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  • Posted 2013-05-03 01:50:50 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • Loren- Ta-koro


    IC: Turning to JL, Loren spoke, "For now, wait. We have enough people for the tasks at hand and we are all going to be be more busy then we would like with the rahkshi soon enough."

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 02:02:31 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    "And I believe that you, sir, are taking bounds ahead of yourself," Grochi said cooly. It was easily evident from his expression that he did not particularly like being interrupted, especially by this man.


    "Bounds, leaps, and strides, to be exact. Not even privy to the full plan and you think to tell this Matoran she is hired for it, and yourself merely a leftenant. If you would please be so kind as to listen to me, I would rather well like it if you would shut up, or go help out on the wall."


    Turning back to Lumira, he resumed his friendly attitude once more, as though the short outburst he had directed at Tarotrix hadn't even happened."That's all well and good, but what I'm about to propose to you is much different from flying a Gukko, and could result in a painful death for you, or possibly your capture and conversion to a member of Makuta's forces. With that known, are you prepared to hear me out, or would you rather I find another?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 02:15:58 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: "Painful death?" Jotham murmured. "Why not?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 02:54:29 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [Ril]


    "Did someone say painful death?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 03:05:27 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • OOC: I do think making this character a Toa-hater is one of the more fun things I've done. :P


    IC: (Tarotrix/Ta-Koro)


    Tarotrix, up to this point, had a healthy amount of respect for Grochi. In his mind, they were comrades, working towards the defense of Ta-Koro. But this slight, this tirade against him had riled up a side of him that normally hated and reviled such Toa. His rather large ego had been poked too hard. First Lieutenant Tarotrix would not be sent off to the wall. Especially not by a Toa.


    "No, you smug little rat," he said. "I am a First Lieutenant of the Ta-Koro Guard, and one of the highest ranked active members here. And I have served and defended this Koro from almost every threat that has come to it. I have given my flesh and blood to this place, and deserve to have a voice in how it defended.


    But you? You are a wanderer, a Toa of no loyalty to the Koro. Who thinks that just because he is a Toa, that he can order around those who swore an oath to fight and die for it. I will help you defend my home from harm, shall protect you from danger, and possibly sacrifice my life for you. But I will NOT take any orders from you. Do I make myself clear."


    He cleared his throat, and uttered one last outburst.


    "And it is Lieutenant, not Leftenant."

  • Edited on 2013-05-03 03:05:42 by Mr. House
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  • Posted 2013-05-03 03:32:10 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: "I'm Nita," well, Nita, piped up from near Flay. "This isn't really my area of expertise. Just good at jungle."


    OOC: Natalia from Ga.


    IC: Natalia caught up with Crimeia. "Sorry, got a bit lost."


    OOC: Erif tomorrow.

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 04:58:47 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: "Avalanche"


    "Toa of Stone"


    "You talking to me?" Avalanche asked.

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 09:03:15 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Veros


    I walked up to Atonal and Crimeia. Natalia had finally caught up with us. "Welcome back Natalia," I said quietly. "Just in time for the fireworks."


    Crim looked me up and down, noticing the loads of weapons I was carrying. "When did you turn into a walking armory?" she quipped.


    "When I decided to fight Fuse," I replied shortly, and raised the hood on my duster. "And I'd rather not keep him waiting. You've seen how he gets...antsy." And I would rather end this as quickly as possible. Considering Fuse probably hasn't changed up his fighting style at all, seeing as he's still dragging around those swords of his...probably will use the old one-two slash, the overhead flip, crosscut, and maybe if I'm lucky, he'll try his signature Death Coil. What was it again? Two slashes, pause, spinning slash, and then the big swing to cleave the target in half. I grinned. I think I'll be ready. I walked past my comrades, a feeling of confidence washing over me. I would win. I knew it. It wouldn't take long to reach the Charred Forest.

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 10:07:54 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [Atonal]


    "Just stab him before he stabs you. It shouldn't be that hard."

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 12:13:26 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:"Ah, and part of his true side is revealed," Grochi said, turning back to Tarotrix. "And he thinks he can speak to me about who I am, what I'm doing, and make himself out to be so much better than me. Know this, Leftenant," he said, deliberately ignoring the Matoran's pronunciation of the rank, "You are correct. My loyalty is not to the Koro. My loyalty is to the Matoran who live in that Koro, and I'm perfectly ready to fight and die for them, as I've already sworn the oath to myself.


    "And one thing you're forgetting: You know very little as pertains to the plan I have, and I will not have you use your subordinate attitudes just because your pride was wounded by my comments. And so, if you're willing to fight and die for this Koro, set aside your pride and use your discipline to follow the people who know the plan, or the only thing you're making clear is that you're a glory-seeking fool." Grochi turned away, before tossing one last comment Tarotrix's way.


    "Do I make myself clear, or will I have to have your commanding officer brought into this as well?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 12:17:07 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [Ril]


    "Hamtaro my man," said Ril, the corporal tapping Tarotrix's shoulder. "Take a deep breath. Relax. You can shout at him after everything goes to plan."

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 12:35:26 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: JL


    "What plan?" JL said, hoping he didn't intrude. After all, while they were busy planning, he was busy running around like a duck shouting things into the street.


    Hopefully the matoran didn't think he was a psycho. It was an emergency, after all.


    "I wasn't here when it was explained, so the details would be nice."




    OOC: Could, like, everyone part of the something?

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 12:47:12 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [stronin]


    JL would be promptly grabbed by Stronin, who was still attempting to make nets. "Oh hey JL. You're with me. We're making nets. And I can't do it all by myself."

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 12:52:02 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC:


    "Oh! Can I help?"


    The question came from Nei, which had wandered off towards the two Toa. She now looking up at Stronin, giving the Toa her best puppy-dog eyes.

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 12:53:47 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [stronin]


    "Of course," said Stronin cheerfully. "Anything for a pretty girl."

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 12:56:24 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: JL


    As soon as Stronin's hands clamped upon JL, he started to shudder. "Nets? Uh...hehe, how do you make those?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 12:58:48 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC:


    "Yay!" Nei clapped her hands and gave a small jump for joy.

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 13:00:32 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [stronin]


    "Because we're still waiting for flax," said the Toa of Iron. "Turn these wires into nets!"


    He gestured to the pile of iron wires he had created.

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 13:09:27 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Baranx

    "I may not wield a Sanok, but I'm a pretty good shot. Just point me at the right catapult and I'll launch those nets for you"

  • Edited on 2014-01-07 17:20:35 by Dr. O
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  • Posted 2013-05-03 16:44:13 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • OOC: Geardirector, we're not using catapults to launch the nets. We're currently producing grenades that simply unfurl into these nets, to slam the Rahkshi down. Baranx can, however, sit by a ballista or a catapult, because we're not just using the nets, we're using everything we've got.


    IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro Guard HQ, Side Room)


    The Toa of Iron observed intently as Stralix explained the usage of the prototype, making brief mental notes about the construction. Once Stralix was done showing it to him, Perkahn took the prototype grenade, closely examined it, jutted down a few notes on a scrap of paper and then raised a hand above the table, silent in a sort of meditation. At the tip of his fingers, an iron object began to form, at first shapeless and then, with a few movements of Perkahn's hand, it became first one half of the spherical metal grenade, then another, and then the metal rings that joined them were fashioned in thin air, and then he made a timer and a button. With some more subtle movements of his fingers, he edged the counterweights and the mechanism out in the metal, and within a minute, he had an exact identical copy of the prototype grenade.


    "Good. It seems we can indeed work with this. I'll get to producing more of these spheres... meanwhile, the people outside better get me some nets and weights quick."


    With that final musing, the Toa of Iron got to work. He had to make a hundred at the least.

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 18:35:21 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Jotham sighed. "What does it matter? We have more important things to worry about than who outranks who. There's a freaking hundred rahkshi just behind that wall." He jabbed his thumb at the wall in question. "We waste time arguing about whose orders are 'official,' we're screwed. We actually discuss a plan of action based on who has ideas that will work, we might stand a chance. Simple as that." He turned to Grochi. "Now - heights. What did you have in mind?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 18:44:16 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Tarotrix/Ta-Koro)


    With all his heart, Tarotrix wanted to shout Grochi into submission. And although he accepted the fact that he should listen more closely and cooperate with those who made the plans. He still wasn't going to follow this Toa. Not even the threat of going to his commander would make him back down. For the next couple of seconds, he prepared a retort...


    "Take a deep breath. Relax. You can shout at him after everything goes to plan."

    Tarotrix quickly looked behind him. It was a Toa, and guardsman, or former guardsman. He seemed Taro quite a bit more respectable. For a Toa, at least.


    "Good point. I guess it is for the greater good to put down this little argument."


    He gave Grochi an evil look, and went on over to Perkahn. Perkahn, it seemed, was making small mechanical grenades. He hadn't much experience with such weapons before, and looked upon them with curious eyes. A thought popped into his head, just as the Ta-Toa was building a firing pin.


    "Could you make-what do you call them?" Tarotrix said. "Landmines! Yes, do you think we could put together a couple of mines. To defend the area behind the front gate, in case it's breached."

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 18:52:13 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • OOC: Technically speaking, just "went over to Perkahn" is a rather short way to describe going back inside the Guard HQ and to a side room.


    IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro Guard HQ)


    The former trapper/pirate/brewmaster/guardsman considered the idea. Mentally, he'd designed a plan for how such a landmine might work - rather like this sort of grenade, except instead of a net, it would contain a capsule that would be released upon stepping upon such a landmine with a small amount of... what? That was the key question here. What substance could be used as a damage-dealer in this situation? He would have to inquire with the expert engineer here, namely Stralix - but for now, whilst Perkahn was continuing to make the shells of the grenades (still waiting for his nets, meanwhile) he also turned to Tarotrix and asked just one question.


    "Where do you suppose we'd place them?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 18:53:31 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [Lumira] - Ta-Koro


    Lumira had paused momentarily, the words "painful death" and "conversion to Makuta" ringing in her ears like gunfire. Was the brief, brilliant glory of being a hero worth those risks? That was a selfish thought, yes, but remembering the last fight she had been part of, going mano-a-mano against a crazed Toa of gravity, was enough to sow the seeds of doubt in her mind. Was she ready to put her body and soul on the line to protect this village, in what would invariably amount to bloody and hopeless battle?


    If I agree, I'll most likely die, or be brainwashed int fighting for Makuta.


    If I back down, I'll have to live the fact that I wasn't brave enough to do the right thing when it was needed.


    The momentary pause now over, Lumira's face switched to an expression of willful determination, "I'm in; what's the plan?"



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  • Posted 2013-05-03 18:54:51 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • OOC: Alright, Eduard.

    IC: Baranx

    Baranx already knew that his bow would do next to nothing against the Rahksi, and so he decided to lend his hand manning the artillery. He looked at one of the large contraptions constructed to launch the bolts, drawing a few paralells to his own bow in his head.

    It shouldn't be too hard to use one of these.

  • Edited on 2014-01-07 17:20:02 by Dr. O
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  • Posted 2013-05-03 19:03:38 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Tarotrix/Ta-Koro)


    "If we know Rahkshi are gathered near the Onu-Koro tunnel, we could place some mines inside before closing it entirely," Tarotrix said. "It would keep any Rahkshi that try to burrow through the rubble at bay, for a short time. That is, if we blow the tunnel closed at all."

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 19:13:31 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Tarotrix/Ta-Koro)


    "If we know Rahkshi are gathered near the Onu-Koro tunnel, we could place some mines inside before closing it entirely," Tarotrix said. "It would keep any Rahkshi that try to burrow through the rubble at bay, for a short time. That is, if we blow the tunnel closed at all."

    OOC: There's already explosives placed in the tunnel, House.

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 19:14:13 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro Guard HQ)


    Perkahn took a quick look at Stralix and then back to Tarotrix, and spoke. "Mines in the Onu-Koro tunnel would not keep the Rahkshi at bay, unless we somehow plant them in the exact bits of rubble that are going to fall down from the ceiling when we blow that tunnel up. The Onu highway isn't something to take risks at. Stralix, I believe, assured me already that the explosion that's going to bring the highway down if the Rahkshi come from there is going to cause some damage that will not let any of them get through."


    The Toa of Iron, having just finished another soon-to-be-grenade, flipped it over in the air and placed it on the workbench beside the others. There were about a dozen or two now.


    "The Onu Highway, again, is not a place we'll drag on long in. If they attack from there, we blow it up. It's that simple."

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 19:15:02 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • Loren- Ta-koro


    IC: Seeing that everything was more or less planned out, Loren moved back off to the walls. Sending some Guardsmen to get the nets from the warehouse, he went about organizing those on the walls, sending some for more ammunition and shuffling the Guard members around to make sure that no spot was weaker then another.

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 19:34:24 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro Guard HQ)


    It was a few moments later that the first batch of nets, brought along by the guardsmen Loren had sent to the warehouse. Perkahn put them aside until he finished mass-producing the grenades. However, for a moment he raised his gaze towards Stralix. "Stralix, think you might kick someone out there into making some weights for these?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 19:52:19 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    "Good, now that that fool is gone, I can speak: I had Stronin set a few of his weavers and sewers towards making a hot-air balloon with some cloth. So that a few Toa and Matoran can go over and drop things down on the Rahkshi when we need to make our escape."

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 20:19:15 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: "Interesting," Jotham mused. A pebble materialized between his thumb and forefinger, and he flicked it toward the ground experimentally. "A boulder or two couldn't hurt, either. Problem, though." He looked up at Grochi. "Some of those things can teleport. What's to stop them from warping into the air, slaughtering us all, and dropping back down again?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 20:25:41 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:"Well, I would say we have a Toa of Smoke. But no such thing exists. I think we'll have to come up with somebody else to figure that one out."

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 22:44:44 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC

    Dorgath froze.

    He had thought about Makuta’s great power more than most Matoran, but he had never witnessed it. It was one thing to pray to your God, and quite another to see his might arrayed before you. Truly, Makuta was powerful.
    Rows of spears of all different shapes and sizes bristled outside the gates. Uncountable red eyes glared through the smoke. Dozens of chitinous, sleek and spiny bodies stood stock still. It was impossible to estimate the number of Rahkshi that had assembled outside the gates, but Dorgath was sure there were too many to fight.
    Every muscle in his body was tensed. He was frozen. Transformed into stone, his eyes locked with the army outside. It wasn’t just the numbers that scared him. It was what they were doing. Nothing. Every one of them was standing stock still, barely visible through the waves of heat give off by the lava moat. They weren’t attacking, they weren’t hissing threats anymore. After that initial scream, they had stopped. Now they were waiting.
    Dorgath shuddered.
    What were they waiting for?
    They weren’t going to destroy the Koro, were they? Makuta was better than that. He was a harsh god, but not one that would commit genocide. Even the Turaga wouldn’t stoop to that level. Makuta just wanted to shake the Matoran free from the Turaga’s tyranny. Maybe that was all these Rahkshi were here to do. Somehow, they would get rid of the Turaga’s legacy.
    But Dorgath didn’t really believe that. That scream they unleashed, and those red eyes, those spikes, that army…
    He was so shocked by this unexpected sight from nowhere that he didn’t even notice Flay’s command. He was frozen with fear.
    He snapped to attention, and looked around at the rest of the Resistors. His fear was clearly visible in his eyes, able to be read like symbols on a tablet.
    “Oh my god.” he said, looking around from Matoran to Matoran. “We are all going to die.”

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 22:59:53 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [stronin]


    It was at this moment when Stronin popped his head in, having taken a break from making nets and leaving it to his companions. "Hey guys, I'm currently making some nets right now, but where exactly is the flax supply?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 00:03:30 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: JL"......I don't know how to make a net," JL muttered from behind Stronin, not sure if he should be ashamed or ..... confused.

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 00:11:51 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [stronin]


    "Ask the pretty girl," said Stronin, turning to call back, before continuing to wait for a reply.

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 00:18:20 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Tivanu


    Tivanu walked around till he could find some one of importance. She seemed to be a toa of lightning wearing an Arthron. He tried to look non intimidating as he spoke

    "Hello, i will admit i lost track of who the Karz is in charge and was wondering if you may know."

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 00:29:50 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Tarotrix/Ta-Koro)


    "We're using metal," Tarotrix said to Stronin. "Flax nets can't hold Rahkshi, at least not for long."

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 00:41:13 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [stronin]


    "Nah, that's for the hot air balloon."

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