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  • Posted 2013-05-01 14:43:07 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    "We can get Toa of Earth and Fire together to manipulate the lava lake against the Rahkshi, and more Toa of Plasma like me can burn through their armour to destroy those nasty slugs inside them." The elderly Toa frowned, looking at the horde of Rahkshi slowly advancing upon them.


    "If only we had some Skakdi berserkers to tide them off until we were able to get to the Koro, or some Vortixx to drop some landmines on them, or shoot them from afar."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 14:53:17 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, outside Ta-Koro)


    Perkahn knew, all of these things they could have only when they had made it into the city. But how? They couldn't fly, and they weren't sure the Rahkshi wouldn't follow them that way. There was some way in, Perkahn knew. Think, Perkahn, think. How did you get into the city that one time when...




    "Come on," he said to his friend, almost excited now. "I know a way in."


    Before his words could even be doubted, he jumped to his feet and dashed away, sprinting (with no small help from his Kakama) in the direction of the Charred Forest.

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 14:56:43 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    "I should have just stayed in Ko-Wahi, I think," the Toa muttered in a long-suffering tone, before activating his Kualsi to follow behind Perkhan.

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 15:04:08 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Outside Ta-Koro)

    After a journey that lasted only seconds yet seemed as if it had lasted for hours (because of the lengths that were covered) the two found themselves on the other side of Ta-Koro entirely, on the footsteps of Mt. Mangai. Before the two lied a sharp cliff wall, part of the aforementioned mountain, just a hundred meters away from them - a hundred meters they could not yet make, because they were separated from the cliff by a single, solitary, unmoving Rahkshi just staring at the city.


    "Right," Perkahn murmured, from under the cover of the Charred Forest, to his friend, "Plan's this. I surprise the guy with a sudden Kakama plus battleaxe slash, use that opportunity to use my iron powers to flip his head open, and you incinerate the cark out of that disgusting slug in there."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 15:14:05 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    "Make sure to salvage the staff, they're useful."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 15:26:38 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, beside Mt. Mangai)


    The plan was spectacularly simple. Only three phases: surprise, flip open Rahkshi head, burn Kraata. Nothing else to do.


    And that's precisely what Perkahn did. With his Kakama's assistance, he darted forward, battleaxe in hand, out from the trees. It was just a splitsecond of a dart, him literally - or to the Rahkshi it so seemed - appearing from out of nowhere and slamming the monstrosity out into the air with his axe.


    Iron powers! My element, how I love you so! T'was a matter of simple iron manipulation to make the head just flip open. T'was a matter of simply screaming, "Grochi!" to signal to his friend to do what he had to.

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 15:35:49 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    Grochi, however, had already launched his attack - a quick bolt of plasma flew through the opening just as Perkahn called, launched from the tip of Grochi's rapier. The Kraata inside the Rahkshi's carapace hissed as it burned, slumping outside of the body; where before it had been monstrous, now it was moreso, with scorchmarks all over its sluggy body, the slimey fluid that emanated from its pores burned away.


    It almost looked pitiful.


    With no more though Grochi kicked the small thing up into the air, blasting it again; the Kraata was perfectly incinerated. Just to show what he thought of his former allies.


    "Shall we continue, now? Before any of this thing's brothers come running? I'd rather be far enough through the sewers to avoid them. That one was likely just a low-powered decoy."

  • Edited on 2013-05-01 15:36:05 by Ilyusha Blokfase
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 15:45:54 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Mt. Mangai)


    "Aye. Let's do just that."


    Ten or fifteen minutes later, the two fighters, using the way that Perkahn had used a month ago, annoyed quite a bit by the exertion they had while scaling the cliffs, found themselves, quite unfortunately, again surrounded by the familiar manure of the Ta-Koro sewers.


    "Ugh. Let's get out of here," the Toa of Iron groaned, wiping his hand clean of the... substance.

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 15:59:56 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    Grochi, meanwhile, was rather clean; having coated himself in a shield of plasma, energy directed outwards, he was incinerating all such undesirable materials that came into contact with his shield, none of it touching him, and filling the air with the stench of overpowering ozone.


    It smelled better than the manure, certainly.


    "Yes, let us do that."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 16:09:51 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)

    Following the sewers to a rational conclusion at a grate that, after some cooperation between Perkahn and Grochi, was no longer locked, nor had a lock at all, the two Toa found themselves in the great city of Ta-Koro, now in a state of siege by the Rahkshi hordes outside the city, just coldly staring at the walls. Before anyone among the panicked citizens of the city could question their business in having just emerged from the sewers, Perkahn spoke, clearly and loudly, for all to hear.


    "Citizens of Ta-Koro! Is anyone organizing a defense, or an evac? Where is the captain of the guard?"




    Perkahn heard it. A voice he didn't exactly think he'd hear any time soon, and that was kind of silly, because he should've known she still lived here. More like than not, he subconsciously knew that she lived here, hence why he so eagerly jumped to help this city.


    "Arianna," he heard himself whisper, turning to face that image that had appeared. To face the person that he wanted to save the most of all. To face a tall Toa of Lightning with a Kaukau, a beautiful vision that haunted many of his dreams, be they good or be they nightmares.


    To face the woman he loved.


    "I thought you were..."


    "No," he muttered, quietly. "I'm not. I came back to save you. And all these people."


    "Perkahn..." she replied, only just so refraining from averting her gaze.


    "Arianna. Don't worry. I'm going to save this city, and I'm going to save you."


    "Perkahn," she said his name, meaningfully, as if there was something she wanted to say but couldn't bring herself to.


    "It's okay, love."


    He took a step closer and hugged her. "We'll talk later. Now, I've got a city to protect. Like back then."




    Perkahn laid just a gentle kiss on her forehead, and slowly turned back to the mass of people. He spoke again, calmly. "As I was saying, is anyone organizing a defense?"

  • Edited on 2013-05-01 17:22:59 by Eduard Bernstein
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 17:54:42 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • Loren- Ta-wahi


    IC: At the sight of the army of rahkshi climbing out of their hole, the Guardsman almost froze. It was like a nightmare, everybody knew that this day would come eventually, they just hopped that something happened to Makuta before that. Recovering from his shock, he stabilized the soundshape spikes he had set up and sent them flying at the pair on the bike.

    Not checking to see if the attack had hit, set his sights on the bridge control station on the closer side of the volcano. A single maskjump was all it took to get there where he brushed aside the guards salutes.


    "Now is not the time for that, get to the koro and help with the walls. We're going to need everybody we can get and this place won't last long against that army."


    As the two Matoran ran across the lava bridge, Loren strode into the guardhouse built into the side of the volcano wall. Over against one wall was the mechanism used to raise and lower the bridge from this side. Kneeling down in front of it, he began removing parts, none of the big gears, those would take too much time, instead he removed several of the smaller gears that, while not as bulky and hard to move, were still vital to the operation of the mechanism. Moving quickly, he ran out of the guardhouse and maskjumped to the walls of the koro where he deposited the gears at the bridge's partner station.


    Dashing back to the top of the walls he started shouting orders to the guardsmen who were staring out at the army at their doorstep, "Ready weapon emplacements! Load the ballistae with the heavy bolts, normal ones won't have any effect. Kane-ra squad, make sure all the disk piles are fully stocked. Durmis squad, go tell the med bay and hospitals to get ready for large numbers of casualties. After that, see if you can round up any retired Guard members or anybody else willing to help."


    He caught a running Matoran by the shoulder and said, "Go tell Headquarters that we have bigger problems then a couple of escaped prisoners."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 18:06:25 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)


    Of course, as often happened in plotlines, it still wasn't the mass of people that hinted them to an answer. Said mass of people was too confused and panicked to tell them anything coherent. However, Perkahn, very clearly, heard the commanding tone of voice of a Guard higher-up atop the walls.


    It only took Perkahn some Kakama work to get atop those walls just by the guy.


    "I (just) heard you need retired guard members or someone willing to help. I'm not just both of those things, but I'm also, besides Jaller, probably the guardsman with the largest amount of accumulated experience still alive. I'm not just a battleaxeman, I'm a herbalist, Muaka trainer, trapper, former pirate and the only known person to have ever survived the horror that is being drunk, seasick and having an infected fikou bite at the same time. But perhaps most importantly, me and my friend Grochi, who probably has used his Kualsi to teleport behind me by now, already have experience at killing Rahkshi as we killed one on the way in - actually, yes, that's a bonus too, because we know a way in that ought to be blocked. So. You'll let us help?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 18:17:55 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • Loren- Ta-wahi -Walls


    IC: Loren turned to listen to the new Toa atop the wall as he gave what sounded like a job resume. When he finished, the Guardsman nodded and spoke, "Good to have you here,I assume your Perkahn? I've heard about you. I'm planning on using the levies as a reserve force, shoring up defenses and striking out when we see the chance. You can take command of them untill somebody higher then me says otherwise. While you're here," at this point he beckoned to a nearby Guardsman, "Tell this guy where this hole is and he can take care of plugging it.

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 18:24:09 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)

    The Toa of Iron nodded, just a bit surprised at the lack of any mention of him having been exiled if this guy has already heard of him. Irrelevant, anyway. "Consider it done."


    He then turned to the guardsman Loren had pointed out, and scratched his chin. "Long story short, while the sewers of the city are a mostly closed space, there's also a certain opening that was originally, before the containment chambers for the excess manure were established deep underground, intended to just let all of it, well, fall into the Lake of Fire. Unfortunately, that hole is accessible through scaling the cliffs. It would be child's play for a flying Rahkshi, so that hole would best be closed until they find it."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 18:25:13 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC (Stralix)


    From behind Loren, Perkahn and the Guardsman came the sound of a throat being cleared. The three warriors turned their heads to see a brown-armoured Skakdi standing there, goggles perched on his forehead. From a belt across his chest hung several small metal canisters. In his hands was a large gun-like contraption attached by tubes to a collection of tanks on his back.


    "Perhaps I may be of assistance?"

  • Edited on 2013-05-01 18:42:28 by Ghosthands
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 18:27:09 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • OOC: Mild bunnying here.


    IC: "Avalanche" talking to Loren


    "Someone said you were looking for warriors"


    Avalanche, Stronin and Tivanu had followed the directions that rowing Matoran had given them about where to enlist in the city's defense.


    "Well, here's some for you"


    "Name's Avalanche, Po-Toa. My companions here are Stronin and Tivanu"


    IC: Butra, probably with Axeron following him


    "I have come to help" the Ve-Toa said "the name is Butra, Ve-Toa."

  • Edited on 2013-05-01 18:27:37 by Geardirector
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 18:28:35 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC:


    "Ditto to Mr. Skakdi here," Sehrii said, sitting on the edge of the wall, "Because, I'm not sure about you guys, but I don't feel like dying on such a nice day."

  • Edited on 2013-05-01 18:28:49 by Varren Rehn
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 18:39:25 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)


    "Well, this mass of people who want to survive is encouraging," Perkahn nodded at all the new arrivals, smiling. "Volunteers, t'would seem I'm going to be leading you for today. Our task: back up the guard whenever possible. I'm Perkahn, just so all of you know. And, er, commander, since I don't quite know your rank," he addressed Loren, "our friend over here, with the flamethrower and the bombs, seems like the perfect guy to close the hole in the sewers."


    He then scratched his chin and spoke again. "Speaking of holes. Shouldn't we close the Onu-Wahi Highway?"

  • Edited on 2013-05-01 19:26:34 by Eduard Bernstein
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 18:46:54 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC (Stralix)


    The inventor smiled.


    "I think I've got just the thing."


    Taking a single grenade from his bandoleer, he tossed it once and caught it.


    "May cause a certain amount damage..."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 18:52:54 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • Loren- Ta-wahi- Walls


    IC: The Guardsman was quiet as the nearby citizens expressed their willingness to help. Looking over each one, he spoke.


    "You fellows are going to be the reserve force. If something needs doing that the normal troops either can't do or are too busy to, it will be your job to take care of it. I'm not expecting you to fight in formations or anything, but you should try to avoid going off by yourself. These are rahkshi we are facing, that means that hey are probably going to be harder then anything you have faced so far, don't underestimate them."


    When Perkahn spoke, he thought over it for a second,before talking, "Good idea, uhh, Avalanche did you say your name was? Go with him, your stone powers should with any collateral damage that may happen."


    He turned back to Perkahn and spoke, "I want to keep that open in case we need to evacuate anyone. Place some Madu Cabolo charges but don't detonate them. We can do that if any start coming through."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 19:04:33 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)

    "On it. Reserve force... one of you come with me to set the charges. The others look around for something the troops need done, or just wait here for us."


    Without looking much at whom was following him, he darted, with no small assistance from his Kakama, towards the Onu-Wahi Highway entrance.

  • Edited on 2013-05-01 19:26:26 by Eduard Bernstein
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 19:08:28 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC (Stralix)


    "If I may interject..." said Stralix. "Madu Cabolo are dangerously unstable and relatively ineffective. I think it's time to put my most successful invention to good use."


    He held up the small metal canister.


    "Photothermic powder. Powerful explosive. Highly effective and controllable. And I've got barrels of the stuff."


    He stepped up to Perkahn, with a nod.


    "I'll rig those charges," he said.

  • Edited on 2013-05-01 19:08:46 by Ghosthands
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 19:10:21 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)


    "Do it," the Toa of Iron nodded. "If you need any help, I'll just be standing here."

  • Edited on 2013-05-01 19:26:18 by Eduard Bernstein
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 19:20:24 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC (Stralix)


    "Excellent," said the inventor. Pulling several 'Stralix Grenades' from his bandoleer, he placed them at structural weaknesses in the tunnel, fiddling with them for a moment and attaching small pieces of tech that he took from the belt at his waist. After a couple of minutes, the Skakdi straightened up and walked back to Perkahn. He handed the Toa a small stick, with a cap on the end. Beneath the cap there glowed a round red button.


    "That's the detonator," he said. "If the Rahkshi try to come through the tunnel, flick up the cap and press the button. Should bring a good section of the tunnel roof down. Now, did you say something about a breach in the sewers?"

  • Edited on 2013-05-01 19:20:55 by Ghosthands
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 19:26:01 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)

    "Aye, good," the Toa of Iron replied, putting the detonator safely into one of his pockets of infinite size (or at least the legends claim they were of infinite size, judging by how many things the guy could fit into his pockets). "Right. The breach in the sewers. Come on."


    A good few moments later, Perkahn and Stralix found themselves in the damp sewers of Ta-Koro - in Perkahn's case, yet again. Leading the inventor through the dark labyrinthian hallways of this ...hole, Perkahn quickly found the way back to the breach. It was large enough for a Toa to fit through, so definitely large enough for a Rahkshi, and actually relatively easy to get in through if you're a good enough cliffscaler.



  • Edited on 2013-05-01 19:27:49 by Eduard Bernstein
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 19:32:24 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: "Avalanche"


    "There was a hole that needed plugging?" Avalanche asked "just point me in the right direction and I'll seal it up so thight you wouldn't even know there was a hole there"

  • Edited on 2013-05-01 19:32:57 by Geardirector
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 19:45:34 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    "You, Guardsman!" Grochi called to Loren, catching his attention. "Send somebody to man the bridge mechanism. When Rahkshi start to cross it, drop it once the first couple pass the halfway mark; that should be surprise enough to drop a few of them into the lava. Any others that are flying, make sure you have a few Matoran to man the disk launchers and ballistae; we'll have to shoot them out of the sky. Understood?"

  • Edited on 2013-05-01 20:01:12 by Ilyusha Blokfase
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 19:48:56 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC (Stralix)


    "Right. Shouldn't be too hard..."


    Stralix drew his one remaining grenade from its hook, and twisted the sides in opposite directions. He then placed it carefully on a small ledge near the top of the breach, and turned back to Perkahn.


    "You might want to stand back."


    The two beings retreated down the tunnel, accompanied by a soft repeated clicking noise as the grenade's spring mechanism drew closer and closer to the catch.


    With a startlingly loud CRACK, the grenade exploded in a brilliant flash of yellow flame. Rocks cascaded down from the roof of the opening, burying the would-be entrance.


    "That should do the trick," said Stralix as the dust settled. "Let's get topside."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 19:52:02 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)


    "And quick. Visiting this sewer is becoming far too common an event for me."


    The two emerged back topside, returning back atop the walls, a few minutes later. The Toa of Iron nodded to Loren.


    "Dealt with the breach, and with Onu."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 20:09:10 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • Loren- Ta-wahi


    IC: The Toa of Sonics nodded to Perkahn before turning to Grochi.


    "That might work with a few of them and i already disabled the mechanism on the other side of the lake so they can't stop it once it starts going down or raise it afterwards. And putting men on the walls was the first thing I did. We also have a few catapults that are going to be loaded with a bunch of smaller boulders. Gives it a nice spread and Toa of Gravity can pull them down on the heads of anyone who gets unlucky."


    A Matoran edged past them to get to something farther along the wall.


    "Why don't we move this to the courtyard? All we are doing up here is taking up space."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 20:11:02 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    "I am in the courtyard, though."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 20:13:55 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: "Avalanche"


    "My powers can help with collapsing the bridge. I could trap the Rahkshi on it"

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 20:14:37 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)

    Perkahn nodded, removing himself down from the walls to the main city. Once everyone else did so as well, he spoke. "Grochi is right. We don't know if these Rahkshi can fly, but as long as there's a bridge, that won't be their first option. That's also where they'll make irreparable mistakes."


    He scratched his chin. "Maybe we should bring the outer gate, on the other side of the bridge, down upon them entirely once they advance? Stralix, wasn't it? Do you have more of those explosives we used for the Onu tunnel?"

  • Edited on 2013-05-01 20:14:55 by Eduard Bernstein
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 20:20:17 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Butra


    "There's little chance that my weapons will fare anything short of horribly against these infernal beasts. Is there any place I could get a more... sturdy... weapon?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 20:21:44 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)

    Perkahn's gaze shot to Butra. Now, there was a person who was speaking his language.


    "If you wish, I could forge one for you."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 20:24:50 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Butra


    "Your aid is much appreciated." Butra said, as he rapidly measured the stranger up and down with his Akaku.


    He lifted his wooden axe, and handed it to the stranger.


    "Something in the likeness of this should suffice"

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 20:25:57 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • Loren- Ta-koro


    IC: "Toa of Stone could try to trap the feet of any that were on the bridge when it down. As for bringing the outer gate down behind them, that might be a bit far. Besides, that would force them to fly through the top of the volcano and I want to try and keep them from doing that for as long as possible."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 20:28:24 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)

    "True enough," Perkahn nodded to Loren, whilst taking Butra's wooden axe. "I will have to briefly retreat from strategy council, t'would seem. Not for longer than half an hour, assuming there's a furnace I could use around."

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  • Posted 2013-05-01 20:35:35 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Baranx

    "Someone needed help?"

    Among the many tall and powerful warriors that stood together planning the city's defense, one could now see what appeared to be a simple Po-Matoran. Just another brave soul who had decided to step up and fight for the greater good.

    Baranx couldn't agree more.

    "Name's Baranx, Archer and Ta-Koro Guard contractor. If anything needs to be hit from a distance of 30 bios, I'm your man"

  • Edited on 2014-01-07 17:21:20 by Dr. O
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  • Posted 2013-05-01 21:14:12 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • Loren- Ta-koro


    IC: The Toa of Sonics nodded to the newcomer before raising his voice so that everyone could hear him.


    "I'm going to divide you up into squads so I need everyone to tell me their name and powers or abilities. These will be the groups that you carry out your objectives in so I need to know who to put with who."

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