mend?”

    Viltia swayed a little bit. If Apex and Morangad looked closely, they would realize she was swaying just like the canopy that spread out like a blanket of green below them. She responded, optics closed as she let herself meld with the plant life for a moment of peace after the stress of the journey and battle, “It’s actually a Vuata Maca tree. Turns out they aren’t just legends. I already found one crystal, but it wasn’t enough to heal the tree completely. I’m hoping this one finishes the job.”

    Viltia pulled the crystal close and cradled it, “As for location, it turns out the tree is just a two minute walk from Le-Metru Nuva. It was hidden by a ring of mutated trees that formed a wall around it. I don’t think the mutations of the swamp like the tree too much, but I may just be reading into things.”

    Apex couldn’t help but express her surprise at Viltia’s mention of a living Vuata Maca. Her dark eyes widened as her maw hung open ever so slightly. The Vuata Maca species was the heart of the Fau Swamp, for where it grew, peace and serenity pervaded the landscape. Plague and diseases were purged where it grew, and even Rahi like the fierce jungle cats and the meek Mahi would stand side-by-side without fear or aggression. The restoration of such a plant of legend would surely and truly be the key to restoring beauty to the island once more.
    Viltia handed the crystal to one of her tethers, putting back on her mask of Teleportation. She called upon the Air Suva and exchanged it for her mask of Flight. “But I have something else to do before I go back to the village. I’ll see you two later.” Viltia waved goodbye with her good arm, then activated her mask and flew up into the dim of evening.

    Apex watched the Toa fly off, tendrils glowing like a small star. “Morangad, we must bear witness to the first step of many for the island’s restoration. Truly, such a plant of mystic power is what this land of blight shall need to finally begin healing.”

    Morangad nodded. He wholeheartedly agreed.

    OOC: @Kal the Guardian @Burnmad @Unreliable Narrator @Eyru @Vezok's Friend Goodness, where do I begin. Vilita has gotten the Vuata Maca Crystal. Apex has completed her second quest step and is now on her third. Her Kraata Worm of Shattering is now level three. And the queen of the hive, Kuini-Rama, now has a level two Kraata of Power Scream.

  • Edited on 2020-12-30 07:38:44 by Sparticus147
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  • Posted 2020-12-30 09:03:40 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
    View post on BZP
  • IC: Viltia - Toa of the Green - Metru-Nui Refugees

    Location - Defiled Energized Protodermis Lake, then Le-Metru Nuva

    With - Apex, Morangad


    Viltia hovered in the near-night sky, a softly glowing, writhing star. Her tethers swirled around her in a pattern just for her. Scanning the island below her, her optics spotted the giant robot head. It was so weird to see, even weirder to think about. So she decided not to.

    Torch had said the poisoned lake had spread out from the cracks in the giant head, so she picked out a random spot on the beach, teleporting with nary a sound once the Suva cooldown was finished. One second she was high above the island, then the next her atoms and energy lost locality, almost immediately being drawn back together, this time upon a sandy beach.

    The sand itself was blackened, as if it was being tainted by what it had to hold. Viltia didn’t really like the thought of even touching the sand, so she backed up a few steps. Grabbing the two faux-Exsidian canisters, Viltia grew a small tree in the sand, its roots weaving down to keep it steady. Its branches grabbed the canisters and it slowly extended its reach towards the poisoned lake.

    Carefully, Viltia dipped the canisters into the lake, filling them as much as she thought was safe before retrieving them. She let them air dry even though the poisoned energized protodermis didn’t seem to wick to the canisters. Securing the lids, she put them back into her satchel, making sure it was tightly closed.

    She slowly flew back into the air, optics now eyeing down the Fau Swamp. A couple quick teleports later and she was back home. Viltia noticed that Apex and Morangad had both also arrived, though she informed the two that she had some final business before they could leave for the tree. She stood below the ancient trees, the spores filling her lungs actually kind of welcoming. It felt weird to breathe clean air. That reminded her, actually, her weekly healing was coming up. She didn’t want to get any of the Fau Swamp diseases. And with how she ran around, no doubt she had several. Not to mention her injuries from the Nui-Rama hive.

    Viltia opened her satchel with care. The defiled energized protodermis was still contained. Good.

    She wanted to try to make a Great Disc as soon as possible, but she realized she had other things to take care of first, like healing the Vuata Maca tree. Or figuring out how to make masks of Mutation, Truth, and Time Duplication. If she could figure out Time Duplication, she knew anything was on the table. Anything she set her mind to could possibly be achieved with enough hard work and smarts.

    Though the sun still hadn’t fully set, beneath the thick and lush canopy, night had already fallen. Viltia moved through sensing the plants around her. She recognized every twist in the vines, every knob on each tree. They were all ingrained into her mind through the weeks she had spent sensing them, almost always connected to them in one way or another. So she was able to use them as markers, going and getting healed first, then walking to the forging hut as if she could perfectly see where she was going.

    Beruv was inside working, of course. Viltia went over to her, “Hey, it’s time to get some rest. Work can wait for tomorrow.

    Beruv rubbed her optics, smearing more grime onto her face than she cleaned off, “Well, I’m almost done making the stencils. Just the last few numbers and then I can go to bed.

    Viltia crossed her arms and made a not very convincing stern face, “Nope. Nah uh! You need to sleep! Go! Shoo! You can finish tomorrow. Your body deserves to rest, even if you don’t think so.

    Beruv frowned, “Well maybe right after I-

    Viltia interrupted her, snatching off her friend’s gloves, her tethers taking off Beruv’s heavy duty apron, “Nope nope nope! You’re out of her, forgemaster. My job is keeping the villagers safe, and that includes from themselves. Go get some sleep. Don’t make me go find a village elder to order you to do it.

    Beruv sighed, giving up and allowing herself to be pushed to the door. Viltia escorted her to the elevator and wished her a good night as it rose up to the village in the canopy. Then Viltia returned to the forging hut, only this time realizing Circuit was working on an odd machine that hadn’t been there before. The female Vortixx spoke up upon Viltia’s return, “I wish my species had that kind of work ethic. Devoted solely to the work for the work’s sake. This village is a breath of fresh air.” She coughed as a particularly nasty smell rose from the forge’s burning coal and embers, “Well, mostly.

    Viltia walked over to her, inspecting the machine she was making. It was sturdy, though not protosteel due to how difficult that was to make. It was rectangular, with a pad the size of a Kanoka on the bottom off to one side. Another side held an on/off switch and then two dials. With it being open, Viltia saw that above the circular pad was a fake Toa face, the Great Kanohi of Removes Poison already on it. The Toa face, the pad, switch, and both dials all had insulated wires running to an empty box.

    In Circuit’s hands she held what looked to be some kind of computer doodad. Viltia didn’t really know about high tech stuff. Getting dragged as a slave to Le-Metru had really opened up her eyes to how low-tech her village had been.

    She replied, “Beruv works too hard, but yeah, I agree. I enjoy the devotion to work Matoran have. It’s weird how it’s changed for me now as a Toa. I’m too busy with like thirty different things so that I don’t have time to focus on just one job anymore, even if I would want to.

    How are things coming?

    Circuit held up the computer thing, taking off the telescopic lense she had on, “Well unfortunately I had to create the motherboard from scratch, which means using rare metals and borrowing Spark’s tools when he isn’t looking. And time, it means time. It also means I can’t guarantee how long it might last, or how hardy it will be. And we’ll see if I can even manage to get some spare juice from the solar panels to power my iStone to start programming the protocols.

    Viltia remembered the Vuata Maca Crystal she had retrieved from the Nui-Rama hive. She had forgotten about it momentarily because of her caution and then excitement about the energized protodermis. “Well I’ll try to get us more power. I think I might have a way.

    Circuit looked intrigued, but when Viltia just scratched her mask in thought and didn’t continue, Circuit shrugged and went back to work. Viltia pondered her predicament. She had so much she wanted to do. What should she do first?


    Well, it was probably safest to not carry around defiled energized protodermis. Viltia went over to where they kept the Kanoka that weren’t for village defense. She cautiously undid her satchel and took out the faux-Exsidian containers, setting them out of the way, partially hidden.

    Viltia stood up, metaphorical weight suddenly lifted off of her. She hadn’t realized the burden of carrying around something that dangerous. She felt… lighter, kind of.

    Her tethers picked her up and set her by the door, where both Apex and Morangad waited to join her on her journey. Without a thought, she pulled out the Vuata Maca Crystal, the crystal pulsing in her hand, wishing for its contained energy to be set free. The swamp outside was dark, rife with danger, but Apex’ presence warded the party from any Rahi assault. The trip was short, but took quite long. Even this close to the village, one could be attacked and killed before the guard knew about it.

    Thankfully, the swamp was calm. Well, calm was a relative term. There was a cacophony of sound as frogs croaked, insects sang, night predators roared, and fights broke out around them. One could hear massive Electric Bugs buzzing in the background as they slowly wandered through the dark, their blue glow casting eerie shadows. But these things were normal to the swamp and now were no cause for major concern.

    Vilia, Apex, and Morangad made it to the Vuata Maca tree without an issue, with Viltia gingerly alighting on the ground, her silver glowing tethers drifting long behind her as if she were some kind of space seaweed queen. Viltia’s tendrils fanned out and trailed behind her as she walked up to the tree, Apex and Morangad gazing from a distance, the crystal glowing in her hand like its own star in the night. She reached out, arm extended. There was a flash of light, a spreading of energy through the tree, and a surge of power through the ground.

    For a moment, the tree glowed silver like her tethers, shining brighter and brighter to the point where Viltia almost had to look away, while Apex was forced to cower away from the light’s intensity. The tree grew, standing straighter, the branches elongated, their ends growing fruit at a rapid rate. The murky, blackish brown tar spewed forth like a geyser as it was cleansed from the tree. Then the light slowly faded. The tree was dark, with only its fruit softly glowing a slight green white. But now the tree itself hummed. None of them could hear it, but they all could feel it.

    Viltia placed a hand onto the moss of the bark. A small spark leapt to her hand as it neared, but it wasn’t a painful jolt, more like one that invigorated her. She tried again to feel the tree with her element, but she still couldn’t fully get a grasp on it. It was a tree, fully alive, yet also something more. Something she couldn’t replicate or change with just her element. But the corruption was gone. The Vuata Maca tree had been fully cleansed!

    OOC: @Sparticus147 @Burnmad Viltia post with a slight side of jam with Sparticus and Burnmad. The Vuata Maca tree has been restored! Quest complete!

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  • Posted 2020-12-30 09:49:50 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
    View post on BZP
  • IC: Vulimai (Metru-Koro, The Western Garrison)

    "That... that sounds like Tuakana. Quite possibly the oldest living Aspect on the island... and not one to be trifled with." That most certainly didn't sound good, and Vulimai most certainly wished that she could've gotten a far less threatening answer. No matter, that can be dealt later, now she wished that Whisper didn't draw much attention here.

    "Hi there. I'm Whisper, one of the... things... you encountered. Vulimai and I are sharing a body for the day."

    "Yes Whisper...That is exactly what I meant when I said don't draw attention...S I G H..." She wasn't going to last the next hour, she could feel it.

    OOC: @Nato the Traveler

  • Tags:
  • Posted 2020-12-30 09:54:45 UTC
    Six Kingdoms: Rebirth - Gameplay
    View post on BZP
  • IC: Viltia - Toa of the Green - Metru-Nui Refugees

    Location - Le-Metru Nuva, on the Northwestern fringes of (7, 13) in the Fau Swamp

    With - Apex, Morangad, Le-Metru Nuva NPCs


    Apex was in complete and utter awe, for the sight of something so pure and beautiful shining within this shadow and rot filled swamp was a miracle. Morangad stared in stoic admiration, glad to see something good grow within the swamp for the first time in centuries. But as the two of them looked on, amazed, Viltia examined the great tree.

    The fruit of the Vuata Maca tree softly glowed in the dark. Viltia could feel the ones that were ripe with her element. She now saw it as her job to never let this tree get corrupted again. And part of that was making sure fruit never rotted on the branch. She plucked five of them, her tethers holding three of them and her hands the other two. They were odd, almost perfectly round. They reminded her of large pearls. She couldn’t feel it through her hands, but through her senses of the Green, she could tell these fruits held energy in them as well.

    She thought about eating one right away, but she didn’t want any adverse effects to stop her from trying to make a Great Disc tonight. She really wanted to try that as soon as possible.

    But before Viltia could head off, Apex’ words caught her attention, “Toa Viltia...What is it are you doing with the bounty of the Vuata Maca?

    Viltia turned, slightly shocked. She had forgotten about Apex and Morangad being there, “All the healthiest trees need their fruit to be plucked off at the proper time, their branches to be pruned to encourage further growth. I could feel these five pieces of fruit have reached their limit of growth. I don’t want the tree to waste it’s precious energy, plus the legends say they have amazing healing qualities and even produce energy of their own. Do you think they shouldn’t be plucked? Am I going to hurt the tree?

    Apex contemplated Viltia’s words, as although the Toa has done so much in the balance of nature, a fear still gripped her mind. A fear of abuse. “N...No. I do not believe there is any fear in plucking the fruits. I simply just…” Apex paused in her words, unsure how best to express her concern. “…I know your village has done well to stay in balance with nature. But I fear what may happen if your village begins to abuse and break said balance. I do not think your village will grow to be a greater threat than the Skakdi, but it is a concern I still hold. As the island’s guardian.

    Viltia nodded, mulling over Apex’s words. She had already been thinking about tapping the tree’s power. But, if the tree had energy to spare, and they didn’t take too much, then that certainly wouldn’t be breaking the balance. Viltia scratched at her mask. But if she ever was forced away from the village for a while, she couldn’t be sure the balance wouldn’t be broken. Apex’s words spoke to her love of the swamp, to her love of nature. To her love of all life. All death. And the stars.

    Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. I don’t hold absolute power here and so can’t make any rules to preserve the swamp on my own. And as much as we are keeping the balance now, I too fear the day when we go too far without realizing it and start destroying the very thing protecting us.

    Viltia’s optics filled with determination, “But as long as I’m here, I will do my best to use nature first, machine second. Already the village is mostly made of wood and bark, fashioned to be an extension of the trees instead of simply tacked onto them. I’ve grown many new plants that fit naturally into the ecosystem. I’ve even been trying, and mostly failing, to remove the especially mutated plants and replace them. The obvious exception to all this being the forging hut, which I’m sure you’ve smelled. The only way to make Kanoka to defend ourselves is through artificial means, unfortunately. We really need to figure out a way to diffuse the smog created by the furnaces. It’s only a little bit now, but if more refugees join us, I fear the impact our growth may have.

    Do you have any suggestions on how to keep the balance on the side of nature? Are there certain Rahi we should incorporate into the village to take the place of artificial things? I was personally thinking about the giant slugs that clean the giant insects of this place.

    Apex was...Truly unsure on what sort of advice she could offer. Though her knowledge of the Fau Swamp was nigh-imparrelled (except for the scholar Sorilax, but his knowledge wasn’t based on practicality). When the Matorans of old existed, Apex interacted with them little, and knew even less than little. Apex knew nothing of civilization and its inventions nor how to deal with them other than to sunder them into rubble, which wasn’t an option here. 

    I...I don’t know. Your tools of civilization are ones that I am unfamiliar with, and as such, any advice I could offer would most likely mean little. But...I trust you Viltia, Toa of the Green. In the times of old, when the Matoran used to live all across this island, we might’ve been at best wary of each other, or at worst, would have hunted each other. But times have changed since then, and I am learning to adapt.

    “I have grown to trust you and your judgement, for not only have you restored the Vuata Maca and help cleanse the Nui-Rama of their own corruption, but if it wasn’t for you when the beast...Nektann...Came, then truly the Fau Swamp would have been torn asunder by its wrath. You are truly a guardian of nature like myself and Morangad, and so I trust you to continue your duty, Toa.” As Apex said the last word, a smile spread across the Aspect’s face, one truly genuine and sincere, joy and kinship glimmering in her eyes.

    Viltia couldn’t help but to smile in return, despite Apex’s grin, which, while genuine, bared far too many jagged teeth. Apex was no manipulative monster like Sorilax had warned about other Aspects. Viltia felt vindicated for the only doubt she held about Sorilax’s teachings. Apex was good, full of the fury of nature scorned, but rightfully so. And if they respected nature, so too would Apex respect them. “Thank you. It means a lot to me. I will do my best to keep nature in my Heartlight, and in the core tenets of this village. ...Hey, is there anything I can do for you? I was about to try out an experiment, but I could maybe get something for you before I go?

    No, no Viltia, I do not require anything. But, I would like to inform you of the deal I have arranged with Kuini-Rama. Your village, Le-Metru Nuva, has now been granted amnesty. The hive shall no longer attack you, and will defend your village if they are nearby and recognize the danger...Though, they may come bidding for a tithe, but I am sure the Colony Drones that congregate at the base of your village shall be sufficient payment. In addition, the queen has been informed that any and all Skakdi found within the swamp are to be treated as threats to the hive, further protecting the swamp and by extension your village.

    Viltia excited burst over and she laughed in joy, “That’s great! Thank you!” She moved to hug the Aspect, then thought of Sidra’s advice and stopped herself. But being protected from Skakdi as well was too good of news and she threw her arms around the giant Rahi-Nui, her tethers plucking the two Vuata Maca fruit from her hands without her even having to think about it. “Thank you so much! Being safe from Skakdi means quite a lot to me. Thank you.” Her voice was filled with emotion. Joy most of all.

    As Viltia lunged towards Apex to wrap her arms around the Aspect in embrace, Apex momentarily braced for whatever attack she expected, but settled once Viltia got her arms around her. This...Was a new feeling for Apex, as she had never experienced anything remotely similar to a hug, and didn’t even know what a hug exactly was. But, feeling the sheer amount of joy that her words apparently filled Viltia, Apex at least placed one of her front claws over Viltia’s shoulder. The hug was even more awkward for Apex, as with Viltia this close, the Kraata worm that was still located within her mouth sensed the mask on the Toa’s face, and was fighting to get at it, with Apex having to lock her jaw to keep the thing from escaping.

    Stepping away, having to more-or-less break out of Viltia’s tight embrace, Apex nodded towards the Toa of the Green before mumbling through barred teeth, “I wish you well Viltia. Morangad, come, we have more work to do.” And like that, the two figures left, entering the vast denseness of the Fau Swamp once more, to continue on their mutual goal of growth...And vengeance.

    Viltia was sad to see them go, connecting to the plant life of the swamp. She Observed the Green, feeling as the pair brushed past ferns and walked through spore clouds in their journey. Eventually, they were even out of her advanced “sight”. She hoped to see them again soon. Then she remembered what she was in the middle of. She rushed back to the village, mind still occupied with Apex’s generosity. Maybe she would even be able to ride one of the Nui-Rama. That would be so cool if she could.

    She wasn’t sure where to put the Vuata Maca fruit, since they would need to figure out if it actually was healthy or not, so she put it in her personal hut. She took a small moment to revitalize the plants she had growing in wooden carved pots around her hut. Normally she would have just watered them, but water was still scarce in Le-Metru Nuva, so she just used her power to keep them alive every so often.

    As she went to leave, feet softly stepping on the floorboards, she paused, placing a hand on her small wooden box of Toa teeth. Her thoughts momentarily went out to their plight, and the potential plight of all species on this island. The Skakdi of this island were vicious and harsh, destroying much and taking the rest. And most Aspects only helped them, benefitting from the loss of life.

    Maybe, just maybe, she could make a Great Disc. If she could, then perhaps she might be able to protect more than just her village. Maybe she could even help Nektann in his plight, ridding Barius from this world and reuniting him and Miserix. Maybe she could even help Sorilax protect all life in the universe.

    Viltia exited her hut. It was time to find out.

    She made her way down to the forging hut, passing noiselessly through the giant banyan branches, taking a shortcut only she could take. Entering the hut, she noticed Circuit was gone, but that made sense, it was time to sleep, after all. But there was no way Viltia could sleep right now. She was full of energy both from being zapped by the Vuata Maca tree and mostly by the possibilities that energized protodermis offered.

    Viltia grabbed the mask of Removes Poison from the Kanohi machine Circuit was making. She swapped it for her own, quickly moving to the Kanoka storage area. She slowly reached out to the EP canister, then paused. Maybe she should be wearing protective gear first.

    The Toa of the Green practically threw on her heavy gloves and heavier apron. Both had seen their fair share of spilled ore and rogue impurities and were weathered accordingly. Viltia grabbed one of the canisters of defiled EP, moving over to the forge. She wondered what her next move should be. Should she pour it into a mold and hope it solidified in heat? Somehow she doubted that. More than likely it would destroy the mold and maybe even the forge as well.

    Huh. Well the beach had been containing it alright. Or so it seemed. But how? Was it the sand? No, somehow she doubted that. Maybe it was how the ocean had diluted it? Yeah… That could be. Perhaps she could do the same thing.

    Viltia grabbed four chunks of protodermis ore, holding them up to a lightstone. The subtle hue variations were hard to tell apart from one another, but were ever so important. Two of the silver hunks were slightly more black, whereas the other two were slightly blue.

    She weighed them in her hand. One seemed rather light, probably full of impurities or air pockets. She exchanged it for a similar looking but heavier one. Then she placed them in a protosteel bowl and slid them into the forge. She watched as they melted, small pockets of air and gas escaping as they lost their form and became liquid. There didn’t seem to be any other metals inside, so this batch was good to go, she could filter them and then start mixing.

    Viltia moved to run the liquids through the normal filters, but then pondered if she should. The more pure the protodermis ore, the higher the power of the disk. But if she removed all impurities, the disk wouldn’t have a Metru-designation, as slight impurities caused the difference in flight powers.

    Well, Viltia didn’t actually know if Great Discs even had Metru-designations. Maybe they didn’t and that made them even more special, and potentially out of reach from others trying to make their own.

    She would try it out and see.

    Activating the mask, the impurities dissolved from the liquid ore before her, scrubbed clean of all impurities in only a few seconds. The process was so much easier than using the normal filters. She moved the liquid to a Kanoka mold and started mixing the two liquids, forcing them to merge with one another. When they were well mixed up, but not completely merged, Viltia opened the EP canister.

    She took a deep breath. Time to test if her theory was correct. She focused on her mask as much as she could, trying to mentally strip away the defiling of the energized protodermis. The silver crackling liquid, tinged with shadowy strands of corruption, slowly cleared, becoming pure.

    Viltia’s mouth hung open in surprise and she looked around the hut, hoping to share the moment with someone. There wasn’t anyone there with her. Oh, right. She had sent Beruv to bed, and everyone else was probably asleep too.

    No matter, she had been right! Viltia moved the canister over to the mold, pouring in the now purified energized protodermis. The EP attached itself to the normal protodermis ore, merging with it without her even needing to stir it. Suddenly the ore started to bubble, bits of it teleporting straight up before falling back into the Kanoka mold.

    Viltia quickly went back to stirring, trying to mix everything evenly. The teleportation slowed down, but continued. Viltia’s mind raced. This was uncharted territory. What should she do? There were no impurities to purge, which is what normally caused problems while Kanoka forging. But the ore didn’t seem to care as it teleported itself around the mold.

    Maybe she should heat it up again? Everything she saw implied that she didn’t need to, but she wasn’t sure what else to do. She moved to insert the mold into the forge and suddenly the energized protodermis bubbled up from the ore, separating again. Viltia grabbed the faux-Exsidian canister, quickly pouring back in the EP before it could destroy her mold. She set down the normal protodermis ore, letting the two differently hued ores un-merge and harden into a powerless disc.

    She sat down on her tethers as they formed a cushy chair beneath her. She calmed her breathing, which she hadn’t realized had gotten out of control. That had been intense. Like, really intense. For a few moments, she became one with the swamp, letting her stress ease away. Then they came back to herself.

    For some reason it hadn’t worked. Why? Everything had been purged of all impurities. The energized protodermis had even successfully merged with the normal protodermis ore. But apparently not fully. Maybe she needed some kind of bonding agent? Something to seal the EP in and fluidly merge it into every part.

    Viltia scratched her mask, spending a good half hour trying to think of things she could do. The hardest part was how dangerous energized protodermis was. She didn’t want to leave anything up to chance and take unnecessary risks. That narrowed down a lot of possibilities.

    She yawned, the exertions of the day finally catching up with her. She could figure this stuff out later. She still had other masks she still needed to make. Maybe she would learn all she needed to by making that mask of Time Duplication.

    Before she left the forging hut, Viltia purified the second canister of defiled EP. There was no need to take any chances now that she knew the mask of Removes Poison worked. She hid both canisters to keep others from potentially killing themselves. Viltia doubted that would happen, since everyone who used the forging hut was pretty responsible, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

    As she moved to her bed, an intelligence entered her range of elemental Observation. She focused on it, feeling an unnatural and insatiable hunger. It was those creepy Rahi-eating pitcher-like plants. For some reason, they had these crazy growth spurts every so often and migrated around.

    But they couldn’t grow all the way to the village overnight. She could take care of it tomorrow in the light of day. Well, okay, the heavily shadowed through the canopy light of day.

    Viltia curled up on her bed, her now completely healed tethers snugly wrapping around her.

    OOC: @Sparticus147 @Burnmad Permission to have the Great Kanohi of Removes Poison purify defiled EP given by GMs.

    Also, grab me some peanut butter and bread, we have another jam post!

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