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  • Posted 2013-05-02 14:35:55 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    "Whatever assistance you're able to give," Grochi growled to the other Toa, now that he and Tuara had made it back to the others. "Because once these Rahkshi attack, we're going to have our work very well cut out for us to man this defence." Stepping away, he grabbed Perkahn, pulling the Toa of Iron off to the side.


    "Alright, Perkahn, I wasn't immediately arrested and she seems to like me. However, I think that, for all we have in the plan, there might be something more we need."

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 14:39:24 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Tivanu


    Tivanu looked over his shoulder at Kive-phu, His lava hawk. She was visibly tense from everything. He ran his hand over her back and spoke softly in inaudible tones.

    With a quick glance he turned to whoever was in charge.

    "So how can i help?"

    He shifted his larger than normal frame. He is taller than most skakdi and suffers because of it

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 14:40:03 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Tarotrix/Ta-Koro)


    Tarotrix said to Perkahn's proposal: "I don't remember any nets in storage. But if we could get some Iron Toa, we could make some metal nets."


    Tarotrix was already liking this group. Plenty of good ideas, plenty of ways to save the village. The rather small amount of hope he carried inside him increased, just a bit. But he couldn't show it on his face, he thought. He needed to remain calm and serious.


    "Metal nets are best. As these obviously aren't fish we're trying to catch."

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 14:48:12 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)

    Perkahn nodded to Grochi. "Good work there. If all goes well, we might live through this to tell the tale."


    "I don't remember any nets in storage. But if we could get some Iron Toa, we could make some metal nets."


    The Toa of Iron turned back, to face the group yet again. "Fortunately for you, one's standing here right now. Get me at least one more, and we'll have twenty or twenty five nets in storage in an hour."

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 14:50:34 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    "Perkahn, wait. I have an idea."

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 14:53:25 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)


    "And that would be?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 14:54:59 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    "You know how young, inventive Toa of Fire always like to make a little cloth sack fill up with air by heating the air within it, right?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 14:57:24 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)


    The Toa of Iron stared at his friend for a few seconds, then blinked.


    "And you're going to make a hot air balloon why?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 14:59:27 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    "We have a Skakdi with grenades, we have rocks, and we have a powerful Toa of Fire nearby," the Toa of Plasma replied, as though the answer were self evident in that statement.


    "At worst, it's a good distraction and they (our men) aren't harmed. At best, we drop bombs into the Rahkshi when we need to get out."

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 15:08:09 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Tivanu


    Tivanu looked around anxiously as he waited for some sign that he could be of assistance. He seemed restless at this


    OOC: Sorry i did not know you had, my bad.Has been fixed

  • Edited on 2013-05-02 15:19:49 by Vox The Shadow of Reality
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  • Posted 2013-05-02 15:12:50 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)


    The Toa of Iron slowly, slowly scratched his chin. "That's a bloody high risk you're putting them in there, Grochi. And honestly, I'm pretty sure Stralix is too valuable to put out there like that, what with the flamethrower and the constant supply of grenades."


    A step back and forth as Perkahn considered the idea. "If the Toa of Fire agrees, though... this could work. Someone else should go up there, though, I think, not Stralix. That flamethrower he's got is going to be quite useful down here."

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 15:16:57 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • OOC: You realize I had him pull Perk to the side so they wouldn't be interrupted, right, Vox? And it says in that first line of my last post that he's a Toa of Plasma.




    "Perhaps we could have him supply the others with an amount of grenades, and we could send up a couple Toa of Stone?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 15:21:46 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)


    "Aye. That would be a good idea."

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 15:29:06 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    "Get Stronin to have people work on that with the nets. We need it fast. I'll go notify Tuara."

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 15:38:01 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)

    "Stronin!" the Toa of Iron called out to the guy. "Listen. You're gonna need to organize some weavers to prepare the nets. I'm going to see if I can get some more Toa of Iron to help case them in metal, then."


    Whirling around, towards Stralix, he quickly voiced another request. "So how about those grenades that unfurl into nets I was suggesting? Think you might prepare some?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 15:45:24 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:


    "Stronin, get to work on making a large, cloth balloon, as well...if you can get somebody to help treat it so it's fire resistant, good, if not, we'll have to be careful," Grochi commanded, quickly turning and heading back to the gate, where Tuara was watching.


    "So, our plan has a new addition."

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 15:49:24 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: "Avalanche", talking to Perkahn


    "I think my powers could provide all the weights you would need for those nets of yours" Avalanche proposed to the Fe-Toa as he approached the place where they had grouped together.


    "By the way, weren't you supposed to forge a new weapon for the Ve-Toa over there?"


    IC: Butra


    "Leave him be, brother. Organizing the city's main defense strategy takes priority" Butra said as he walked up beside Avalanche.


    "Metal nets, yes. I approve" Butra said as he used his Akaku to spy a quick glance at the still stationary Rahskhi.


    "I advise to produce as many as possible"

  • Edited on 2013-05-02 15:49:43 by Geardirector
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  • Posted 2013-05-02 15:53:42 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)


    Perkahn snapped his fingers together in remembrance. "Right. Stronin? You said you had some extra weapons at that forge of yours? Mind getting this guy," he gestured, amiably, to Butra, "to the forge? He needs an axe about now. Something like this. Sorry for the extra workload."


    With that, the Toa of Iron handed the wooden axe Butra had handed him before over to Stronin.

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 18:16:26 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • Loren- Ta-koro


    IC: "We normally have nets for dealing with rahi and non-lethal arrests. Or last one got burnt to a crisp about week ago though. Flax does not handle the heat here very well so we normally import them from Ga-koro. I think we got a delivery yesterday but they haven't been processed yet so they never got to storage. I'll send somebody to go pick them up from the warehouse."

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 18:22:07 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Tarotrix/Ta-Koro)


    Hot air balloons, now those were something completely unexpected. Tarotrix summarily began to thinking about its potential uses. One of them concerned the well being of the other, less defensible villages. The Rahkshi were most likely surrounding them as well. The thoughts of what might happen to them disturbed him greatly.


    Ta-Koro, he felt, partially out of arrogance and partially out of confidence, would survive relatively intact. It was a floating fortress, suspended over a sea of magma. It had the most powerful military on the island, and plenty of Toa to defend it. But the others, he lamented before, had none of those. And having traveled the island very much in his youth, he had an idea of each village's weaknesses.


    Po and Ko Koro were surrounded by rock and glaciers, respectively, and were thus safer than the other three. Though, they were still quite vulnerable. Le-Koro had little ground defense, and Gukkos would hardly be a threat to Rahkshi. Ga-Koro could easily be destroyed by breaking holes into the lilly pads, and causing it to sink into the sea. Onu-Koro, with the right Rahkshi attacking it, could collapse under tons of earth and rubble.


    A hot air balloon could be used to help the other Koros after the battle, or to evacuate them beforehand. His idea could help save dozens, not to mention "Tarotrix: Savior of the Ga-Matoran" sounded like a fine headline.


    "On the subject of balloons, we could build another to help evacuate the less-defended villages," he said seriously to Perkahn. "Or we can have them go to the other villages afterwords so we can organize a counterattack."

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 18:28:31 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)


    Perkahn took a good, long, serious look at Tarotrix right after nodding to Loren in acknowledgment of what he had said. "Hot air balloons might work for tossing down projectiles at the enemy, but they're not quite large or mobile enough to work as a suitable transport to liberate the other villages. We can only hope that the Le-Koronans escape here - they have the only safe way to evacuate those villages, namely Gukko."

  • Edited on 2013-05-02 18:28:47 by Eduard Bernstein
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  • Posted 2013-05-02 18:46:51 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Tarotrix/Ta-Koro)


    Tarotrix nodded in agreement. Having not seen many balloons in his days, he didn't know much about the things. He thought they could make them larger.


    "If that is the case, I think we can spare a low-level guard to look out for Gukkos. Now, lets get down to building."

  • Edited on 2013-05-02 18:47:19 by Mr. House
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  • Posted 2013-05-02 19:20:04 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC (Stralix)


    "Can do. I've got a prototype for that kind of thing lying around - shouldn't take too long to make some more. In fact, it's an all-metal design - so a Toa of Iron could mass-produce them, if need be..."

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 19:25:36 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)


    The Toa of Iron smiled, a smile as bright and searing as the flames of the Mangai Volcano. He liked people of competence, and this Stralix was proving to be exactly that. "Right. Let's get to the guard headquarters - there, you'll show me this prototype. People, get me weights and nets to the guard headquarters. That's where I'll be based. Any extra Toa of Iron would also definitely help."


    And with that, they started off towards the Guard HQ. The guards at the base showed them to a sideroom which they claimed was perfect for the task they were up to. Once inside, Perkahn nodded to Stralix. "So how is this little thing of yours made?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 19:36:00 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • OOC: Mild bunnying


    IC: Butra


    Butra had gotten his weapon from Stronin's forge: a single-bladed axe with a frightening peg on the other side. The weapon sported a cobalt finish that made it stand out in sharp contrast to the eternally reddish/brown surroundings.


    Butra swung the axe around a couple times, producing a satisfactory hum as the weapon cut through the air.


    "Excellent worksmanship, Brother" Butra congratulated as he grew a wodden guard around the hand grasping the weapon. He wasn't planning on losing it.

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 20:24:06 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Fiera

    I sighed. "No. I tried, but that never helped. Booze did, but the evil doctors banned me from it." I grimaced. "I'll be fine, just need to get some shut eye. Speaking of which... What's with all the racket?" I said, hearing a lot of commotion from the streets like there was a war on.

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 20:31:32 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC (Stralix)


    They had stopped by the inventor's workshop on the way, so fortunately Stralix had the prototype on hand to demonstrate.


    "The mechanism's relatively simple," he said, presenting the spherical object. "In the casing, there's a counterweight system that will be set off by the impulse of the launch, and after a certain amount of time, release the catches around the join of the two hemispheres."


    To demontrate, he pressed a flat circular section of the sphere's exterior, and the two halves (connected by interlocking semicircles) came apart, revealing the hollow space within.


    "The net goes inside," Stralix continued. "Once the mechanism's timer finishes, the hemispheres disconnect and the net is released. We should be able to load these into some of the launchers already installed in the defences. The mechanism isn't too complicated; it's essentially clockwork."

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 20:49:52 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Vorlik

    The Toa of Lightning clutched his pike. Strapped to the Toa's hand was a shield. He started to run towards the ramparts. He would defend this place with his life. As long as he was alive, he would try and stave of the hoards of attackers.

    He had heard the Rahkshi were very dangerous, and he wasn't sure whether or not he wanted to test that out. He decided that for the moment, he would assume that this was true. But he could not let innocents be killed by these monsters. He would fight.

    He was beginning to formulate a plan. He would drive the pike into the mouth of the Rahkshi, and then start to pump volts into the creature. From experience, he knew that internal organs were generally a weak spot for most life forms.

    But overall, he was scared. Very scared.


    Vorlik open for interaction.

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 23:54:58 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • OOC: Mild BZPTiming.


    IC: JL


    After some time, a certain demoted and hopefully fired Toa of Lightning headed back towards the group. He was tired, sure, but he knew it wasn't the right situation. Heading back to the group, he nodded to Tarotrix.


    "Most of the matoran are safe indoors. Most of them have already set up barricades; if not, they have now. As for volunteers, sadly, there weren't many. Most of them have decided to come here. If there still were any people willing to fight left in the village, they're probably still surveying the situation, alone...."


    He looked around. Everyone was working on something now. "Where can I help?" he asked to nobody in particular.

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  • Posted 2013-05-02 23:59:47 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Tivanu


    As Tivanu walked near the gates, He seemed very very calm. Infact he was whistling. He suddenly saw a toa of lighting that looked very nervous. As he approached the toa he offered as nice of smile he could manage

    "Hello toa. You seem rather nervous. Is this your first time seeing a rahkshi?"


    OOC: That is targeted at Canis

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 00:14:39 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Vorlik

    The Toa of Lightning turned to the figure who had approached him. He was a Skakdi of a type that Vorlik couldn't quite recognize, having white and purple armor. Vorlik replied, "Yeah. Are they really as dangerous as the rumors say they are?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 00:35:26 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Tivanu


    Tivanu considered the toa of lightning for a few seconds before nodding

    "Yes. They are creatures that live for destruction and death. They will fight till they win or they die. A single one is a force to be reckoned with."

    He tried to look at unthreatening as he could which is hard for a skakdi

    "May i ask if you are prepared to risk you life in the upcoming fight?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 00:58:46 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC:


    As Perkahn, Stralix, Grochi and the other assorted defenders of Ta-Koro discussed various methods of repelling the inevitable attack, a confident (yet still slightly anxious) chirp rose up from beside the group, spilling out from the mouth of an ash-stained but energetic Le-Matoran.


    "Excuse me, mates," she began, her voice barely wavering before the assembled beings. "Name's Lumira, and I want to know what I can do to help protect the village. I'm fast, I can fight, and I'm willing to do anything to keep Makuta from having the satisfaction of victory here."



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  • Posted 2013-05-03 01:02:35 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [stronin]


    "Not my work," replied Stronin. "Thank Soli. If we ever see her again."


    He clapped his hands. "Now then! People with weaving experience! Follow me!"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 01:08:52 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Vorlik

    "I will risk everything if I can save many people from death. I do not want anyone to die." Vorlik looked out at the Rahkshi and said, "So what's your element?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 01:12:31 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Within minutes the village had come alive with activity. Worried residents hurried for their homes; a few of the more excitable villagers sprinted to nowhere in particular, charging through the avenues and alleyways, screaming about judgement and the end times. Heralds raced up and down the streets, carrying message of every kind - warnings, reassurances, requests for warriors to assemble. The warriors themselves were doing so gradually. Among them was a Toa of Stone, and, in case you hadn't guessed it yet, he's the one we'll focus on. Jotham stepped up behind a Le-Matoran who was in the process of introducing herself to a large group of beings. A war council. "...keep Makuta from having the satisfaction of victory here," she was saying."Jotham," he said simply, nodding to the group of beings. "Toa of Stone." He didn't expect a response. He stepped past the Le-Matoran and took his place at the edge of the circle.

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 01:14:40 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Tivanu


    Tivanu ran his hand along the back of Kive-phu's back feathers before looking at the Toa of lightning again

    "My element is gravity. The name is Tivanu."

    He places a hand on Kive-phu's back and smiles

    "This is Kive-phu. A lava hawk i rescued on my first trip through Ta-wahi."

    Kive-phu cooed softly as she lightly nipped at Tivanu's hand

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 01:15:57 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:Grochi grinned. Here were two of the perfect people for one of the myriad parts of his and Perkahn's plan.


    "Lumira, are you two with heights?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-03 01:23:44 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC:


    If Lumira weren't so gung-ho about playing glorious role of "hero", she might have been mildly concerned about the plasma Toa's grin when coupled with his strange question. As it was, she simply grinned back, placing one hand directly at her hip and letting the tip of her tanto knife hit the ground.


    "Well, seeing as I recently fell a hundred bio from a flying Gukko bird... I'd say that I'm pretty good with 'em," the Le-Matoran answered with a warped sense of morbid pride.



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  • Posted 2013-05-03 01:46:52 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Tarotrix/Among the Ta-Koran War Council/Ta-Koro)


    Tarotrix looked at this airwoman with a mix of intrigue and curiosity. She seemed, at first impressions, an excitable soldier of lower rank. And although he felt kind of guilty about thinking it, he realized she would take more risks than an older warrior. In other words, she would be perfect for the job.


    "Good then, Lumira, I think you're hired," he saud. "If not, then I will go."

  • Edited on 2013-05-03 01:47:38 by Mr. House
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