BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi

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  • Posted 2013-07-20 17:17:08 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: "Some tea would be delightful, I am here to apply for a job as a guard." Takarik said as he stepped inside.

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  • Posted 2013-07-20 17:38:09 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: ThentyleThe Onu-toa let out a grunt as he was held down, becoming more and more agitated. "Let me go!" He tried his best to break free from Goran's grip but only proceeded to exhaust himself. Even so, he was refusing to listen to Rakona's rather eloquent speech about some archangel he'd never heard of. He didn't believe in such things, only in what he'd been taught as a young Matoran, of the will of Mata Nui and the duty of the Matoran. He was starting to become more concerned about wha exactly they wanted to do with him. "Look, I'm flattered but I really have no interest in this Ak...Akrai...whatever, this guy. Just let me go!"

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  • Posted 2013-07-20 18:49:16 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: Zeal, Sister / Onu-Koro - Ugly Ussal'Super-speed, eh? Could come in handy. Problem is, I'm not as active at I used to be,' the Silver Toa said, holding up his cane. 'But yeah, we'll see what I can do.' He managed a grin.'Motara Desert sounds good, seeing as it's well away from anywhere. I've got two worries, though. One; getting lost. Two; sandstorms.' Sister tapped her fingers on the table, something she tended to do when anxious.

    IC: "Don't worry about getting lost. We'll bring Bijackal. As a tracker, he can lead us back to Onu-Wahi-even in a sandstorm. Though a metal cable would be a good thing to bring- just so we don't get separated." Vilak answered.


    The waitress returned with the Kikanalo Steaks. "I hope you enjoy your meal."

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  • Posted 2013-07-20 18:49:26 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: Ira

    Ira soon rose to his knees, panting hard. Pain coursed throughout his body from the wounds inflicted by Larikon's merciless assault. But the torture had also instilled another kind of pain. Dark memories coursed through Ira's mind...


    The Po-Matoran grabbed his arm. Thane futilely punched back as he was forced to the ground, his assailant proceeding to beat the **** out of him...


    Thane was running away from the village. Through no fault of his own, he had been exiled. Anger burned in his heart as he fled the village of ice...


    Another failure. The experiment had violently blown up, this time injuring Thane in the process. The Ta-Matoran clutched his arm in agony as green flames ate away at his flesh...


    Power coursed through his being as the transformation began. He could feel himself getting taller, muscle pushing out against armor, his proportions changing to match his new form. It, to say the least, hurt.


    The attack had been foiled, his vengeance prevented. He was being pursued by a toa of fire and one of water. The Fe-Matoran hurried to help but it was too late his plans had been foiled.


    Toxic gas filled the room as "The Pyro" struggled to crawl out. His vision was blurring from the toxins, his movements were staggering. He was completely at the mercy of these "Daedra", with little hope in sight...


    The beastly, corrupted, hideous Toa of Stone approached him, whispering to him like he was some sort of animal. Ira tried to contain his rage but let it all out, making his anger known to the monster and the Fa-Toa that stood by him...


    Ira looked the mysterious Kra-Toa in the eye. Something about this servant of Makuta disturbed him,whether it was his smooth-talking attitude or just the general aura of superiority he projected. Something about this person disgusted Ira, yet he was unable to lift a finger against him...


    Hounded by the blind blacksmith, Ira ran from hut to hut. The Toa's Arthron had foiled all of his attacks, and the addition of a Toa of Stone into the mix had just complicated things. He needed to get away, now...


    Screaming in terror, Ira leapt from his seat just as a Skakdi saved him from the Akrainid's assault. He was betrayed! He fled down the mountainside, running away from the Kini-Nui, fearing for his life...


    Ira slowly and painfully got to his feet. A pained look was on his face, his whole body trembling. Soon, a sound came out of his mouth. At first, it seemed to be an angered hiss. But soon, as the sound got louder, it was revealed to be a dark laugh of sorts. "Yes," he softly spoke. Grabbing his sword off of the ground, he stabbed it into the floor point first and knelt down. "In the name of Ak'rei'an, I pledge service to Ak'rei'an, to the Brotherhood, and to their purpose. Nothing shall deter me, not even the threat of pain or death."

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  • Posted 2013-07-20 19:53:00 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC:


    "I have no idea what you're talking about. Do either of you know what he's talking about?" Silbi asked the two other occupants of the house, uncertainty flickering in her eyes.

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  • Posted 2013-07-20 20:56:13 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: (Larikon Torchbearer/Darkmine/Onu-Wahi)


    Larikon smiled at his new creation, with a kind of fatherly warmth. He got up, standing tall above the beaten and bloodied Toa. He reached into toward his swordbelt, and pulled out Heathenbane. The ancestral sword of the Grand Masters glimmered in the lamplight, its black blade clearly displayed.


    "I, Grand Master Larikon Torchbearer, hereby accept thy pledge of service to Ak'rei'an and your brothers unto death," he said calmly. Taking the sword, he tapped Ira lightly on both shoulders. "I now dub thee Sir Ira, Knight of the Holy Brotherhood of Ak'rei'an, Protector of the Darkmine, and Crusader of the Archangel. May he guard you in your battle against the Heathens. Now, rise."


    As Ira rose, he gave him the cup of Bula juice, in its golden cup.


    "Drink..." he began. But for Larikon too, dark memories came back. The Grand Master drifted off, for about ten seconds. It was partially a daydream, and partially a nightmare. All the while, he was conscious of it.


    "Do you hear that Larikon? It sounds like a Kofo-Jaga, perhaps we can capture it and make it juggle!" came a woman's voice jokingly. Was it his wife? Or his sister? Or a daughter? All he knew of her was that voice.


    "We have two juggling Ash bears already, dear," came his reply. "Let's leave it alone."


    That was when the pitter-patter of Kofo-Jaga legs became louder, and louder. But it took screams from the front of the caravan to tell him that something was wrong. Very, very wrong.


    "We're under attack!"


    The circus was swarmed within a minute. The sound of Ussals and Kofo-Jaga screaming filled the air. His men were barricading themselves in the carriages. The Jaga were coming nearer and nearer to him and his Ussal. His mount screamed, bucked and ran into the tunnels. Larikon was hurled onto the rock. Blood filled his mouth as he got up. He ran to the nearest carriage, the back one, but found it was locked tight. The woman at his side, he pounded on the door.


    "Let me in! Let me IN!" he said.

    But the occupants didn't hear. The Kofo-Jaga advanced.


    "Run! Get to Onu-Koro NOW!" he cried to the girl.


    Taking out his sword, he whacked a large crab in the stinger. The beast cried, and its cries drew the crabs towards him. Being at the mouth of the forked tunnel, he looked back to see her go down the left. He, with over a dozen Jaga in pursuit, ran down the right. Turning, he looked around. Below him, he heard the gentle sound of a river, to his front, the ever faster patter of the Jaga. He tried to run, but the stinger of the beast stopped him in his tracks. Desperately, he hacked at them. Hacked and hacked and hacked. But they were crawling all over him, causing him to tumble with pain and confusion.


    He had no chance to see the cliff until he plunged below, into the darkness of the river. The river that would lead him to Darkmine.


    "...too you brothers, and your new home."

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  • Posted 2013-07-21 02:20:36 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • OOC: ((I'm finding it amusing that there's this horrible torture scene with all these agonizing flashbacks and horrible things happening in same thread as my jovial, over-caffeinated comic relief character derps around his house. I'm used to playing where threads go by specific plots. It's not wrong how you do it here, just different and kinda funny.))


    IC: Iokua's House


    "Ah! A guard! And a Toa too! Excellent! Excellent! This expedition is shaping up well, at least in the not being attacked and killed by marauding Rahi. That's half of archaeology. Fighting off Ash Bears. With your bare hands." He makes a fist and flexes, as if he's ever fought off an Ash Bear. He hasn't.


    He pours Takarik a cup of tea. "We were just discussing elemental powers. Our friend . . . errr, the one armed one, was just wondering how to move rocks. Without moving it. I mean, with moving it. With elemental powers. I obviously know nothing on the subject, perhaps you could enlighten her?"

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  • Posted 2013-07-21 03:13:27 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC(Sucogu-Iokua's House)


    "You expect to find Ash Bears...underground?" the Toa of lightning raised an eyebrow skeptically.




    Slice. Stab. Slash.


    Practice made the difference between good and great when it came to sword combat. Fortunately, cooped up in Darkmine, Rujak had plenty of time to practice and plan. His current plan was dangerous, and based in Ko-Koro. A theft, which he was good at. High risk, high profit. A direct run-in with the Koro's guard. Of course, he would need an accomplice, and not the dead one currently bringing him a cup of tea.


    "Thanks, Maey," he said, the ghoul responding with a grunt. Taking a sip of tea, he sheathed his sword, throwing on his cloak and hood.


    OOC: Anyone in the Bros of Ak'Rei'An, feel free to join him in the heist, though I don't expect many takers. ^^

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  • Posted 2013-07-21 12:13:33 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: Arkrak


    "So what brings you here this morning?"

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  • Posted 2013-07-21 17:26:08 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: Iokua's House


    "Well, possibly. Ash bears seem to be attracted to archaeology, like ants to sugar." He takes another sip of his tea, as if what he said made perfect sense.

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  • Posted 2013-07-21 17:46:06 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC(Sucogu-Iokua's House)


    "Uh...sure, okay," he nodded, still a bit baffled at the professor's mannerisms, "and what reward will we be receiving for our efforts?"


    OOC: Do you have a Skype account? It would make discussion a lot easier.

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  • Posted 2013-07-21 18:20:44 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • OOC: Okay cultists, in the next couple of days we'll be focusing on this heist and the hunt for Syvra. Both will begin after this conversion.


    IC: (Larikon Torchbearer/Darkmine/Onu-Wahi)


    "You are free to enter my home and read from its library," Larikon said to Ira. "I suggest you read a copy of the Book of Life, and the books of Vandon. Makron and Orkov."


    He put down the cup, and opened the door. He went to the following room, where Rakona and Thentyle were engaged in the conversion process. He knocked.


    "Lady Rakona, may I enter?"

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  • Posted 2013-07-21 18:25:52 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: Iokua's House


    "Knowledge! Fabulous knowledge! And if you're an anti-intellectual profiteer, widgets! Once we get a benefactor. Which should be happening, I think, soon! With all these Toa on board, we're bound to get some sort of attention! I'm writing up a grant. Would you like to read it?"He offers the Toa a paper that is almost completely incomprehensible academic-ese, peppered with insane claims and personal vendettas. And lots of BOLD WORDS for emphasis.


    OOC: Just sent you my Skype name.

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  • Posted 2013-07-21 18:35:12 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC(Sucogu-Iokua's House)


    Sucogu looked down at the paper, nodding slowly. "Wow. This is...totally logical and well-thought-out. I assume the, um... fabulous knowledge you promise will be useful to our current situation?"


    He rolled the paper up and handed it back to the Matoran, becoming quite convinced that he was completely out of his mind.

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  • Posted 2013-07-21 20:35:37 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: Rakona/Goran

    Larikon would have stepped in the room to see Goran mercilessly beating Thentlye. The undead servant did not stop his beating of the Onu-Toa. More of this and Thentyle's will would break. He would give into the Brotherhood, and join them in freeing the island from the heathens.


    Rakona turned and said, "You may. The Conversion is going well. Thentyle's will is breaking."

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  • Posted 2013-07-21 22:01:46 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: "I guess I could offer some advice on how to activate elemental powers." Not waiting for an answer, Takarik launched into his explanation, "You must focus on the object you wish to affect. Then, you must visualize the desired affect on the object. Is that good enough?"

  • Edited on 2013-07-21 22:02:10 by Falcon Lord
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  • Posted 2013-07-22 01:20:49 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • OOC: Just a friendly warning, Only describe the aftermath of torture, in vague details. Otherwise, we will get reprimended.


    IC: (Larikon Torchbearer/Darkmine/Onu-Wahi)


    Larikon reached into a large, wooden chest. He pulled out a small, collapsing table, and open it. He then took out a bundle of tools. Knives, hooks, and other nasty, painful items. Pulling up a stool, he took a seat. Looking at Thentyle, he gave out a small grin.


    "I find mere beatings don't particularly work well without a...cut or two."




    More then five hours later, he looked at Thentyle's cut, bruised, and beaten body. The Toa was silent now, lying on the floor. It seemed that they had broken him, broken him into a loyal servant of Ak'rei'an. He removed the Toa's gags, leg and arm binds, and blindfold. Larikon proceeded with his usual words of oath.


    "My brother, do you pledge unto death service to the Archangel, and your brothers in arms?"

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  • Posted 2013-07-22 07:15:05 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: ThentyleThentyle grunted, his eyes seeming to have dulled from sheer pain. The last five hours had been worse than being trampled by Muaka, When his bonds were removed, his head hung down slightly, and he seemed to still be wincing in pain. Oddly, even his lightstone-infused shoulderpads had become dim and now looked like nothing more than oversized pieces of armour on his shoulders. As Larikon asked the question, the back of Thentyle's mind, his sane part, was screaming out 'no' to him, but Thentyle's body refused to cooperate, fearing he would be hurt even more. He didn't answer right away, instead just nodding slowly. As he did so, he felt the 'sane' part of his mind fade, disappearing, leaving the Onu-Toa a practically blank slate. With that pesky conscience no longer present, he followed up his nod by muttering, "...yes...I do."

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  • Posted 2013-07-22 10:09:36 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: (Elianne)




    She took a rapid glance to the left, to the right, and back at the receptionist.


    "That's about it."

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  • Posted 2013-07-22 13:57:22 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • [NPC] IC: The receptionist wrote it down. "Alright, you may proceed," She said, gesturing towards the door behind her desk. "Good luck."

  • Edited on 2013-07-22 13:57:48 by Iskandar
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  • Posted 2013-07-22 16:52:30 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: Aar

    Back from the diplomatic visit to Ga-Koro, Aar took the liberty that free time offered him to lounge around the barracks. Rummaging around, he produced a deck of cards. "Anyone up for a game?" he asked the others in the room. "Maybe a round of Cheat."

  • Edited on 2013-07-22 16:53:28 by Draezeth
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  • Posted 2013-07-22 17:21:54 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC(Houren-Ussalry Barracks)


    The Matoran of flora cracked his knuckles, deciding to take Aar up on his offer. "Sure. Are we playing by Firespitter or Revised Kumu rules?"




    On occasions like this, it was often Ryjak's job take care of new arrivals. Turn them from acceptable new members to formidable agents of Ak'Rei'An. He would train them to a specific skill, sometimes. Simply expand upon current skills at other times. Dropping in on Thentyle and Rakona, he slid the leather hood of his cloak over his head.


    "I'll take it from here," he said, approaching the three, "unless there's anything else that needs to be done. I'll get him cleaned up and prepared for fieldwork."

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  • Posted 2013-07-22 17:38:13 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: (Larikon Torchbearer/Darkmine/Onu-Wahi)


    "Let me knight him first, Sir Ryjak," Larikon said calmly. The knighthood ceremony was quick enough.


    "I, Grand Master Larikon Torchbearer, hereby accept thy pledge of service to Ak'rei'an and your brothers unto death," he said in his deep voice. Taking out Heathenbane, he tapped Thentyle on each shoulder with its black blade. "I now dub thee Sir Thentyle, Knight of the Holy Brotherhood of Ak'rei'an, Protector of the Darkmine, and Crusader against the Heathens. Now, rise."


    He took out a golden cup, as custom, and poured out a small amount of bula juice. "Drink, to your brothers and your new home. And when you are done, go with Sir Ryjak for training."


    He turned to said knight.


    "We have another new Knight in the other room. Train him as well. And be sure to suit them up with mail from the armory, here's the key."

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  • Posted 2013-07-22 18:44:42 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC:


    "No, not really," Silbi replied.

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  • Posted 2013-07-22 18:57:04 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: Thentyle

    Nodding, Thentyle took the chalice and drank the amount of Bula he was given. With that, he seemed to light up if only a little bit, He rose to his feet at full height, which was still noticeably shorter than average for Toa, and he turned to face Ryjak. A new personality was slowly starting to shine through, although the torture had still left him rather blank. "Sir, I'm ready." His eye winced slightly as some of the last remnants of pain shot through him before he gathered the will to overcome it.

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  • Posted 2013-07-22 19:53:27 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC(Ryjak-Darkmine)The Toa of iron slowly smiled, revealing a row of icy white teeth. "Good," he gestured towards the exit, where the other new recruit- Knight Ira -was waiting. As the three cultists entered the room, Ryjak let his hood fall, the rest of his face displayed."Welcome. Please, introduce yourselves. My name is Ryjak, and this is Maeydra. She'll be assisting you in training today." He motioned to the undead Toa of water next to him.

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  • Posted 2013-07-22 20:08:07 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: Ira

    "Pleased to meet you," Ira responded. His tone was still amicable, but his more characteristic "on the verge of exploding" nature had returned. "Thane Xi'Tracta, though everybody calls me Ira." The Toa of Fire gestured to the third Toa in the room. "Another new blood?" he asked.

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  • Posted 2013-07-22 20:43:14 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • OOC:

    Construct, there are four Toa in the room: Ira, Thentyle, Ryjak and Maeydra.


    Also, Shuhei, your profile says that Ryjak has both an elemental power and a Kanohi power, and your playing has you have an undead servant. You're going to have to give up one of them. To have a zombie, you need to give up your characters element or ability to use a mask. And since Maeydra has already appeared IC, I don't think you can give her up.

    IC: Rakona/Goran

    The Lesterin of Stone entered the armory where all of the members of the Brotherhood where in. Goran humbly followed her. Rakona said, "In addition to weapons, you may sacrifice your mask or your ability to use an element to bind an undead servant to your will."

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  • Posted 2013-07-22 20:53:02 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: (Iokua's House.)"Well then," he says to Silbi. "I don't know how to use my elemental powers either, so that's one thing we have in common."He's grinning broadly and twitching again. "Oooooh, Great Spirit, I can hardly contain my excitement! This will be such an adventure, I can already tell! You want to hear about the site? I've calculated through all these sites based on the danger and excitement quotient and probability of finding things that have never been discovered before! Already did a bit of scouting where we're going to, a bit of ground survey, if you will, and I found this on the surface! On the surface!"He pulls out another stone tool. It appears identically primitive to the stone tool he brought out before to test Silbi's powers.


    "Do you see the technique? With the fluted point? I've never seen that before! We're talking new civilizations here, new civilizations!"It's unlikely that anyone of you know what a fluted point even is.

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  • Posted 2013-07-22 22:14:35 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: (Larikon Torchbearer/Darkmine/Onu-Wahi)


    "I or Jorruk will conduct the ritual," Larikon said, slowly keeping up pace. "It will take place under the statue of Ak'rei'an, in the open air alter."


    He entered the armory first. It was a decently sized structure, neither large nor small. One side had armor, chailmail primarily. But there was a set of plate or two, and several boiled leather armors. All were black. Another rack had black surcoats, inscribed with large, purple angels. The helmets were piled in buckets, and were the most varied of pieces. The armory was jam-packed with weapons. Bows, crossbows, spears, staves, polearms and swords, among other weapons. No blade was curved, and all were, of course, blackened.


    "Sir Ira and Sir Thentyle, feel free to take whatever armor you wish. Though, I might remind you that plate is hard to trek in. And as for weapons, feel free to replace yours. Rakona and Ryjak, if you wish to replace a broken pair of armor or sword, now is the time."

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  • Posted 2013-07-23 03:31:00 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC(Houren-Ussalry Barracks)


    The Matoran of flora cracked his knuckles, deciding to take Aar up on his offer. "Sure. Are we playing by Firespitter or Revised Kumu rules?"


    IC: Aar -Barracks

    The Onu-Matoran shuffled the deck, even though he had shuffled it after the last game. "I haven't heard of the revision. How does it go?" He glanced about the room, hoping someone else would join in too. Playing by two was fine, but it was better as three, four or even five.

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  • Posted 2013-07-23 07:37:56 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: Thentyle (Armoury, Darkmine)"I'm Thentyle" he said when beckoned to introduce himself to Ira, a smile fading through on his face. When Larikon gave the command to suit up, he was hesitant to so much as touch the pieces of armour, but before he knew it he'd reached out to some mail and begun looking it over, considering it. After looking at a couple of alternate pieces, he eventually decided on something light, feeling it would be rude to decline wearing anything. Thentyle carefully arranged the mail so that it wouldn't get caught up in any of his joins, effectively only covering his torso. He then put on one of the embroidered surcoats on, but decided he didn't want a helmet. Next he moved to the weapons section. His normal weapon, the drill, was useful as that, but as a weapon it wasn't particularly strong nor useful. He picked up each type of weapon to get a feel of it. Finally, he settled on a long black spear, mathing the length of his tool. He didn't discard the drill though, as part of his mind just wouldn't allow it. It took him a moment to find a way to carry it alongside his drill, but he found a way eventually.Unfortunately though in order to carry both, he was forced to break down his drill to almost half the size, making it more of a hand tool.

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  • Posted 2013-07-24 18:43:22 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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    Nichou nodded slowly, taking another sip of his bula Juice. "Have you been involved in the installation of any of the tech for the other Koro?" He asked.



    IC: Ferron (Onu-Koro Tavern)


    "Can't say that I did. Akiri Nuparu hasn't exactly been my best customer, so to speak"


    OOC: Oops. So sorry it took this long to reply.




    "Oh. too bad"

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  • Posted 2013-07-24 18:48:48 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: Ferron (Onu-Koro Tavern)


    "Hey, don't feel bad on my behalf, my business runs pretty smoothly and all that. Not everyone can rely on government contracts"

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  • Posted 2013-07-24 18:55:29 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC:


    "Good point," Nichou responded, gulping down the last of the bula juice. "Well, it was nice meeting you," He continued, but then shook Ferron's hand and left. He had things to do, and more importantly, places to go.

  • Edited on 2013-07-24 18:56:04 by Bulik
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  • Posted 2013-07-25 06:07:27 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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    IC(Houren-Ussalry Barracks)


    The Matoran of flora cracked his knuckles, deciding to take Aar up on his offer. "Sure. Are we playing by Firespitter or Revised Kumu rules?"


    IC: Aar -Barracks

    The Onu-Matoran shuffled the deck, even though he had shuffled it after the last game. "I haven't heard of the revision. How does it go?" He glanced about the room, hoping someone else would join in too. Playing by two was fine, but it was better as three, four or even five.



    IC: Fraxn Black, Walking in on a game of cards


    My foot slammed up on the table before I had landed in the empty chair, a dramatic entrance of red feet. As the two guards slowly made their way up the shaped lines of red to my face, I smirked.



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  • Posted 2013-07-25 15:34:18 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: Aar

    The guard's eyes flitted back to the Toa of Fire's feet for a moment. Was that a bit of fungus he saw? Pushing the disturbing thought aside, he nodded a greeting to the imposing Toa of Fire. "Okay, so that's one vote for Firespitter..." He looked back to Houren, expecting an explanation of the modified rules still.

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  • Posted 2013-07-25 16:10:59 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC - Alvonik: "New civilizations!?" Alvonik smiled to himself, this might prove to be more of an adventure than he had originally thought, "Well then. Do you have any more of this tea? It's quite nice." Alvonik showed his empty cup.

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  • Posted 2013-07-25 17:26:39 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC:

    The two Skakdi began to wander the Koro in search of an merchants who can give them some tech from the island.


    "Are you sure this place has what we need?" asked Molvr


    "Of it is. We need to keep searching that's all. Maybe someone here will offer it to use in exchange for something."

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  • Posted 2013-07-25 18:09:56 UTC
    BZPRPG: Onu-Wahi
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  • IC: Iokua's House


    "Oh yes!" he said cheerfully. "I've got quite a bit of it; imported from Le-Koro! Apparently it's a drink of friendship there. I've never had friends to share it with!"

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