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  • Posted 2013-05-04 00:43:02 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [Lumira] - Ta-Koro


    "What about a Toa of Magnetism?" Lumira suggested, already intrigued and thoroughly unnerved by the plasma Toa's strategy. "Or a Fe-Toa? Or Vo-Toa? With one of them on board, they could spread some chaos into the ranks long enough for us to defend ourselves."



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  • Posted 2013-05-04 00:53:54 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Tarotrix/Ta-Koro)


    "Yes, very good idea," Taro replied. "Station Fe-Toa at the walls, and they could crush the Rahkshi as they fly towards the village. They'll need extra protection, though. I figure the beasts will target them first."

  • Edited on 2013-05-04 00:54:19 by Mr. House
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  • Posted 2013-05-04 00:55:12 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC:


    "Did somebody say, 'magnetism'?" Sehrii asked, approaching the group.

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 01:15:07 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [Lumira] - Ta-Koro


    Glancing at Tarotrix, the Le-Matoran nodded, "Right then, you're the Guard around here; see to it, Mr. Lieutenant!"


    Then, without missing a beat in the train of conversation going around, she whirled to face the approaching Toa of (presumably, given her question) magnetism, "Hey there! Are you a Toa of magnetism, and are you willing to embark with us on a ridiculously dangerous mission which promises equal parts pain and glory?"



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  • Posted 2013-05-04 01:24:51 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC:


    "Yes... And yes!" Sehrii said, clapping her hands once, "When do we get started!?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 01:32:24 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [Ril]


    "Glory is overrated."

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 07:28:05 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro Guard HQ)

    "The flax is out in the guard warehouse down the street. I wouldn't be surprised if you find it unguarded considering all this havoc, and even if you find it guarded just tell the guard Loren sent you, since I'm hardly a voice of authority yet."


    Perkahn, as he finished saying that, completed the last of the hundred and twelve grenade shells he had prepared, placing it along its brothers on the table. Now awaited the rather more easy part - weights. His part in this was to just make metal hooks of substantial size, and then...


    "Also, if you could call a Toa of Magnetism or of Gravity or something like that inside here, that would be great, thanks."

  • Edited on 2013-05-04 07:35:40 by Eduard Bernstein
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  • Posted 2013-05-04 07:49:09 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Tivanu


    Tivanu tapped the end of his staff onto the ground as a loud huff escaped his lips

    I have never felt so bloody useless

    He walked around Ta-koro trying to find some form of excitement. With that he sighed heavily as he sat himself upon a low wall. He saw a few spare peices of rocks and pointed his staff at the rocks. With a solid flick a bolt of energy shot from the tip of the staff as the rocks floated several feet off the ground. Tivanu just smirked as he did this


    OOC: Tivanu open for interaction

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 07:51:14 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Butra


    Out of nowhere, a small of assortment of vines erupted from the ground and grabbed the stones that Tivanu had been levitating. When he looked up, he would see a green and silver-armored Toa with an Akaku observing him calmly through the masks' built in lenses.


    "Greetings, Skakdi" Butra said.

  • Edited on 2013-05-04 07:51:29 by Geardirector
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  • Posted 2013-05-04 07:57:17 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [stronin]


    Stronin smiled, giving the older Toa a quick nod and turning out the door, where JL seemed to be waiting. Hopefully he could trust his old acquaintance and the pretty girl (funny, he didn't manage to catch her name) with the construction of metal nets while he went off and procured some flax for more nets and whatever a "hot-air balloon", as Grochi had called, was.


    "Right then," he said, patting his friend on the shoulder. "I won't be long. Try handle everything while I'm gone."


    Before the other Toa could think up a reply, the former thief strode down the street to where the guard storehouse was located. As Perkahn had said, there were no guards manning the door, leaving everything inside unprotected. It would actually be remarkably easy to waltz out with everything inside.


    "You could do that right now," spoke his subconscious.


    The Toa of Iron ignored the voice, entering the building in search for the flax. Soon enough, he realised that he would need a wheelbarrow to carry it all. With a sigh, he let go of the flax, dropping it on the floor as he looked around for one. There were none.


    "Looks like I'll have to make my own then," he muttered, snapping his fingers to create a cart. "Well, time to head back."


    Packing the flax into the cart, he wheeled it out of the building and down to street where his acquaintances were.


    "How did it go?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 09:08:20 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Tivanu


    Tivanu shot a glance to the Toa of plantlife and seemed a bit surprised

    "Well hello there toa. May i ask what i owe the pleasure of your prescense."


    Kive-phu looked at the toa and simply cawed loudly while adjusting her stance on Tivanu's shoulder

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 09:31:59 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Butra


    "I'm currently on the lookout for a place where I can lend my hand to the city's defense. Alas, it seems my search has so far proven fruitless"


    The vines under Butra's control regressed into the ground, dropping the rocks with audible clacks.


    "And what about you? Have you found yourself at a loss for what to do next as well?"

  • Edited on 2013-05-04 09:32:26 by Geardirector
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  • Posted 2013-05-04 09:49:46 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Tivanu


    Tivanu laughed slightly as he rose from his seat

    "Aye i am at a loss for what i can do. Feel absolutely useless right now."

    His body cracked as he stretched.

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 10:26:08 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Butra


    "Perhaps a joint effort could serve us both well. If we could find the lieutenant that was taking charge earlier, he might have a suggestion for us"


    Butra's Akaku zeroed in on the Lava Hawk resting on the Skakdi's shoulder. and the Ve-Toa nodded in its direction.


    "With my mask and your flying companion, searching the city shouldn't be too hard"


    "And before I forget" Butra continued and reached out with his hand "the name is Butra"

  • Edited on 2013-05-04 10:26:22 by Geardirector
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  • Posted 2013-05-04 10:48:49 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Tivanu


    Tivanu smiled softly which still looked feirce with his skakdi smiles. He extended his hand and shook Butra's firmly

    "Tivanu. Mercenary."

    He looked up at kive-phu and smiles softly

    "And this is Kive-phu. I rescued her here several years ago."

    He pauses a bit smiling

    "And yes perhaps we could. Sadly Kive-phu only understands Skakdi."

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 14:41:27 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC (Stralix)


    Stralix's attention appeared to have wandered; the inventor stood near the wall, staring at the ceiling, mouthing calculations of some sort. Nodding his head, he snapped back to reality.


    "Sorry, Perkahn," he said. "Just trying to estimate the kinetic energy threshold for a certain flight trajectory - um, to see whether the cannons on the walls would be capable of firing these net-pods. Did you need me for something?"

  • Edited on 2013-05-04 14:41:38 by Ghosthands
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  • Posted 2013-05-04 15:15:21 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [Lumira] - Ta-KoroThen, without missing a beat in the train of conversation going around, she whirled to face the approaching Toa of (presumably, given her question) magnetism, "Hey there! Are you a Toa of magnetism, and are you willing to embark with us on a ridiculously dangerous mission which promises equal parts pain and glory?"

    IC: "As it stands, I see no place for glory in this mission," Jotham said. "Pain, on the other hand? There'll be plenty of that when they teleport up to the balloon and kill us all." He turned to Grochi. "I would fill the balloon with beings who can escape when they need to. Gravity users, those with Kadins, Mirus, and Kualsis. Maybe magnetism. Then I'd load it up with explosives, too - rahkshi appears, everyone bails, rahkshi explodes."

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 15:58:44 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC-Grochi:"See, I give you guys an idea and you start fleshing it out perfectly on your own," the Toa of Plasma said to Lumira and Jotham. "Well, whatever ideas you have, flesh them out into a full plan and tell me. I doubt I'll refuse to say 'I love you go for it' unless I've suddenly been infected or turned insane."

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 16:03:33 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro Guard HQ)


    "It's all quite fine. You woke up at a most opportune time, however. We're going to see how this works."


    The Toa of Iron, smiling and filled with the unfamiliar glee of testing out the first beta to a weapon, attached a few weights he had just completed to one of the metal nets the guardsmen had brought along. A couple of quick folding moves later, Perkahn had a small enough item to fit within the sphere, and so he did.


    Flipping over the grenade in his hand, he pressed the button and tossed it at the opposite wall - hoping quite a bit it would blow before bouncing off and towards anyone.


    He counted the seconds. One. Two. Three.


    At three, the interconnecting joints between the two halves of the sphere slid aside, releasing the net and trapping a random guardsman within it. Perkahn smiled as he went on to get the poor guy out of the net. "Sorry. Here, have a widget. You helped a lot, though."


    As the unnamed guardsman hurried out of the room to make sure something similar doesn't happen again, Perkahn turned to Stralix. "Good. I think I'm going to be able to explain the usage to the guys at the walls. Now to finish making the weights and nets enough to fill all other hundred and six grenades."


    "Also, that thing you said about whether the cannons on the walls could launch these... that's a neat idea, fitting these in artillery rather than people's hands. Maybe you should investigate the workings of the ballistae and the catapults on the walls, and see what other defenses we could put up there?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 17:23:57 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC (Stralix)


    "I originally designed the pods as mechanically launched projectiles, rather than hand-thrown ones," Stralix replied. "That counterweight system I mentioned? It would automatically prime them when fired - the button's just for manual priming. If my calculations are right, the catapults should work perfectly. Not sure about the ballistae; they're designed for bolts and arrows, not spheres."


    The Skakdi made his way to the door.


    "I'll take a look at the ramparts," he said. "I might have some more gadgets lying around we'd be able to use..."

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 17:58:04 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • Loren- Ta-koro


    IC: Seeing that everything was more or less planned out, Loren moved back off to the walls. Sending some Guardsmen to get the nets from the warehouse, he went about organizing those on the walls, sending some for more ammunition and shuffling the Guard members around to make sure that no spot was weaker then another.

    IC: Butra


    Butra had successfully located the lieutenant from earlier, observing him go about his business preparing the city for the coming attack. Butra walked calmly to where Loren was currently occupied, hopefully with Tivanu close behind.


    "Pardon me, sir" he excused "but it seems my companion here and I have found ourselves without any assignments. We do wish to help, but we cannot do so without knowing where it is needed"

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 18:24:51 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro Guard HQ)

    "Ah, Stralix, one more thing," Perkahn called after him just as he was about to step out the door, "Do you think you might design some spring traps for just before the gate? I just thought that it would be nice to literally have the Rahkshi fly out once they enter the city."

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 18:50:18 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC (Stralix)


    "Hmm...I'll think about it," Stralix replied, disappearing off to the ramparts.

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 18:53:08 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • Loren- Ta-koro


    IC:"Hmmm, a Toa of the Green? Well, you could help with the flax that people need. We need a few more catapults on the north side of the wall. We have ropes you can use for that, or you could simply use vines."


    OOC:Who was his companion?

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 21:02:53 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [Lumira] - Ta-Koro


    "Glory is totally awesome, Ril," Lumira shot back, the wild cheerfulness at seeing the Ta-Toa again apparent on her face. "Just so long as it's for the correct reasons. Like saving a village, for example."


    Next up, the Toa o' magnetism. Tempering her gung-ho disposition, she asked "Alright then; in the scenario that we would be forced to abandon a vehicle flying high through the air, would you be able to get yourself and/or another person to the ground safely?"


    Finally, the Le-Matoran turned to Jotham, "Do we need explosives if we're gonna be bringing a Toa of gravity with us. I've seen what those guys can do; couldn't they create a gravity well or something like that around the balloon and crush the Rahkshi?"



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  • Posted 2013-05-04 21:29:13 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC:


    "Uh... I dunno. I'm wearing a mask of strength, so if I could jump overboard while holding someone, and then grab onto a ledge or something... Then the answer is yes!"

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 21:29:14 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Jolek, always a champion of situational awareness, practically collapsed onto a bench in one of the city's courtyards, dropping a duffel bag at his feet and slumping back, feeling the fatigue practically drain out of him into the ground. "Gah..." he groaned, head lolling skyward as he rested. "Some wrong turn that was. At least I got here..."

    Through the tunnel.Master of direction.Hm. Something felt different here, though. There was a different... tenseness, perhaps, to the city, than every other time he had stopped by. The air itself seemed a taut bowstring, ready to snap at any moment.Even as he relaxed, he absorbed all this information, filing it away for later use. Now was time to give his feet a freakin' break, not prepare for battle or something like that.

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 21:37:10 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • OOC: Warning to all humans. Huge twist in Perkahn's biography may be coming soon. You will all either have been clever and expected this, or won't have been paying attention and thus won't have expected this. So beware.


    IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)


    T'was then that Perkahn finished fitting weights to all the nets he had at this point, and, being Mata Nui's only certified master of coincidence, decided precisely then to take a short break, to replenish his elemental energy while he waited for Stronin's pals to finish making nets for him. On the way, he handed the grenades that he and Stralix had finished so far to a guardsman, and briefly informed him of how they should be fitted into the cannons atop the ramparts, while he himself made his way to the same bench in his favourite courtyard of Ta-Koro where...


    "... Jolek?"


    ... was sitting.

  • Edited on 2013-05-04 21:40:34 by Eduard Bernstein
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  • Posted 2013-05-04 21:46:46 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: The Toa of Magnetism shifted his head towards Perkhan, confusion evident in his expression."Yeah."He frowned, gazing at the Toa of Iron standing above him. Kinda familiar. Maybe he'd seen him around town."Do I know you?" he asked, as politely as he could.

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 21:50:48 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro Courtyard)

    At first, Perkahn seemed to have been taken aback, but just for one moment. He then raised his finger, eyes closed, as if trying to remember something. A second later, he reverted to his original pose and expression. "Aye, you could say that. Just one question. Have you had amnesia at any point in the past, recent past, distant past, just... generic past?"

  • Edited on 2013-05-04 21:51:05 by Eduard Bernstein
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  • Posted 2013-05-04 21:58:07 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: "Yyyyyyyes?" Jolek responded, scrutinizing Perkhan. "When I was a kid I washed up on the shores of Le. Don't really remember anything before that.""Except fighting. I must've learned quite a bit before watever happened happened..." he mumbled, idly fiddling with his handwraps.

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 22:04:11 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro Courtyards)


    Perkahn scratched his chin, feeling highly uncomfortable with this sudden turn of events. After all, it wasn't every day you had to explain something like this. This wasn't supposed to be going this way; he was supposed to be happy for once in a while definitively knowing Jolek was alive, not be dealing with the rather unfortunate awkwardness of saying it.


    Saying it, aye. That's a term.


    "See, Jolek," the Toa of Iron, former pirate, guardsman, trapper, mercenary, brewmaster and kolhii amateur champ said as clearly as he could, "I'm your father."

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 22:07:29 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: The younger Highwind blinked candidly."What?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 22:13:44 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro Courtyards)

    The older Highwind nodded slightly. "If you want, I can prove it. Do you know your last name?"


    "Er, yes..."


    "Is it Highwind?"


    "Er, yes..."


    Before Jolek could continue, Perkahn reached for his pocket and brought out a wanted poster of his from twenty years ago, that he typically kept there, folded up, for safe-keeping. By now, little but his picture and his name remained.


    Perkahn Highwind.


    He showed it to Jolek, and then shoved it back inside his pocket. "Perkahn Highwind. That's me. Coincidentally also your dad."

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 22:28:55 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: Well then. That's a new one.Jolek sat there, processing this information. Here he was, staring his long-lost father in the face.And he had no idea what to say to that."...Guess it's been a while, then." he offered tentatively.

  • Edited on 2013-05-04 22:29:12 by Raz: Lord of Going Fast
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  • Posted 2013-05-04 22:40:15 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro Courtyard)

    The Toa of Iron took a breath. A deep one. There was lot he could say, no doubt. He honestly didn't know what, though. So he just took a seat on the bench, exerted from the sheer emotional weight of seeing his son again.


    "Sure has."


    Nor he nor Arianna did not exactly know how Jolek disappeared in the first place. One day, he just went out into the Charred Forest to train, as they often let him do... and the boy didn't come back. Perkahn went looking for him - he didn't just go looking for him, he organized, with some help from the guard, the whole darn city into a search party. Some people actually developed outright hatreds for him after the way he drove them off their feet that day. Jolek, however, wasn't found.


    Both Arianna and Perkahn were, at first... depressed, to say the least. Strangely, it was Arianna who recovered first. It was she who one night, a week after Jolek disappeared, came up to Perkahn, who had spent the last half-hour or so wracking his head, if not outright crying, over this situation. And she told him: if Jolek was dead, she would've known.


    Perkahn didn't ask how she would've known. They just felt it. And that hope fed them and nurtured them, and eventually it proved right, because one day, Perkahn, out on his exile in Le-Wahi, heard a voice.


    Thought, at that exact moment, that it was just a dream, since it was still a dark and starry night, but later he realized - Jolek, in fact, was indeed alive. Rumors confirmed that. Perkahn's son was alive and well.


    ... And here he was.


    "Sure has," Perkahn echoed his prior statement and added, "So. This is a poor question to ask of your estranged son that you were reunited with in the middle of a Rahkshi siege on Ta-Koro, but how have you been?"

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 22:43:10 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [Lumira] - Ta-Koro


    She mulled over that possibility for a moment, trying to determine what the likelihood of success for such a tactic was. The answer which sprung to mind was, admittedly, rather disheartening.


    "Given that we'll be directly over the Rahkshi at that point," Lumira began tentatively, "I'm not sure what the chances of finding a ledge to grab onto would be, though I certainly could be wrong -- y'know, I'm not exactly a cartographer. Would you be able to use your powers over magnetism to carry people down? Is that possible?"



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  • Posted 2013-05-04 23:13:05 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: "Okay, I guess?" He replied. "I mean, there's been quite a bit since I woke up that day. Living in the Jungle with a friend's... kinda like that."

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  • Posted 2013-05-04 23:21:52 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: "Down?" Jotham asked. "That's the last place you'd want to be. Back over the wall's what you'd be aiming for." A stone tablet materialized in Jotham's hand, thin lines beginning to fill about half of it with the image of a hot air balloon. "Gravity's effective, sure, but for straight-up guaranteed destruction, you can't beat a good old-fashioned explosion. It leaves a lot less room for error. What if the Ba-Toa doesn't concentrate long enough, for example? Or what if a gravity well consumes too much power? What if the rahkshi warps away as soon as it realizes what's happening?" He shook his head. "Besides, explosives give us a nice fireball that crashes to the ground and hopefully kills a few more." A few lines of text appeared on the tablet. "Explosives."

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  • Posted 2013-05-05 01:39:34 UTC
    BZPRPG: Ta-Wahi
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  • IC: [Ril]


    "Eh, I suppose," said the Toa of Fire. "But anyway, nice to see you again."

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